1) A member in North Vancouver sent this warning. It could well be that Telus has hired a bunch of “freelancers” just as BC Hydro hired people off the street and, after a few hours of “training”, they put a Corix uniform on them and let them perform a very dangerous, fire-prone job of installing the smeters. Please let me know if you see anything similar in your area, and take down details.
“We had an unmarked white small van with yellow rimmed ladder arrive near the residence: Nissan JJ 6047. The man was asked repeatedly why he was in neighborhood and that we had kept seeing these vans. He mumbles Telus and freelance. NVan BC.”
2) Another article about the push for broadband in rural areas and the funding that is available to provide this “faster” service. Please note there is a deadline for applications from telecoms. I don’t know if there is a special/different application for private network providers. Certainly more info is needed, but faster service is the goal. Fiber optic is the best option.
If anyone is able to get information about the process that enhances or differs from that on connected-communities.ca , please let me know at:
BC is depending on satellites to provide broadband to the most remote communities. This would be a perfect opportunity to show that fiber optic cable can do it more quickly and, no doubt, less expensively than satellites.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Government will accelerate rural broadband funds, details to come ‘soon,’ says Monsef by Anja Karadeglij
“The federal government isn’t the only one tackling the problem. The CRTC has a $750-million fund of its own, though the process of rolling out that funding has now been delayed for a second time, as the regulator extended the deadline for telecommunication service providers to apply from April 30 to June 1. The CRTC didn’t respond to questions about the extent of the delay, including whether it will also affect the first round of applications, which closed in the fall and focused on the most remote communities. Chairman Ian Scott said when the first round was launched that the CRTC chose to start the initiative looking at Canada’s North because not a single community in the region had service that met the CRTC’s 50/10 speed standards.
Many provinces also have funds of their own, and like the federal government, are now looking at how they can accelerate the rollouts….
The British Columbia government has added a new stream to its $100-million Connecting British Columbia Program, accepting applications for projects that can be implemented immediately to upgrade networks and expand bandwidth and coverage.
But rural broadband rollouts are long-term projects. Some technology can’t be rushed; it would be difficult to speed up to speed up the launch of low earth orbit satellite constellations the federal government is counting on to bring broadband to the most remote communities.”
3) An article by Devra Davis that puts so many things into perspective.
Burning 5G Towers Across Europe Is Harming Health, Wildlife and The Climate
“Reports of cell towers being burned and telecom workers being harassed in the U.K.,The Netherlands, Ireland, and Cyprus is something scientists around the world are rightly condemning. Violent actions will only beget violent consequences for the very environment these misguided opponents seek to protect….
Without question, burning private property is a crime. This should be stopped. So should the degradation of our environment by untested technologies.”
“I just invent, then wait until man comes around to needing what I’ve invented.” R. Buckminster Fuller