1) I missed the BC Hydro webinar about LED street lights the other day. I will ask if there is a recording of it and if so I will share. Here is the overview of what BC Hydro was presenting and there is a comment form to complete, even if you did not participate in the webinar.
Given the problems with the LED lighting program in San Diego (see update of Aug. 13: 2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-08-13-smart-streetlight-controversy-in-san-diego/), I think there are many questions/comments to make. For example, costs. Projections of savings have often been optimistic, and in San Diego they were regarding this program. Also, what will be in the casing with the light (e.g Wi-Fi transmitters and cameras were in those in San Diego)?
https://www.bchydro.com/about/planning_regulatory/regulatory.html (click on “Workshop presentation” under “Workshops – Street Light Rate Design“)
2) A member suggested that I share again an article that was in an update last year. We have lots of new members and it is an important article re the insurance companies’ recognition of the risks associated with 5G. As you know, many major carriers, such as members of Lloyd’s of London, refuse to insure health risks associated with EMR. Concerns with 5G go beyond health to include others such as cybersecurity and privacy.
(click on photo to enlarge)

“To allow for a functional network coverage and increased capacity overall, more antennas will be needed, including acceptance of higher levels of electromagnetic radiation. In some jurisdictions, the rise of threshold values will require legal adaptation. Existing concerns regarding potential negative health effects from electromagnetic fields (EMF) are only likely to increase. An uptick in liability claims could be a potential long-term consequence.
Other concerns are focused on cyber exposures, which increase with the wider scope of 5G wireless attack surfaces. Traditionally IoT devices have poor security features. Moreover, hackers can also exploit 5G speed and volume, meaning that more data can be stolen much quicker. A large-scale breakthrough of autonomous cars and other IoT applications will mean that security features need to be enhanced at the same pace. Without, interruption and subversion of the 5G platform could trigger catastrophic, cumulative damage. …”
Swiss Re Classifies 5G as “HIGH” Impact Emerging Risk in White Paper
3) Non EMR. Site C area continues to experience many earthquakes, some of them quite strong, caused by fracking. So many problems with this program which is running way over budget and could/should be stopped before more permanent damage is done to the environment.
Thousands of Quakes, Tied to Fracking, Keep Shaking the Site C Dam Region
“Building the Site C dam in northeastern British Columbia is proving more difficult than officials predicted due to unstable ground on the northern bank. Adding to concerns: myriad earthquakes.
For nearly a decade, The Tyee has reported on a rising number of earthquakes caused by the hydraulic fracturing of shale formations in the region. Now, new studies put the number of such tremors in recent years in the many thousands, raising more worries about the future of the mega-project.
Researchers warn the shaking could become strong enough to crumble critical infrastructure such as roads, high-rise buildings — and dams.”
4) A public information meeting in Qualicum Beach on Sunday:
“Good morning Everyone,
You are invited to an emf/emr information meeting, this Sunday, at 2 pm, in the park, beside the Village Way Community Garden (at the end of Village Way, near the old train station).
Felix, from Port Alberni, and others will be available to answer questions, and to give information about using meters to determine emf/emr. I highly recommend that every household has meters. I highly recommend Safe Living Technologies (https://slt.co/) to purchase high-quality and up-to-date meters.
Please bring a chair, and anything else you may need. We will be social-distancing under the fruit trees.
We believe that the best way of getting information out to the public is through kindness, gentleness, and courtesy. We hope to share information that will be helpful to you, and help to keep your family safe and well. We also hope that some of you will feel empowered with more information, to be able to share with the public.
Please join us in what we promise will be a very informative meeting. Please feel free to invite others to the meeting.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Loyalty to the Nation all the time, loyalty to the Government when it deserves it.” Mark Twain