1) Kate Kheel has shared a blog post intended to help clear up the confusion about the need for 5G to “bridge the digital divide”. It also underscores the need for digital literacy as a public right/necessity.
BRIDGING THE DIGITAL DIVIDE – What Could Be Wrong with That?
“Access to the internet is now considered a public necessity, similar to water and electricity. People lacking affordable and reliable internet access are at a disadvantage in navigating today’s world, especially in these times of social isolation.
The telecom industry is intent on “bridging the digital divide” to end this inequity. Sounds good at first blush, but unfortunately, the lowest cost internet option – one that is neither safe, environmentally friendly, nor respectful of privacy – is the one being offered. Will this fix the problem or are we rather substituting one disadvantage for another?”
2) Last week the Children’s Health Defense held a zoom press conference in which they shared information filed in their lawsuit against the FCC. It was very interesting and if you missed it, the video is now available. Everything that applies to FCC applies equally to Health Canada. Both are failing to protect the public and are working to enhance and advance the interests of the telecoms.
CHD Holds Press Conference on Evidentiary Brief Submission in CHD V. FCC Lawsuit
“The case is challenging the FCC’s refusal to review its 25-year-old obsolete wireless “health guidelines”and to promulgate scientific, human evidence-based radio frequency emissions (“RF”) rules that adequately protect public health. The FCC’s false “health guidelines” have enabled the uncontrolled proliferation of harmful wireless technology and more recently, the deployment of dangerous 5G installations.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7zUelXUKzSk&feature=emb_title (1 hour)
3) In Letters is an appeal for letters/emails/visits to the Council members and Mayor of Qualicum Beach to stop the erection of another cell tower which would be extremely close to schools and homes. Sadly, the area already has 3 towers — and adding more EMR is increasing the radiation to which children are exposed. Please see the Petition with comments by some of the hundreds of people who fought against this same tower a few months ago.
Thank you to all of you that have written emails, and for those that haven’t had a chance yet, here is one more opportunity. Happy BC Day!, Fred and Carol
(click on photo to enlarge)

Dear Friends Opposing a 4th Cell Tower in Qualicum Beach.
45 metre, 147 Foot Cell Tower at Village Way/and 18th tee at Eaglecrest across Highway from original Christian Fellowship Church site (Feb. 2020) by Telus
Deadline: August 19, 2020, 3:30pm (send sooner if possible)
Please help write emails or handwritten letters to Mayor and Council, Qualicum Beach and drop off at letter box at front door of Town Council (near the fountain & library).
One letter or email represents 50 people. Also, below is the
petition which is good to sign, but the emails and letters are gold and show intent.
This is the link: http://chng.it/LphqXjPj
Some of you have received our request to write to the Mayor and Council, opposing the 4th cell tower at the entrance to Qualicum Beach from Parksville (Village Way and old highway 19), and have done so, and we thank you so very much! For those that have not written, here is one more chance to do this before August 19, 2020 at 3:30pm when we will present as a delegation on Zoom at Qualicum Beach Council. We will have 2 medical doctors as part of our delegation. You can watch this by going to google:
Qualicum Beach Council Meeting, on August 19, 2020 and listen in, and comment by email at the end.
Suggestions for email/handwritten content (please write your own concerns too):
2] Location is between 3 schools (and a Daycare) and 2 Senior residences, The Gardens and Berwick nursing homes.
3] We have 3 tall cell towers already in Qualicum Beach, population 9,000: Laburnum 47 metres, Firehall 38 metres and Water Tower 37 metres has Rogers
(and Freedmon, on Village Way, is located 414 metres from Christian Fellowship Church which has an infant and toddlers Daycare)
4] Eaglecrest can get cell phone call reception by using ROGERS cell phones, but many are unwilling to change their service.
5] Ugly appearance of a 45 metre 147 foot cell tower at the entrance to Qualicum Beach at Village Way and Highway 19 (18th tee Eaglecrest or behind the big Qualicum Beach entrance sign.)
Write to these emails and type across top of email:
mayor@qualicumbeach.com 250-738-2213
awalker@qualicumbeach.com 250-947-5115
twestbroek@qualicumbeach.com 250-228-5473
rfilmer@qualicumbeach.com 250-228-0852
sharrison@qualicumbeach.com 250-927-7809
hsvensen@qualicumbeach.com 250-752-6921 (Administrator)
lsales@qualicumbeach.com 250-752-6921 (Planning)
dsailland@qualicumbeach.com 250-752-6921 (Chief Admin. Officer)
One email represents 50 people, so you can have each person in your household write a letter, and tell your friends too. This is the most effective way to reach Council and Mayor, the decision makers. Also calling their telephone numbers and voicing your opposition is very effective.
Thank you so very much for your efforts to help stop this 4th cell tower in Qualicum Beach. We appreciate you.
Carol and Fred Dowe
Concerned Citizens re: 45 metre 147 foot cell tower at Village Way, old Highway 19 or 18th tee Eaglecrest (right across highway from original site at the church), Qualicum Beach
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe