1) A group in the UK is taking legal action because for years Public Health England, which I think is equivalent to Health Canada, has continually ignored scientific evidence, continuing to put the public at risk of harm from wireless radiation.
Legal Action Against 5G
“Michael Mansfield QC is leading our legal team challenging the UK Government over its failure to take notice of the health risks and public concern related to 5G.
One of the most venerated barristers of our time, Michael Mansfield has led legal teams in high profile cases of civil liberty and miscarriages of justice. He has represented the families of Grenfell Tower, Lockerbie, the Ballymurphy Massacre and Stephen Lawrence.
He was recently described as “the king of human rights work” by The Legal 500 and as a Leading Silk in civil liberties and human rights….
Our concerns include the imposition of radiation on the population without consent and the serious matter of privacy, surveillance and social control.”
2) The author traces the history of the wireless industry attacking independent scientists (e.g. George Carlo before becoming a whistleblower), attacking Dr. Henry Lai when he published studies showing DNA damage, the role of lobbyists in US government for decades which continues today re. 5G. Derrick Broze also made The 5G Trojan Horse.
How Big Wireless Lobbied Governments to Build 5G for Citizen Data Collection and Surveillance.
“This cursory look at the history of the FCC, the CTIA, and the cell phone industry show clear conflicts of interests and suppression of research. Now, these same forces are calling on the public to embrace the Race to 5G. While most of the public is unaware of this history, understanding the corporate and lobbyist influence on the scientific research and light regulatory touch, is absolutely imperative as the world prepares to be surrounded by the devices and infrastructure of the emerging 5G industry.”
How Big Wireless Lobbied Governments to Build 5G For Citizen Data Collection and Surveillance
3) This video is from 2010, and speaks to the evidence of harm that is being ignored and denied by the industry. When scientists spoke out or refused to falsify results of research, the industry reacted strongly. Cutting research funding or preventing publication of results allows the industry to say there is no evidence of harm — and WHO, FCC and Health Canada, too.
“In the documentary Public Exposure, Phillips says the relationship between him and his employer was initially cordial but soured once he submitted research data to Motorola which found that exposure to radio-frequency radiation produced by cell phones caused damage to the DNA structure. The negative results were not to Motorola’s liking and they began putting pressure on him.
These folks were very, very upset, and began to talk about how they are going to handle this, what sort of spin can we put on this, what can we expect from this. From that point on the relationship changed,” Phillips states in the documentary. “What we saw was that Motorola began to exert more and more control over the work. Telling us what to do, telling us how to write abstracts, what to say in the abstracts, what to say in the papers, how to do the work. No, don’t do this. Yes, do it this way. This was unacceptable.””
Do you know any trusted lawyers investigating or considering getting involved in the 5G issue?
“Below please find an invitation from Julian Gresser for the International Legal Team Collaborative Meeting. Feel free to share it with trusted attorneys who are tackling the 5G issue.
If an attorney is interested in joining the meeting, s/he can send Julian a message, and he will forward a link for registration.

Dear Colleagues,
We are delighted to invite you to participate in an inaugural webinar, New Frontiers in 5G Law: A Critical International Assessment. This event will also be a first organizational meeting of the 5G International Attorneys Action Network (IAAN).
The arrival of 5G/AI/Internet of Things (IoT), which is closely linked with the accelerated deployment of 50,000+ low orbit satellites and millions of earth stations, will soon become an $11 trillion global wireless-dominant infrastructure. It will transform our planet irreversibly.
It is not too late to ask: Who benefits and who is being harmed? It is an epic struggle. Extraordinary engineering and entrepreneurial genius, backed by titanic financial, industrial, and governmental power, has become a Juggernaut mindless of its destruction. But what if there is a more balanced, safe, secure, environmentally protective way?
Lawyers joining forces around the world have a unique opportunity to ensure that the rollout of 5G/AI/IoT/50,000+ satellites is constrained by the principle of integrity and the power of law. The challenges directly affect all of us. The legal solutions can be effectively applied across national boundaries.
When: May 18, 2020 | 9 am Pacific | 10 am Mountain | 12 pm Eastern | 5 pm London | 6 pm CET”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.” Buddha