1) The many differences between the current cell phone system and the new 5G grid requires complete redesigns of all the components, from the phones themselves to modems and other components. This means a delay before the grid will be fully functional. We must make the most of this time in educating the politicians about the dangers and to push for moratoriums until testing has shown that this technology is safe. (OEM stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer).
Recent 5G Smartphone Teardowns Show that RF Front End Content and Complexity in 5G devices Has Created Quite a 5G Conundrum for Smartphone OEMs
“Smartphone vendors must overcome a host of extremely complex challenges to meet the 5G demand explosion, notably with RFFE-related components.
“The 5G smartphone market is set to rapidly expand in the next 12 months, with many mobile vendors looking to quickly develop their 5G portfolios. However, a host of extremely complex challenges lie ahead for smartphone vendors, which they must overcome to fully realize the 5G demand explosion across all tiers,” states David McQueen, Research Director at ABI Research.
The move to 5G requires an integration of the entire 5G cellular system design into OEMs’ devices, from modem-to-antenna, addressing all aspects of end-to-end performance.”
2) Spoof warning: There is a study making the rounds that appears to be a spoof and industry would LOVE it if this gets a lot of air time. Please do not share. Pub Med has been advised and asked to remove.
3) Outrageous legislation in So. Africa permits telecoms to erect a 5G tower on private property apparently even without approval by or compensation to the property owner.
New government policy will let mobile networks build a 5G tower on your property
“Minister of Communications and Digital Technologies Stella Ndabeni-Abrahams has gazetted a new policy on the deployment of communications networks in South Africa.
The policy aims to accommodate the accelerated deployment of electronic communications networks, such as LTE and 5G networks.
The policy gives mobile networks and other licensees the right to select, enter, and use public or private land for the deployment of their network infrastructure.
Any infrastructure built on this land would belong to the network which built it, and property owners are directed to avoid damage to the facilities built on their property.”
From: “Debra Greene, PhD”
Sent: July 22, 2020
Subject: [Big Island] Success!!! Stop 5G Resolution Passed!!
It’s official! Resolution 678-20 to Stop 5G Passed! Almost unanimously (8-1)!!!
We did it! Thank You to all who sent emails, made phone calls and testified in-person!
Success!!! Yay us!!!
In a meeting that lasted nearly six hours, approximately 40 people waited in line to testify one-by-one in separate rooms in Hilo and Kona set-up due to COVID.
Determined to have their voices heard, testifiers persevered as there is no option to testify online from home in Hawaii County, despite the recent closure of rural testimony locations.
Written testimony in support was overwhelming. According to the County Clerk’s Office e 650 written testimonies were submitted, almost all of which were in support of the Resolution.
Please say a Thank You to Hawaii Island County Council for doing the right thing!
Email your words of gratitude to: counciltestimony@hawaiicounty.gov
And can express your concerns to Kohala’s Tim Richards, the only Council Member who voted against the Resolution: tim.richards@hawaiicounty.gov
The Resolution document itself is attached to this email.
Here’s a link to the livestream video recording which will be posted on Friday:
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Technology… is a queer thing. It brings you great gifts with one hand, and it stabs you in the back with the other.” Carrie Snow