1) Below in Letters is a stream of emails regarding the proposed cell tower at Qualicum Beach. The information provided by Mr. Gregg (the rep. responsible for identifying a site and pushing it through approval) has some of the worst information on Health Canada’s website and I, frankly, do not see how it is legal for Health Canada to be so dangerously deceptive. Gregg is doing his job, getting a cell tower installed at Qualicum Beach and many other places. He cannot be educated or else he couldn’t do this work.
“Fact: Even a small child, following continuous exposure from multiple sources of RF energy, would not experience adverse health effects provided that the exposure limits set in Safety Code 6 are respected.
The Safety Code 6 limits for human exposure to RF energy are designed to provide protection for all age groups, including children, on a continuous (24 hours a day/seven days a week) basis.
This means that if someone, including a small child, were to be exposed to RF energy from multiple sources for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, within the Safety Code 6 limits, there would be no adverse health effects.”
2) Re. the video in last night’s update about the fellow living in an apartment in Vancouver where a new transmitter had been installed less than 7 feet above his head [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nC_gXM0RZSE&feature=youtu.be]. Here is his bio. and he certainly appears to be quite legit, informed and ready to fight for his rights.
3) Children’s Health Defense will have a press conference via Zoom and we can listen to the information being presented to the court against FCC’s false, deceptive, dangerous misinformation that has allowed 5G and the electrosmog we are living in. Everything that the lawyers say re. FCC applies equally to Health Canada (see #2 above) Thursday, July 30, 12:30 PT
(click on photos to enlarge)

CHD V. FCC Press Conference: Evidentiary Brief Filing
“Join Robert F. Kennedy’s Children’s Health Defense for a live, virtual press conference on Thursday, July 30, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. ET/12:30 PT to discuss this exciting milestone in our landmark case against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) – the submission of the evidentiary brief.
To fulfill our commitment to stopping the harmful exposure of our children to 5G and wireless radiation, CHD has taken this giant step toward unprecedented litigation against the FCC and you are invited to learn more directly from our attorneys and petitioners.”
4) Mayors of several of France’s cities have called for a moratorium of 5G.
France’s ‘electro-sensibles’ tell Macron to pause 5G over health risks
“French mayors have called for a halt to the construction of 5G mobile masts until health risks can be assessed.
The Green mayors of Bordeaux, Nantes, Grenoble and other big cities have joined a revolt against the technology amid fears of dangerous radio waves and damage to the environment.”
Please read from the bottom up. FYI, Brian Gregg works for Site Path, whose business includes finding locations for cell towers http://www.sitepathconsulting.com/

On Jul 26, 2020, at 9:02 AM, Brian Gregg <briangregg@sitepathconsulting.com> wrote:
Hi X
I provided information from the relevant policy maker, Health Canada, as well as from a chief medical health officer at a B.C. Health Authority. I would kindly suggest that the information I have provided is relevant and worth a close review. Health Canada manages the applicable safety code.
= = =
From: X
To: “Brian Gregg” <briangregg@sitepathconsulting.com>
Cc: mayor@qualicumbeach.com, rfilmer@qualicumbeach.com, “Adam Walker” <awalker@qualicumbeach.com>, sharrison@qualicumbeach.com, twestbroek@qualicumbeach.com, hsvensen@qualicumbeach.com, “Luke Sales” <LSales@qualicumbeach.com>
Sent: Sunday, July 26, 2020 8:48:01 AM
Subject: Re: Opposed to Tower in Qualicum Beach
Dear Mr. Gregg, Councillors, Administrator, Planner, and Everyone Else Concerned:
Thank you for the out of date, misleading and irrelevant “information” as well as your dismissal of current and relevant information. These are examples of why it is difficult to prevent problems, such as the proposed cell tower, from being built. As well, the “information” underlines the pressure the Canadian government is under, from industry, and the short-sighted benefits the Canadian government receives from industry for the air space.
To help you make an informed decision, here is credible, non-biased and current information:
Top Facts on 5G: What You Need To Know About 5G Wireless Radiation and “Small Cell” Sites
Let’s protect the quality of life we currently enjoy in Qualicum Beach, with intelligence and conscience, and not continue to destroy it, as we would with another cell tower.
= = =
On Jul 25, 2020, at 3:57 PM, Brian Gregg <briangregg@sitepathconsulting.com> wrote:
Hi X:
Thanks for your input. I will save it in our consultation file. For your review, I am also writing to share the following fact sheet from Health Canada and the attached literature review from the Chief Medical Health Officer at VCH. This may help to alleviate your concerns. There is a lot of misinformation available online.
Kind Regards,
Brian Gregg | SitePath Consulting Ltd.
Cell: 778-870-1388 | Email: briangregg@sitepathconsulting.com
Fax: 604-829-6424 | www.sitepathconsulting.com
= = =
On Sat, Jul 25, 2020 at 2:07 PM X wrote:
Dear Mr. Gregg:
I am opposed to this proposed tower. We do not need it.
We need a healthful community in Qualicum Beach. Cell towers are very harmful to biological health, and are not needed. There are better options that will not negatively impact health, safety and the community.
The proposed tower will be a serious blight on our community, as well as cause unavoidable serious health and safety issues, for a significant amount of time.
I live near the site, and will be adversely affected by the tower’s unavoidable polluting emissions. This “pollution” is not wanted or needed. Again, there are much better options available.
Industry is not providing people with adequate information in the decision making. This is unacceptable. Industry must present unbiased information and not pay-off towns, politicians, etc., or threaten with lawsuits, to achieve their agenda.
It is very sad when “consultants” help industry achieve their goals that are not respectful of biological life, in order to secure their livelihood.
<Statement from CMHO re Cell Phones-June2011(1).pdf>
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” Upton Sinclair