1) In the last update, there were a couple of articles about community-owned fibre optic internet networks. If you would like to learn more about this, there is a lot of excellent material on Connected Community website, developed by Oona McOuat.
FAQs re municipal fiber networks
- Wired fiber networks are faster, more cyber-secure, and use less energy than wireless and cellular systems. They are the environmentally sustainable choice.
- Unlike “5G” which uses cellular signals, wired fiber does not expose us to harmful microwave radiation.
- Wired fiber lessens our dependence on expensive data plans.
- Locally-controlled internet can be priced by local providers at rates you can afford.
- The revenues generated by community-owned broadband stay in your community.
- The social and economic advantages of fast, affordable connectivity are accessible to all.
2) In the USA, a person who is very active in the EMR groups is suing his power company in Maine for charging him a monthly fee for opting out of having a smeter because he has cancer. His oncologist has advised him to avoid EMR for his health’s sake. He was offered to keep his analog for about $16 a month — half of what we paid to keep our analogs for a short period, and slightly less than what we pay to have our smeters disabled. BC Hydro refused to allow people to keep their analogs even if their doctors told them their health would suffer, e.g. people with cancer, cardiac problems, weakened immune systems, etc. even if they were willing to pay. And how many people were forced to accept a smeter because they couldn’t afford the monthly fee?
(click on photos to enlarge)

Ed Friedman v. Central Maine Power Company
“According to his oncologist, “[e]xposure to radiation may exacerbate the progression of his disease and exacerbate the symptoms of it, including fatigue, cognitive difficulty, and memory issues.””
Here is a press release that summarizes the lawsuit in case you prefer not to read the legal document:
3) Non-smeter or EMR but, IMHO, important. A short YouTube about what is happening in the USA re. COVID-19 testing. Charging people is resulting in fewer people being diagnosed. This supports the argument that until things are under control in the US, the border should be protected.
Covid situation in USA through Canadian Truckers Eyes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoVVdvXsXZM&feature=youtu.be (3:49 min.)
4) A member reported being called by someone at Telus asking if she wanted to purchase a “card” for a 5G phone. When she mentioned concerns about radiation, the person said she shouldn’t worry, Telus would never put out anything that isn’t safe. And that “they” do a lot of ‘soft-testing’ in the USA and have delayed the rollout of 5G until they find ways to deal with the radiation.
First, odd that Telus is telemarketing their 5G phones especially long before the grid is up and working. Second, Telus doesn’t put out anything that isn’t safe? I bet they sell cell phones that emit higher levels than those allowed by Safety Code 6. We should check. And third, I don’t know what “soft-testing” is, but there was a delay in the rollout due to technical issues with the milliwave signals. The telecoms have never been concerned about radiation.

Please read from the bottom up.
From: “peter peter dudink” (name given with permission)
To: “Karina Gould” <Karina.Gould@parl.gc.ca>
Sent: Monday, 22 June, 2020 5:57:14 PM
Subject: Re: Appeal for 5G Moratorium – a future of lawsuits?
Dear Karina,
Your letter is peppered with plenty of references to science and Safety Code 6, but it contains no links to peer-reviewed, recently conducted scientific studies on 5G. What are the names of the scientists whose research the government is trusting? Why so much secrecy? Are they afraid of lawsuits?
Could you please share with me the scientific studies upon which the government is basing its standards? I’m quite sure that no scientific studies have been done by government and independent scientists on the effects of 5G frequencies on human, animal and plant health.
You and our government, if I’m not mistaken, are trusting the for-profit telecom industry’s unscientific claims.
Moreover, many people wish to opt out of 5G radiation; are we all to be radiated because our government feels immune to consequences and indifferent to our right to choose what happens to our bodies?
Looking forward to receiving links to and/or email attachments of actual scientific studies. I am also expecting that Canadians will become even sicker and that government and industry will face an avalanche of lawsuits in the coming years.
= = =
On Mon, Jun 22, 2020 at 5:27 PM <Karina.Gould@parl.gc.ca> wrote:
Dear Peter,
As the Member of Parliament for Burlington, I would like to thank you for sharing your concerns with me regarding the safety surrounding 5G networks.
The Government of Canada’s regulatory framework provides safeguards for the health of Canadians. Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) has adopted Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 as the Canadian radiofrequency exposure limits for wireless devices and their associated infrastructure. All installations must comply with Safety Code 6 limits, including those that are excluded from consultation requirements (e.g. rooftops).
To protect the public, these limits, which also cover the frequency ranges that will be used by 5G devices and associated infrastructure, are set far below the threshold—an at least 50 fold safety margin—for all known established adverse health effects. They provide protection for all age groups, including children, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Safety Code 6 is reviewed on a regular basis in order to ensure that it continues to provide protection against all known adverse human health effects of radiofrequency fields.
All antenna installations, as well as wireless devices and equipment on the market must comply with the limits under Safety Code 6. Compliance is an ongoing obligation, regardless of the technology used. ISED maintains a market surveillance program and routinely audits antenna installations and devices to verify compliance.
Once again, thank you for taking the time to write to me with your thoughts and concerns. I encourage you to continue to do so on the issues that matter the most to you.
Hon. Karina Gould
Member of Parliament
= = =
From: Peter Dudink
Sent: May 21, 2020 9:28 PM
To: Gould, Karina – M.P. <Karina.Gould@parl.gc.ca>
Subject: Appeal for 5G Moratorium
The Honourable Karina Gould, MP
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Dear Ms. Gould,
I have just signed the Urgent Appeal to the Government of Canada to Suspend the 5G Rollout and to Choose Safe and Reliable Fibre Connections. You can review it here: www.appel5gappeal.ca.
The scientifically-backed information and calls for action in this appeal deserve your attention, because they affect the health, safety and security of all Canadians, and the sustainability of our environment.
Please let me know how you intend to support this Appeal.
I am counting on you.
Peter Dudink
Burlington, ON
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive.” Albert Einstein