1) This Russian paper is another released by the CIA in 2000. It describes many studies millimeter wave radiation (like that planned for use by 5G technology). Both biological and therapeutic results were found after even short-term exposure to low power density levels. The results vary depending upon frequency, time of exposure and power, but the conclusion is that exposure to millimeter wave radiation does cause biological effects. I’ve copied just a few items that I found interesting — and there are many more including ones about apparently very beneficial effects when used by physicians. I’ve chosen not to include these since we will not be exposed under controlled conditions for therapeutic purposes.
Low-intensity Millimeter Waves in Biology and Medicine
“The biological effect depends on the MM-wave exposure site location. The damage degree of karyocytes decreased when the occiput and the hip were exposed to MM waves at wavelengths of 7.10 mm and 7.12 mm. However, this degree remained unchained when irradiation was performed at wavelengths of 7.11 mm and 7.13 mm. Similar resultsbut at different wavelengthswere obtained for other bodily regions of animals, such as the flank, head, abdomen, and brachium. For example, the damage degree of karyocytes decreased at wavelengths of 7.11 mm and 7.13 mm, whereas it remained unchanged at wavelengths of 7.10 mm and 7.12 mm. Hence, some particular wavelength produces a biological effect in each bodily region. (pg. 5)
Professor Yu. A. Kholodov and Professor N. N. Lebedeva have been heading experimental investigations at the Institute for Higher Nerve Activity and Neurophysiology of the then-U.S.S.R. and now-Russian Academy of Sciences since 1989. These investigations deal with the sensory and subsensory (EEG) responses of healthy human beings to peripheral stimuli of low-intensity MM-wave radiation. Investigations of sensory responses, i. e., electromagnetic sensitivity of human beings [21, 58−62] yielded a number of interesting results. They are as follows:
• A human being reliably discerns MM-wave signals from sham signals.
• Human sensitivity to MM waves depends both on his or her individual features and on the biotropic parameters of the field.
• Perception modality (such as pressure, touch, pricking, and burning) is evidence that MM-wave perception involves skin analyzers.
• The latent time of a MM-wave response is tens of seconds.
• MM-wave perception exhibits sensory asymmetry: it is different for left and right hands. (pg. 12)
An investigation was made of EEG responses of healthy subjects to a long-term (30- to 60-min) peripheral MM-wave irradiation. It was found that such irradiation produced changes in the spatiotemporal organization of cerebral biopotentials. The alpha rhythm exhibited a significant increase in its power in occipital cortical regions. Furthermore, the theta rhythm revealed an average increase in its coherence in central and frontal regions. Note, this increase was more pronounced in the right brain, independent of exposure site location. (pg 13)
In the case of a conflict-defense situation with stress, MM-wave radiation modified the behavior of an experimental group of animals in such a way that it was identical with the behavior of a passive control group….
It was also demonstrated that MM waves produce a modifying effect on the functional CNS state in human beings under simulated stress conditions [69]. This was proven by means of EEG spectrum-correlation analysis, psychological test findings, as well as cardiac-rhythm and exertion indices dynamics. (pg. 13)
An investigation of the psychophysiological state of patients [70] and development of new methods for inpatient psychoemotional rehabilitation [71] revealed that MM-wave therapy relieves situational and personal anxiety, improves memory, raises attention, accelerates sensorimotor responses, as well as restores and stabilizes the psychoemotional state of human beings. (pg. 14)
The authors of [76] discussed a new physical mechanism of high sensitivity of watercontaining biological objects to weak electromagnetic fields (on the order of units of microwatts). This mechanism is based on the generation of intrinsic resonance frequencies by water clusters. These frequencies were discovered by Saratov physicists. They fall within a frequency range from about 50 to 70 GHz. When biological objects are exposed to weak electromagnetic waves at these frequencies, their water-molecule oscillators lock on to the external signal frequency and amplify the signal by means of synchronized oscillation or regenerative amplification. Waves at these frequencies pass through aqueous media almost without losslike the Davydov soliton waves [77]. As a result, they penetrate deeply into an exposed object and involve deep structures in the interaction process. (pp15-16)
… As is known, MM waves penetrate into the human skin It is apparent that these five primary physiological targets are the five “entry” gates. They determine the involvement of corresponding systems in realization of biological and therapeutic effects of MM-wave radiation. The latter acts on every basic regulation systems of an organism as a peculiar triggering factor. This has been confirmed by many clinical investigations. The direct and simultaneous “triggering” of the aforementioned systems initiates a complex mediate influence on other organs and systems (such as the hematogenous, humoral, vegetative nervous systems). As a result, a MM-wave-induced reaction involves the entire being.” (pp. 16-17)
2) A good news story for a change. A community-owned and built fiber optic internet network that beats anything wireless can do. Owning the network means full control — no telecom forcing anyone to have a transmitter outside a home — and the users would end up paying for the costs amortized over many years. No 5G for this village.
The remote British village that built one of the UK’s fastest Internet networks
“B4RN started planning to roll out its fiber-to-the-home network in Clapham in 2014, and by the end of 2018, around 180 homes out of 300 in the village had been hooked up with an affordable full gigabit-per-second symmetrical connection (currently only around 10% of homes (see item 3) in Britain are even capable of receiving such a connection). The speeds are impressive, especially in a rural context where Internet connectivity lags horrendously behind urban areas in Britain. Rural download speeds average around 28Mbps, compared to 62.9Mbps on average in urban areas. B4RN, meanwhile, delivers 1,000Mbps.”
3) Internet via fiber optic cable to (and into) the house provides faster, more efficient, more secure and safer service than wireless (even 5G) could ever provide. In the UK, it appears to be attracting many customers.

(click on photo to enlarge)
Three million homes have access to full-fibre broadband
“Three million homes in the UK can now access full-fibre broadband, offering speeds of up to one gigabit per second.
That’s a sharp rise from this time last year when just 1.6 million households could get those speeds.
“The leap in the availability of full-fibre shows just how serious operators are in making up for lost time and how, with the right regulatory and political environment, they can go even further.””
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.” Michael Jordan