1) An opinion piece in a Massachusetts newspaper with suggestions to help reduce exposure to EMR, and includes an offer to help people who want to have landlines but can’t afford them. And supposedly a new, low RF-emitting router developed in the Netherlands. I have written to the author asking for contact info for this Dutch engineer and will try to get info on this device. The website for this person’s group is very interesting:
https://www.hilltownhealth.org/ His community is working to update bylaws to maintain “homerule” over the 5G network.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Online safely during COVID-19 and after
“Lots of time online these days? How did I guess? Maybe you’re like us and your child’s amount of screen time has also gone up. But something’s a little different being online at our house. There’s only a couple of places where computing happens because there are only two ethernet cables coming out of the router which tend not to get moved….
• An electrosensitive engineer in the Netherlands has developed a router emitting 1/10th the standard dose of radiation and none when no devices are connected which is now installed in his child’s school.”
2) More on the banning of 5G infrastructure for the first time in Connecticut.
Easton, Connecticut bans 5G technology rollout
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1Y6_Ll_6pg (28 sec.)
As an inspiration to the rest of us to do the same thing here in BC, here is how it was done by the person leading the effort.
3) So far, there are 15 US states that have taken, or are in the process of taking, protective measures re. exposure of the public to microwave radiation. There could be some actions among these that we could take, or pressure our elected officials to take. I cannot think of any similar measures in any province in Canada.
15 States Protecting Citizens From Wireless Radiation

As a result of increased public awareness and concern regarding new technologies such as cell towers, smart-meters and 5G antennas, CCD Systems has created a new electro-hypersensitivity focused website called www.ZapMapper.com (also accessible as https://www.ehsreporting.com ).
The purpose of this site is to give citizens a place to report physical and neurological symptoms related to Radio Frequency (RF) radiation. Over time, the data collected can be analyzed and tracked to identify both geographical and symptomatic patterns. Once this data is accumulated and processed, the intention is to forward information to government policy makers to motivate change.
People suffering from electro-hypersensitivity symptoms may find this free resource, which links to a discussion forum, of value to them. We would appreciate you forwarding the following site link to individual or groups that may be interested:
If viewing the data collected within your geographical area could be of value to you, there may be ways we can communicate this to you in the future. Please contact me directly if you have any questions.
Mike Porisky, President, CCD Health Systems. Mike@ccdsystems.com
About CCD:
ZapMapper.com is managed by CCD Health Systems as a not-for-profit service. For 25 years CCD Systems been a leader in the healthcare software business providing hospitals and industry tools to make their workplace safer.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as is cooperation with good.” Mahatma Gandhi