1) Cindy Sage, one of those responsible for the 2 amazing BioInitiative Reports, has prepared charts with studies reporting “disrupted immune system effects” from exposure to low levels of RF radiation. She also has put together a bibliography. For reference, Health Canada’s Safety Code 6 allows exposure up to 1000 uW/cm2 (microwatts per centimeter squared). The effects on the immune system were reported at levels far below those allowed by Safety Code 6.
She advises:
“Remember – disrupting the immune system can mean either increased activity or decreased activity (suppressed immune function). Hyper-reactivity of the immune system can result in tissue damage and organ stress (cytokine storms, for example). Suppression of the immune system can result in more infections, more chronic illness. Neither are good if these effects occur on a chronic basis, and are caused by exposure to environmental levels of RF.”
2) In last night’s update [2) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-04-07-ieee-how-safe-are-wireless-devices/], I shared a paper written by engineers published by IEEE entitled ” Electromagnetic Radiation Due to Cellular, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Technologies: How Safe Are We?” and I highlighted a few sections, one of which was this one:
“The area served by each BS in 5G networks is very small and is commonly called a small cell. The shorter millimeter waves would also not be able to penetrate building walls effectively. Therefore, the 5G architecture will separate indoor and outdoor networks, which means there will be separate access nodes for indoor users. 5G BSs will also be installed on street light poles meaning that people will be extremely close to the BS antennas, whether they are indoors or outdoors. In addition, 5G will also employ relay nodes that amplify the wireless signals from the BSs before they reach the device. The high data rate requirement of 5G, which is around 1000 times more than 4G, is expected to be solved by the use of massive-MIMO, which incorporates a large number of antennas. Thus, 5G networks contain Macrocells, microcells, relays, street light access points and separate indoor nodes, which operate simultaneously all the time.” (pg. 8/21)
For some time I’ve been attempting to get an explanation for the pressure that Telus is putting on residents of BC, whether Telus customers or not, to have fiber optic connectors both inside and outside homes. The pressure is severe, described by many as being harassment or threats. I have suspected that it has to do with 5G and perhaps the indoor node, as described in this article, is the reason. They might need to get these nodes to relay the 5G signal into and within the home because the millimeter waves cannot penetrate walls effectively. I am not saying this is the reason, but until Telus provides a clear and credible explanation for their actions I will suspect that it is.
3) A member provided a link to what appears to be a very important document, which I have not yet read. The Federation of Canadian Municipalities is comprised of representatives from local governments in every province, and advocates for local governments and Canadians with the federal government.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Preparing for 5G deployment in your community
“Telecommunications carriers, the CRTC and the federal government are gearing up to deploy 5G technology in Canada. This guide is designed to help municipalities deal with the practical, policy and logistical implications of 5G technology in local communities.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” Albert Einstein