1) An interview with Magda Havas. I haven’t listened to this but Magda is always so clear, so articulate and very interesting to listen to. Please consider sharing widely with those who need to be introduced to this topic.
“Here is the link to my interview on Apple Podcasts! It will be at the top of the playlist for at least a week, likely closer to a week and half. This interview is ideal for someone new to the concept of 5G and electrosmog biological effects.”
(audio 1:04:48) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Dr.-Magda-Havas-5G-EMF-Cultivate-Wellness-Ep.75-April-15-2020.mp3
2) Susan Foster, Kate Kheel and Sarah Amionoff address the conspiracy theories that are harming legitimate concerns re. 5G and explain how all EMR is capable of exacerbating the health issues which make people far more vulnerable to diseases like Covid 19. This is not new — this has been known for decades, allowed by WHO, ICNIRP, Health Canada, FCC, etc.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Reflections and Recommendations on COVID-19, 5G, & Wireless Radiation
“At a time when the entire world is struggling with a pandemic, is it wise to roll out 5G? After all, an entirely new generation of wireless technology with many novel and untested features such as higher frequencies, cellphone antennas next to homes, schools, businesses, public buildings and places of worship, phased array antennas, and Massive Input Massive Output (MIMO), is a dramatic technological leap without a single safety test….
We urge governments to enact a moratorium on 5G and strongly push back against the race to build out further wireless infrastructure both on land and in space. We oppose the implementation of disaster capitalism, (aka disaster profiteering) as it is now playing out with stealth and overt deployment of wireless infrastructure during this time of crisis. Governments owe it to the public to provide evidence of safety by scientists independent of industry before blanketing the Earth and sky with yet another layer of electromagnetic radiation. Telemedicine, online education, or other services would be far better addressed through safer, wired connections.
Based on the overwhelming body of science from international military/government reports as well as from independent science showing harm from electromagnetic radiation, we urge governments to halt the build-out and activation of all 5G infrastructure, both on Earth and in space, and to respond to a need for more broadband access with safer, faster, more reliable and resilient wired connections.”
3) Very reliable sources’ reports from Montreal and Toronto that Rogers is rolling out 5G extremely quickly during this period of isolation, when no one will know. Another source says it is happening in the UK as well. I assume this is happening here too.
Has anyone seen increased activity? If so, could you please get details, location, perhaps some photos and send to me “5G speed up” in the Subject line. Here are some maps showing the density of 5G as of this month.
Question: If the telecoms think this is safe, why are they doing it like this?
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Truth has no special time of its own. Its hour is now – always.” Albert Schweitzer