1) Ericsson, a major telecom company, is warning that the 5G grid as it is currently designed will result with energy usage increasing dramatically. Independent experts have advised an even greater increase, one our environment cannot handle.
“Energy consumption is set to increase dramatically if 5G is deployed in the same way as 3G and 4G were,” Ericsson warns in a report published in March.
“Some communications service providers have even estimated a doubling of their energy consumption to meet increasing traffic demands while improving their network and rolling out 5G,” writes Erik Ekudden, Senior VP, CTO and Head of Group Function Technology at Ericsson, in a foreword to the report.
“This is not sustainable from a cost or environmental perspective,” he warns.”
(click on photos to enlarge)

2) Dr. Arazi and his team have started a serious campaign to educate and alert people about the dangers of cell phones. This website has posters and flyers for printing and much more. How many cell phones has Health Canada tested, as intended to be used, next to a person’s head instead of a distance away from some huge plastic head filled with gelatin? As far as I know, none. No follow-up to the Chicago Tribune’s and Dr. Gandhi’s independent tests that confirmed Phonegate’s findings.
“No mobile phone sold today protects the health of its users. The fault lies with European and international legislation driven solely by the economic interests of the mobile telephony industry..
This will be even more the case with the introduction of 5G smartphones!“
3) Nina Beety, from California, has provided comments to the FCC which, with minor modifications, could be sent to Health Canada. She has done a terrific job of calling out the FCC. Hopefully there will be many others raising their voices. And we must begin to raise ours. Health Canada’s collusion with the telecoms must be stopped.
“Cherry picking the science. War-gaming the science. Harming the public. Killing the earth….
Senior FCC officers publicly declare that evidence, data, and requests for publicprotective action from research scientists, health professionals, public officials, and the public are conspiracy theories and hysteria. These top FCC officials publicly ridicule, stigmatize, and shame those who pro bono advise the FCC on public health and environmental risks, and the very personal health problems they experience from wireless exposure.”
4) I seldom include anything requesting donations but this effort by EHT, along with others, to confront FCC’s long history of lying and deceiving the public by maintaining the ICNIRP/IEEE guidelines when they know that EMR and wireless devices are capable of causing harm, is one many of you may wish to support. A win for them is a win for us.
“A win against the FCC is critical to halting the deployment of 5G. The FCC wants to apply its outdated limits to 5G’s higher frequencies — without any concern for the biological health effects of wireless radiation. Our legal appeal forces the FCC to review the science and update its limits.
Please donate today.”
From: X
To: “QB Town” <qbtown@qualicumbeach.com>
Cc: hsvensen@qualicumbeach.com, “Luke Sales” <LSales@qualicumbeach.com>, mayor@qualicumbeach.com, “Adam Walker” <awalker@qualicumbeach.com>, rfilmer@qualicumbeach.com, sharrison@qualicumbeach.com, twestbroek@qualicumbeach.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 28, 2020 5:31:25 PM
Subject: Re: Correspondence Acknowledgment – Cell Tower
To Whom It May Concern:
Thank you for clarifying what you see as your position and Telus’ position. There is a serious conflict of interest here.
The town of Qualicum Beach should sincerely represent the best interests of those who live here, who make financial and other contributions to this community. Telus is concerned only with its own interests, and not the well-being of the residents of Qualicum Beach.
Telus is presenting the tower as a done deal, and their public consultation is extremely limited. Appealing to Telus has been futile, other communities in a similar situation have found, because Telus is not genuinely interested in a non-biased, well-informed public consultation process.
From my observation, Mr. Gregg does not have critical information, that is objective, current and non-biased. He knows that HC and the other agency he quotes from, are “captured” by his industry, which has considerably more financial resources available to it, than does our government. He is not independent from Telus.
Let’s not make this tower-problem one that contributes to an already fragile environment because of the pandemic. We don’t need the Telus tower to exacerbate the pain and suffering we are currently experiencing. There are better options to the proposed Telus cell tower.
Let’s all stay safe, and preserve and protect Qualicum Beach for all.
On Jul 28, 2020, at 12:49 PM, QB Town <qbtown@qualicumbeach.com> wrote:
Thank you for your recent email regarding the Telus cell tower proposal. We will forward your mail to Council and include in our Council Correspondence log for the upcoming Council meeting.
We would also like to take this opportunity to clarify the process involved for public input.
TELUS has not yet made an application to the Town, but are undergoing their public consultation process. As such, your comments are best directed to TELUS at this time. (The contact at Telus is detailed below.)
Once Telus makes an application to the Town, the matter will be taken to an open Council meeting. At this time public input will be received and considered as part of the decision making process.
Having said that, we are happy to receive your correspondence and as mentioned, it will be placed in the Correspondence Log and passed to Council.
Telus Contact
Brian Gregg
SitePath Consulting Ltd
Land Use Consultant
2528 Alberta Street
Vancouver, BC V5Y 3L1
Phone: 778-870-1388
Email: briangregg@sitepathconsulting.com
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Mankind has probably done more damage to the Earth in the 20th century than in all of previous human history.” Jacques Yves Cousteau