IMPORTANT: In last night’s info for mailing the non-consent, there was a typo for the link to Bonnie Henry’s office address. The correction is in the attachment:
Please remember Saturday is Stop 5G Day and get those non-consent forms out. I hope you will consider asking your family and your friends to send some, too. Anyone who lives in BC (even children) have a right to refuse consent.
1) Doctors are reporting very rare and bewildering clotting in C-19 patients, even young and otherwise healthy ones. Not saying it is EMR related, but it is interesting to read this and recall Dr. Havas’s live blood study, “Live blood and electrosmog”.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Covid-19 causes sudden strokes in young adults, doctors say
“There’s growing evidence that Covid-19 infection can cause the blood to clot in unusual ways, and stroke would be an expected consequence of that.
“The virus seems to be causing increased clotting in the large arteries, leading to severe stroke,” Oxley told CNN.
“Our report shows a seven-fold increase in incidence of sudden stroke in young patients during the past two weeks. Most of these patients have no past medical history and were at home with either mild symptoms (or in two cases, no symptoms) of Covid,” he added.”
Doctors try to untangle why they’re seeing ‘unprecedented’ blood clotting among Covid-19 patients
“You just watch it clot right in front of you,” said Hibbert, director of the medical intensive care unit at Massachusetts General Hospital. “It’s rare to have that happen once, and extremely rare to have that happen twice.”…
2) Despite the US military’s objection to allowing telecoms to implement 5G networks due to interference, the FCC “under the cover of darkness” approved a proposal. Now Congress is getting involved.

Congress tells FCC to reverse 5G ruling opposed by US military – or it will
“Bipartisan leaders of two powerful congressional committees told the Federal Communications Commission to reverse a ruling allowing a Virginia company to activate a 5G network that could disrupt military and other GPS signals.
The leaders of the House and Senate Armed Services committees wrote in an appeal Wednesday that they would force the issue through legislation if the FCC does not overturn its own decision to allow Ligado Networks to implement a network on the L-band spectrum…
“But the Federal Communications Commission has used the crisis, under the cover of darkness, to approve a long-stalled application by Ligado Networks – a proposal that threatens to undermine our global positioning system (GPS) capabilities, and with it, our national security,” the leaders wrote.”
3) People are becoming more aware of the health problems associated with our EMR polluted environment and, in several countries, one company is building homes that are shielded from floor to ceiling. I know nothing about this company, this information was sent to me by a member. The idea that architects and builders are being taught the how and why to shield a home is very instructive. The need is growing for protection.
Video – 150 million Euro construction project – luxury apartment complex, Konstanz, Austria, shielded by Geovital against radiation, including 5G.
Video – Apartment complex protected against radiation (EMR) by GEOVITAL (11:14 min.)
You can see in this video that the EMF health issue is slowly becoming public knowledge, when builders spent 1.2 million Euros on RF shielding materials alone.
Another video (not provided) features a shielded, custom home in New Zealand, and the builder was astounded how many people expressed interest in his home because of the shielding factor. Since this was received so well, even though the cost is higher, he intends on shielding all of his homes from now on.
Geovital is now in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, the Middle East, Malaysia, etc. I heard that they are considering a seminar in Vancouver, perhaps in the Fall.
As they are also educating architects and builders, the knowledge that EMR is harmful is spreading. Since their website is now in English, they receive inquiries from around world, and their students are a kaleidoscope of different nationalities.”
4) There is no question that wireless devices are not secure and are vulnerable to hacking. Experts are now warning that anything that is part of the Internet of Things is even more vulnerable to hacks and attacks. This includes our infrastructure and our homes. One more reason to Say No To 5G and to the “smart grid”, of which the smeters on our homes are a vital component.
Putin’s Secret Intelligence Agency Hacked: Dangerous New ‘Cyber Weapons’ Now Exposed
“Now, reports have emerged from Russia of another shocking security breach within the FSB ecosystem. This one has exposed “a new weapon ordered by the security service,” one that can execute cyber attacks on the Internet of Things (IoT)—the millions of connected devices now in our homes and offices.
… it has been pointed out repeatedly that IoT devices now represent the easiest route into many enterprises. Hacking a printer, VoIP phone, network switch, smart appliance or insecure mobile device is much easier than attacking the network itself. IT departments worldwide are now scrabbling to assess the risk.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“I and you and everyone else has to be a political activist.” Michael Moore