1) The wireless industry is honoring mayors who get rid of regulations or policies that impede the spread of 5G. I wonder what else has been given to various elected officials to “smooth the way”. Perhaps the Mayor of Kelowna will get this award, too.
CTIA Awards Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner with 5G Wireless Champion Award
“Washington D.C. – CTIA, the wireless industry association, today presented Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner with its 5G Wireless Champion Award, honoring his commitment to fostering an environment that encourages wireless industry investment and accelerates the deployment of 5G in Houston.
The 5G Wireless Champion is awarded in recognition of Mayor Turner’s leadership in ensuring that the City of Houston removes constraints on the industry’s ability to deploy small cells – the modern wireless infrastructure that enable 5G networks….
The 5G Wireless Champion Awards honor the state and local officials that best exemplify the leadership and vision needed to bring next-generation 5G networks and innovation to their communities. They are given to officials that champion reforms, policies and practices that remove barriers to the deployment of next-generation wireless infrastructure.”
2) Another city in the US has called for a moratorium on 5G until it can be determined to be safe. Where are the cities in Canada protesting this technology?
(click on photos to enlarge)

“Farragut Tennessee has approved a resolution calling on state and federal governments to halt 5G until health risks are evaluated by “sound science.” The resolution details how FCC limits are outdated and considered inadequate to protect human health by many scientists.”
3) 5G Free California has held some on line meetings, the most recent was May 7 at which time several lawyers with extensive experience with the wireless industry answered questions. Of course, all the answers pertain to US laws which can differ from Canadians laws substantially.
“Our meetings are on the First Thursday of every month. Last month we had a very successful ‘Ask The Lawyers’ ZOOM call with 300 participants and thousands more receiving the call
transcript and recording. Here is the video for those who may have missed it:
(the ‘Ask The Lawyers’ segment begins 30 minutes into the video):”
The next meeting is June 4, and you can find out info and register at this link:

FCC Comment Deadline extended to June 17
FCC Seeks Comments on New Human Exposure Safety Standards for 5G and Beyond Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields
Dear Friend,
We are gently reminding those who have not yet submitted comments to the FCC to please do so.
The FCC is soliciting public comment on several proposals regarding wireless radiation and human health. We, along with our friends and colleagues across the country, are helping coordinate a major effort to facilitate the submission of public comments on these issues. All comments are due just one week from today!
Thanks to guidance from good friends and public health experts, we’ve created a web page to help you write and submit your own comments to the FCC!
Each of the three web pages (Issue #1, Issue #2, and Issue #3) will provide you with basic background information on specific proposed rule changes raised in the docket and sample language you can use to challenge those changes.
Learn how to submit: https://www.5gcrisis.com/fcccomments
Don’t forget to save copies of your comments to send to your representatives in Washington. You may also want to repurpose your comments and send them to your local news outlets to be published as a “Letter to the Editor” or opinion piece.
Lastly, please consider donating to our 5G awareness campaign today. We can’t continue to influence legislative action on 5G and spread the word about 5G health risks without your generous financial support. Thanks for all you do!
– The 5G Crisis Team
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.” Theodore Roosevelt