2020-04-09 ICNIRP must be disbanded

1) For years independent experts and concerned laypeople, such as us, have been aware that many of the agencies that have the power to set RF exposure levels and to determine if there is enough evidence to reduce or eliminate wireless devices are biased, filled with industry-affiliated people and bent scientists. They ignore the evidence showing harm, the many thousands of studies done by truly independent experts and, more importantly, the recent studies that explain why the biological effects happen. Dr. Louis Slesin, among others, is calling for what is perhaps the most influential group, ICNIRP, to be done away with.

The Lies Must Stop — Disband ICNIRP
Facts Matter, Now More Than Ever


2) Americans for Responsible Technology are hosting an important webinar next week to discuss, among other things, 5G and recent studies re. milliwaves. Please see full details below in Letters.

3) Smartphones have several antennae, unlike the older types of phones. This means that more of the head and neck are exposed to the microwave radiation, and at very high levels if the phone is held near the ear.

Smartphones Irradiate the Thyroid: Is This a Cancer Risk?

Looking Beyond Overdiagnosis as Tumors Continue To Surge

“Thyroid cancer among women is skyrocketing all over the world. Incidence is growing faster than for any other cancer. This has been going on for a long time, and the reasons why remain elusive….

In 2016, Sweden’s Michael Carlberg, a biostatistician, and Lennart Hardell, an oncologist and epidemiologist, made a case that more attention should be paid to RF/microwave radiation from cell phones. They pointed out that the antenna in smartphones is on the bottom of the phone, and, when the phone is held up to the ear, it directly irradiates the thyroid….

Then last December, Zhang updated her analysis by adding genetics information to the mix. She showed that those who have variant DNA repair genes are more susceptible following prolonged use of a cell phone. For some variants, the tumor risk was some five times greater than that of those with the more common genes, a significant finding.”.



(click on photos to enlarge)

Next National 5G Action Call
Wednesday, April 15th at 8pm EST
with special guest Dr. Devra Davis!

Dear Friends,

This coming Wednesday, April 15th at 8pm EST, Americans for Responsible Technology and 5G Crisis will host a national call to discuss how and why to submit your comments to the FCC regarding its human exposure guidelines as they relate to millimeter and sub-millimeter waves.

5G technology uses these new types of millimeter and sub-millimeter waves, as well as lower frequency microwaves, to carry signals between small cell antennas and wireless devices. The FCC is soliciting public comment on whether its old exposure guidelines, originally adopted in 1996 and recently re-approved, are adequate to protect public health from these new types of waves.

Joining us on Wednesday’s call is our dear friend and colleague, epidemiologist Dr. Devra Davis. Dr. Davis will discuss some of the emerging science on the effects of wireless radiation frequencies above 6 GHz and will answer as many of your questions as possible.

The national call will be hosted on both Facebook Live and Zoom simultaneously, so please join us using whichever platform you prefer.

If you will be accessing the training via Zoom, click on the “Join Zoom Meeting” link (below) or dial the appropriate phone number (also below) this coming Wednesday at 8pm EST (5pm PST). If you would like to view a brief video tutorial on how to join a Zoom meeting, click here.

Access the Facebook Event Here

ART/5G Crisis National Call

Wednesday, April 15, 2020
8:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

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The FCC needs to hear from you, so please join us this coming Wednesday, April 15th at 8pm EST to learn how to submit your comments. Thanks for all you do, and hope to see you next week!

-The 5G Crisis Team


Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history. Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks.”    Stephen Hawking


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation