1) E-smog has increased dramatically over the last 20-30 years with no consideration for health or environmental ramifications. With increased EMR from microcells virtually everywhere, more trees will be damaged and the industry will benefit because milliwaves are hampered by vegetation.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile phone base stations
“Statistical analysis demonstrated that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone masts is harmful for trees. These results are consistent with the fact that damage afflicted on trees by mobile phone towers usually start on one side, extending to the whole tree over time.”

2) In Winnipeg, Manitoba Hydro is starting a pilot project to install “small cells” which will put the emitter of radiation close to homes as they have done here in BC. Marg Friesen has been told that it is not too late for customers of Manitoba Hydro to express their concerns. She has asked that her letter below be shared widely, so if you have friends or family in Winnipeg or in Manitoba ( as we know, other towns and cities will follow Winnipeg), please send to them.

Hello 5G Winnipeg Awareness Members and Friends,
We have learned that there is a pilot project underway in Winnipeg involving the installation of small cell antennas. If Winnipeg follows other large cities such as Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver, these will hold multiple transmitters, 3G, 4G and 5G. Initially, the 3G and 4G can be activated and once the infrastructure is in place, the 5G will follow.
Manitoba Hydro has control on what goes on “non-tower structures” such as lamp posts and hydro poles in Winnipeg and probably elsewhere in Manitoba.
NOW is the time to voice objections to the installations of small antennas in residential areas to Manitoba Hydro.
There are two ways to do this.
1. Directly to Manitoba Hydro.
Please send 5G Winnipeg Awareness the message you sent to Manitoba Hydro as well as the response you receive.
2. To make sure your message gets to the right people, through 5G Winnipeg Awareness. One of our members is willing to collate the letters of opposition and submit them directly to a contact at Manitoba Hydro. Send your email to me at:
Your message could be short, for example:
To: Manitoba Hydro,
I am writing to voice my opposition to the installation of small cell antennas in residential areas close to our homes and schools. I do not give my consent to these installations, nor any small (or large) cell antennas, placed close to my home.
Please let me know what the plans are for 4G and 5G antennas in Manitoba and what role Manitoba Hydro will have in these installations.
I look forward to a response.
Your name. Manitoba Hydro number (if you have one), address including postal code, phone number (may be optional) and email address.
Although a customer would have more influence, I think any concerned Manitoba resident should write in because the emissions from these cell antennas affects us all.
Remember to email us, too.
Please be respectful in your message to Manitoba Hydro.
If you want more information on 5G small cell antennas, please see our website and Face book page (links below). The petition we started to the City of Winnipeg, with good overview information and wording that you are welcome to use in your message, is attached.
I cannot stress enough that this is the time to act.
Once these small cell antennas are in place, it will be next to impossible for them to be turned off or removed.
It would be helpful for us to know if you send in something and what type of response you get. If you have other ideas on how to get Manitoba Hydro to put a halt to the installation of small antennas close to homes, etc., please let me know.
Best wishes,
Margaret (Marg) Friesen
Email: 5g.winnipeg.awareness@gmail.com
See this BC website for a map of 5G rollout in Canada. This site also has many images of small cells.
EMRABC: http://emrabc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/5G_CANADA.png
And please send us the responses you get from Manitoba Hydro so we can make an informed follow-up.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It may be necessary temporarily to accept a lesser evil, but one must never label a necessary evil as good.” Margaret Mead