1) A couple of letters about the Appeal have been published in some local newspapers. Well done, Mike. If there are any others, please do let me know. And, if you haven’t yet done so, please consider getting letters off to the editors of your local newspapers, too. Over 8,100 have signed the Appeal so far. Let’s try to get it to 10,000 by tomorrow night. https://www.appel5gappeal.ca/
(click on photos to enlarge)
2) The FCC keeps approving more networks and satellites for 5G and IoT. This is in spite of the Department of Defense’s concern about the interference with military equipment, e.g. GPS, that would result. Several Senators have signed a letter expressing concerns about the interference but nothing about the radiation. The spread of networks, both on the ground and in the air, emitting radiation around the world, exposing all living things, leaving no place free of this toxin, is not just a US concern. So far, I have seen nothing about this issue in any Canadian media. This is an international problem.
3) 5G Victory in Easton, CT! A resolution passed unanimously asking for a moratorium on 5G until it’s been proven to be safe. Please see details and the sample resolution below in Letters. We need to organize presentations and resolutions to each and every City Council before 5G is activated in our communities.

Dear Friends,
Today we were thrilled to learn that the Town of Easton, Connecticut unanimously approved a resolution calling on wireless providers to cease the build-out of 5G wireless infrastructure until such technologies have been proven safe to human health and the environment through independent research and testing.
The resolution was based on our sample resolution which you can find at this link.
Why is it so important for your community to adopt a resolution opposing 5G installations? Here are a few reasons…
- It encourages neighboring communities to take action and address 5G issues raised by residents.
- It increases local awareness of 5G risks.
- It further legitimizes the science-based health problems associated with exposure to wireless radiation and the greater 5G rollout.
- Please download and send our sample 5G resolution to your local officials (mayor, town board members, etc.) today and encourage them to take action. The time to act on 5G is now!
Thanks for all you do, and please consider donating to our organization. As a non-profit, we rely on your generous contributions to provide you with free tools and resources to effectively fight 5G in your community.
-The 5G Crisis Team
email: report@5Gcrisis.com
Sharon Noble, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.” Isaac Asimov