1) An update on an article with details about changes in death rates from various neurological diseases since the last report in 2015. The increases in the USA are dramatically higher than other western countries.
“The 2019 study confirmed the findings of the 2015 study, except now that the total neurological disease death rates are higher than they were in the 2015 study for nearly all 21 countries. From 1989-91 to 2015, USA neurological disease death rates has doubled in the age 55-74 group, and increased about 5-fold in age >75 group!
Age >75 in the USA, the increase in Neuro. Deaths in Males >75 years old was 268% compared to 114% for all other western countries combined. in the USA, the increase in Neuro. Deaths in females >75 years old was 563% compared to 185% for all other western countries combined….
Age 55-74 group in the USA, the increase in Neuro. Deaths in Males 55-74 years old was 82% compared to 2% for all other western countries combined. In the USA, the increase in Neuro. Deaths in females 55-74 old was 48% compared to 1% for all other western countries combined.“
2) An excellent resource of studies and reports pertaining to 4G and 5G transmitters and devices. Only a few studies re. 5G that meet established criteria, but those that do show harm. These would be great to include in letters to politicians, media, etc. to refute the statement that 5G is safe or that there is no evidence of harm.
Published Scientific Research on 5G, 4G Small Cells, Wireless Radiation and Health
3) Telus has misled the government and the public when it said it would not use Huawei equipment (https://news.yahoo.com/bell-telus-5g-contracts-europeans-204236333.html) for 5G. We know well that they are using Huawei equipment in BC for microcells and other major components. As well, they are partners in pilot projects here in BC. We have been wondering if/how Telus would remove the Chinese equipment which they say they will not be using.
Now Bell, which also said Huawei would not be a party in 5G, is using Telus equipment. According to this article, info is available to the public about the equipment being used at various locations. I will find out how we can get this and will let you know.
Telus installed Huawei gear in National Capital Region 4G network in apparent contravention of understanding with Ottawa
“Telus Corp. has gear from Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. in its 4G wireless network in the National Capital Region – headquarters for much of Canada’s federal government – in apparent contravention of an understanding that it would not use the Chinese firm’s equipment there.
The Department of Innovation, Science and Economic Development, which allocates wireless spectrum and sets conditions for its use, has been pressing Telus to remove Huawei gear from the area. In private conversations with the government, Telus has rejected the notion it made a pledge to the department, according to sources who The Globe and Mail is not identifying because they were not authorized to discuss the issue.
Publicly available data from the department include the locations of cell towers and cell sites across Canada and which manufacturers’ gear is in them.“
(click on photos to enlarge)

4) Below is a summary, provided by a member in Albertans for Safe Technology, of a meeting with Winnipeg City Council with several presentations regarding telecom’s proposal (and what might be a 10 year contract) re. 5G. In Letters below are the details provided by Marg Friesen along with meetings scheduled to discuss the trial projects.
“Winnipeg City Council’s Standing Policy Committee on Innovation and Economic Development has given its approval for the civic administration to work with the Telecom industry to establish 5G trials and some form of public consultation. The Committee chose to accept an Administration report on the issue as information and provided no further direction to staff. The 5G Winnipeg Awareness group led community presentations on the issue. More on this to come in a separate post. The meeting was covered by the Winnipeg Sun:
Congratulations to 5G Winnipeg Awareness for their leadership in presenting to their City Council’s Standing Policy Committee on Innovation and Economic Development on Monday. There were also many other excellent presentations from concerned individuals. Appreciation must also be extended to the Councillors on the Committee who listened intently during 2 1/4 hours of presentations and for considering the written submissions. The Councillors also spent 40 minutes questioning and discussing the issue with administrators. A video of the Committee meeting is available. For those with time available it is an educational experience: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcUqthooZvQ
5Gcommunity presentations begin at 14:32 and end at 2:20:00. Each presenter was allowed up to 10 minutes to speak and then was able to answer questions.
The discussion between Councillors and administrators begins at 4:49:00 and ends at 5:10:30.
At 4:31:26 one councillor discusses the need to amend the Antenna Siting Policy to include consideration of microcells.
The submissions from 5G Winnipeg Awareness and other concerned citizens as well as reports from the Winnipeg Civic Administration and the telecommunications industry association are available here:
http://clkapps.winnipeg.ca/dmis/ViewDoc.asp?DocId=19973&SectionId=&InitUrl= ”

From: 5G Winnipeg Awareness <5g.winnipeg.awareness@gmail.com>
Date: Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 2:11 AM
Subject: 5G WA nn- 2 meetings -Thursday June 18 and Monday June 22 – Come to 1 or both – 7 pm
5G Awareness Members and Friends,
Notice: 2 outdoor meetings – come to both or just one – bring a lawn chair, respect social distancing:
1. Wolseley area: Thursday, June 18 at Vimy Ridge Park at 821 Preston Ave. (Portage Ave. and Home St.)
Come for 6:30 pm. – meeting starts at 7 pm.
2. Fort Richmond area: my place – please email for the address. Bring a lawn chair.
Come for 6:30 pm. – meeting starts at 7 pm.
Items to discuss:
Actions stemming from the City Of Winnipeg IED Committee meeting on Monday morning (June 15th).
In a nutshell –
1) The City is going ahead approving small cell antenna installations for “trials”. Based on that, it will revise the Winnipeg Antenna Systems Policy. 2) The public will have input through the City’s Public Engagement department (link below).
Link to the video to listen/watch the IED meeting: Select Watch here where it says MEETING ROOM – Council Chamber – Watch here :
ITEMS AND TIMES OF THE IED MEETING HELD MONDAY, JUNE 15, 2020: ITEMS 3,4,5 on the Agenda are relevant to wireless radiation.
PART 1. DELEGATIONS (SPEAKERS – ALL WERE REGARDING 5G AND SMALL CELL ANTENNAS. When there are delegations (speakers) at these meetings, it is usual procedure for them to speak first. They do not have an opportunity to participate in the questions/responses part later.
ITEM 3, 4, 5: 5 G RELATED ITEMS (12 speakers– a 13th was not heard, probably due to technical problems)
Time: 14 minutes to 2:20 (see the Agenda for a list of speakers)
ITEM 1 (not related to 5G): City Economist, Tyler Markowsky speaks
Time: 2:20 to 2:48
Break. 2:48 to 3:47
ITEM 2. (not related to 5G).
Time 3:47:22 Chief Innovation Officer, Glen Cottick speaks relating to covid response and meetings via video, etc.
ITEM 3 (wireless radiation related but not related to 5G – just a coincidence that it is on the agenda with 5G, according to Glen Cottick) – Award of 9 million dollar contract for wireless services
Time: 4:10:19
ITEM 4 – Cell Reception and Small Cell Technology implementation
Time: 4:30
Note John Orlikow’s remarks at 4:31:36.
ITEM 5: Review of the Winnipeg Antenna Systems Policy – 5G Network
Included with ITEM 4.
Time Ended: 5:14.
If you have time before the meeting(s), please look at: City of Winnipeg Public Engagement:
Marg Friesen (name given with permission)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We have now sunk to a depth at which restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.” George Orwell