1) Melatonin is a natural and excellent antioxidant produced by the pineal gland. Studies have shown that exposure to EMR and blue light from things like computer or smart phone screens reduces melatonin production. This paper suggests that melatonin could strengthen the body’s ability to fight pathogens like Covid-19. Given that we all are exposed to EMR, it is very likely that the amount produced by our bodies is less than is optimal. It might be worth considering taking some before going to bed.
Potential utility of melatonin in deadly infectious diseases related to the overreaction of innate immune response and destructive inflammation: focus on COVID-19
“The high mortality of deadly virus infectious diseases including SARS, MERS, COVID-19, and avian flu is often caused by the uncontrolled innate immune response and destructive inflammation. The majority of viral diseases are self-limiting under the help of the activated adaptive immune system….
To control the innate immune response and reduce the inflammation during this period will increase the tolerance of patients and lowers the mortality in the deadly virus infection. Melatonin is a molecule that displays respective properties, since it downregulates the overreaction of the innate immune response and overshooting inflammation, but also promotes the adaptive immune activity.”
http://www.melatonin-research.net/index.php/MR/issue/view/6 (the full report)
2) Many of our members and other groups are reporting that their Facebook account has been hacked or closed. Look what comes up if you go into Stop 5G UK’s FB https://www.facebook.com/groups/1787551748212254/
(click on photos to enlarge)

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Dr. Leland Stillman posted this on Twitter today.
“Today my most popular youtube video ever was de-listed. Why? Because I suggested 5G might have untoward immunological effects. I’m honored to be worth censoring. In celebration of this achievement, I’m watching The Matrix. Peace and love to all of you.”
It appears that Facebook has taken it upon itself to shut down any discussion about 5G. Why the concern about conspiracy theories about Covid19 and 5G when there are so many others that are left being flogged on the internet? Industry must be thrilled.
3) A member reported experiencing some unusual physical pain when she was in the parking lot of Walmart in Quesnel, waiting for nearly 2 hours to meet someone. There is a large cell tower quite close and she is wondering what is on that tower. Does anyone know?
Could someone who lives in Quesnel take a picture of the tower and send it to me at:
citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “Quesnel” on the subject line?
4) The EMR community is well aware that microwave radiation affects all living things, plants and animals as well as people. As well with wireless, especially 5G, using more energy than wired, the effect on the economy and climate is significant. Many of our concerns are shared with environmental groups and it is time that we began to join forces to make this a better world. Sierra Club sent me an invitation to participate in a webinar on Wed. April 15 at noon. Yes, this is the same date as the webinar hosted by Americans for Responsible Technology, but it is later in the day. I hope to participate in both, and I do hope some of you will, too. The details are below in Letters. The webinar will be recorded and I will post when it is available.

Dear Sharon,
We hope you’re staying well. If one thing has been made clear during this time, it’s that we’re all in this together. We’ve been uplifted to see communities uniting in solidarity around the world. The Sierra Club BC family believes in community and in working with one another to solve challenges that affect us all.
Choices we make today will shape our society, economy, health and climate for decades to come. In this webinar, you’ll hear from our Executive Director Hannah Askew, Campaign Director Caitlyn Vernon, Climate Justice Campaigner Anjali Appadurai and Education Program Manager Ciera DeSilva as we continue to reflect on our role during this moment of transformation.
I hope you’ll sign up to join us on Wednesday April 15 at 12 p.m. PST.
We’ll be sharing updates from our Sierra Club BC team, begin connecting the dots between the pandemic and climate, and highlighting some powerful community and nature-based stories. This will be followed by a Q&A hosted by me so we can hear from you and keep this conversation going. You can also submit any questions you have to me in advance.
Register now – https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_cxgp5EgVTjC8emS90a08RQ
If you can’t make it, don’t worry – we’ll post a recording on our website soon afterwards.
Stay safe, stay well and we hope to chat with you soon.
Elisabeth Noble
Manager of Donor Engagement, Sierra Club BC
P.S. Don’t forget to register for this free webinar! We hope you’ll join us as we work together for a safe, livable climate and thriving natural world.
Want to make sure you never miss out on our messages? To ensure our emails land in your inbox, add social@sierraclub.bc.ca to your contacts or safe senders list. For Gmail users, if you find this email in your Promotions tab, drag it over to your Primary tab and click “yes” to make the change permanent. For Apple mail users, tap on the email address at the top of this email and “Add to VIPs.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The march of science and technology does not imply growing intellectual complexity in the lives of most people. It often means the opposite.” Thomas Sowell