1) Frank Clegg of C4ST has produced a video encapsulating the significant concerns regarding 5G and explaining the reasons for the Appeal. A great way to share this information. This video should go viral. Please share wherever possible.
If you haven’t signed the Appeal yet, I hope you will. Remember your spouse/partner and children (no age requirement) can sign, too.
Frank Clegg – CEO C4ST – 5G Appeal
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW7BbztmuYg&feature=youtu.be (08:42 min.)
2) A new study finds evidence to diagnose EHS and a possible association with MCS. Because of this and the millions of people suffering from it, WHO should consider this a true disease with its own diagnosis code.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It
“This clearly indicates that, in addition to low-grade inflammation and an anti-white matter autoimmune response, EHS can also be diagnosed by the presence of oxidative/nitrosative stress.” (section 4)
“… suggests that EHS and/or MCS are associated with a capillary BBF decrease in these two brain structures, thus leading to the hypothesis that they may be associated with some vascular and/or neuronal dysfunction [10,11,12]. Although these abnormalities are not specific, since they may be similar to those found in Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders, we recently confirmed that UCTS could presently be one of the most accurate imaging techniques to be used to diagnose EHS and/or MCS and to follow objectively treated patients.” (section 5)
” On the basis of the above clinical, biological, and radiological reported investigations, it appears that there is presently sufficient comprehensive and relevant data allowing the objective characterization and identification of EHS as a well-defined new neurologic pathological disorder. As a result, patients who self-report that they suffer from EHS should be investigated utilizing presently available objective tests, including the use of the above-reported blood and urine biomarkers and imaging techniques.” (section 6)
“In its 2005 official statement on EHS, WHO indicated there is “no scientific basis to link EHS symptoms to EMF exposure” meaning there is no accepted physiopathological mechanism to link environmental cause to disease. This is no longer the case. The basic low-grade inflammation and oxidative/nitrosative stress-related states we showed in EHS patients [10,11, 22] are remarkable since they confirm the detrimental health effects of (1) non-thermal or weak thermal non-ionizing radiation, which were proven experimentally in animals [37, 38, 39] and in humans [11] exposed to different environmental stressors including ELF and RF EMFs, and (2) multiple man-made environmental chemicals [40, 41, 42], especially in the brain [43, 44].” (section 8)
” The causal origin of EHS is still debated, and the present current institutional message is that there is no proof that EHS genesis is causally related to EMF exposure. There is, however, great confusion in the present scientific literature in addressing this problem, since there is presently no clear distinction between the cause of clinical symptoms occurrence in EHS patients, i.e., after EHS has already occurred, and the environmental causal origin of EHS itself. In fact, as reported in Table 8, by querying the database and analyzing retrospectively previous exposure to EMFs and/or chemicals in EHS- and EHS/MCS-bearing patients, we found there are presently several direct and indirect arguments which strongly suggest that EMF exposure and even chemicals may cause or contribute to cause EHS.” (section 9)
” We therefore consider that the biological effects we observed in EHS patients may be due to both the pulsed and the polarized characteristics of man-made EMF emitted by electric or wireless technologies, as opposed to terrestrial non-polarized and continuously emitted natural EMFs.
In addition, as indicated in Table 9, we showed that, in 30% of the EHS cases, EHS was associated with MCS, with MCS preceding the occurrence of EHS in 37% of these EHS/MCS-associated cases; meaning that in this group of patients, EHS evolved toward MCS in 63% of the cases. As reported in Table 8, we thus speculate that man-made environmental chemicals may also be causally involved in EHS genesis in around 11% of the cases…
These various considerations should not be neglected, since to avoid risks, knowledge of them could lead to protective measures in EHS and/or MCS patients. Such measures should include as much as possible EMF and chemical avoidance, use of anti-EMF clothes, and earthing-related electric charge detoxication. In addition, public preventive measures for the most vulnerable people—particularly pregnant women, infants, children, and adolescents—should be taken by limiting or even totally avoiding the use of wireless technology in these conditions. Such protective measures should also be taken and carried out in vulnerable patients, i.e., in cardiac patients with pacemakers, in patients with auditive prothesis, and in patients with neurodegenerative diseases.” (section 9)
3) EH Trust (Devra Davis’s organization) is raising money for legal funds, etc. and for those willing to pay a small fee each month (as little as $2), special information/presentations/webinars are offered regularly. I was sent this info about an interview next week and thought some of you might like to consider taking advantage of this opportunity for what will be an interesting interview.
“This is your invitation to join Patreon and attend an exclusive dialogue with EHT President Dr. Devra Davis and renowned public health physician and State University of New York at Albany Professor David Carpenter. The two will discuss what we know about 5G and what we need to find out.”
4) Below is a sample letter that you can send to your MP and MLA, informing them about the Appeal and the advantages of a fiber optic network vs. a wireless 5G one. I hope you will consider using it or writing your own and ask for their support of our Appeal. It will be vital to get support at the various levels of government, especially the Federal government, to achieve this.

MP’s or MLA’s name
Via email: MP or MLA email address (available at: https://represent.opennorth.ca/demo/)
Re: Appeal to the Government of Canada to Suspend the 5G rollout and to choose safe and reliable fibre connections
Dear MP’s or MLA’s name
Parliament is remote. School is virtual. Work is online. Recent events have shown us how important safe and affordable high-speed broadband is. Yet many in our nation do not have it.
On May 14, 24 organizations from across Canada joined forces to voice a science-backed Urgent Appeal asking the Government of Canada to:
1. Ensure all Canadians have Internet access that is safe, fast, reliable, resilient, secure, affordable and, in the long term, the most environmentally and economically sound for Canada. Fibre is the best solution.
2. Protect Canadians’ health and the environment before further rollout of wireless infrastructure, including 5G.
3. Provide a meaningful, transparent process for municipalities and their citizens to have a decisive say over the installation of cellular network antennas.
The infrastructure investments we make today will shape how the Internet will be provided and how it will impact human and environmental health, security, privacy, economic well-being, resilience, and sustainability for generations to come.
As detailed and scientifically substantiated in the Appeal, fiber does not emit radiofrequency (RF) radiation that harms human and environmental health. Hundreds of peer-reviewed, published studies show that radiofrequency (RF) radiation can cause cancers, damage sperm and DNA, compromise the immune system. impair reproduction, learning and memory, and more. Emissions affect basic biochemistry and contribute to chronic illness.
The economic support Government has provided during the COVID-19 crisis is necessary and appreciated. However, many Canadians will face serious financial challenges for some time. Establishing reliable and secure fiber optic networks across the country will assist in economic regrowth. In addition, fiber is 20 times faster than wireless 5G, consumes about 10 times less energy, is less harmful to our environment and is far more protective of privacy than wireless connectivity.
We look forward to your support of the Appeal found here: http://c4st.org/5Gappeal/
Your Name
Your Address
Your Phone Number
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” Confucius