1) There have been articles by various fairly mainstream media which spread misinformation about the safety of EMR and 5G, using the idea that these are connected with the pandemic, scoffing at the scientific evidence that is available. The shameful lack of scientific integrity of ICNIRP in stating in its recently published report that there is no evidence that non-ionizing/non-thermal/RF radiation could cause any harm at all. The industry insinuates itself into every agency, of course ICNIRP IS industry, but others like WHO, Health Canada, FCC — making it unlikely that the truth will ever see the light of day. Notice who wrote this article which is taken as fact: a tech person whose clients are major industry companies. And it is virtually impossible for non-industry articles and evidence to be published.
Here’s why 5G and coronavirus are not connected
“According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization web sites, ongoing studies have yet to provide any clear link between what’s called non-ionizing radiation that all forms of radio signals generate –everything from cellphones to TV transmissions to traditional radio signals – and human health.”
2) WHO, ICNIRP, Health Canada, FCC, etc. often say that there are no studies showing harm below the exposure levels in the various guidelines, which are based on thermal effects only. Dr. Joel Moskowitz maintains a list of new studies and regularly updates it. This list easily refutes the assertions made by industry and their affiliates. Here is the list of new studies/reports as of March 2020.
(click on photos to enlarge)

Recent Research on Wireless Radiation and Electromagnetic Fields
“I have been circulating abstracts of newly-published scientific papers on wireless radiation and electromagnetic fields (EMF) about once or twice a month since August 2016. These updates are sent to several hundred EMF scientists around the world.
The latest additions appear below.
The complete collection of abstracts now covers more than 800 scientific papers.“
3) From a member re: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2763232 from yesterday’s update
[3) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-03-28-airgig-5g-via-powerlines/].
“About your article today on fetuses being exposed to radiation having infant thyroid problems, Dr. De-Kun Li (MD, PhD, and MPH of Kaiser Permanente) found 250-500% increase in miscarriage, infant adhd, infant obesity, and infant thyroid problems when pregnant women were exposed to RF radiation — I assume mainly cell phone use by the mothers.”
Second of 3 presentations (15 min.) in this excellent webinar: (~min.32-35)
Invisible Hazards: State of the Science on EMF Health Impacts and Next Steps for Policy Change
4) Many of us have experienced the frustration of writing letters, good, well-documented letters, to our elected officials at all levels of government and to the bureaucrats who work for us, and not getting a response. And when a response is sent, it often is a form letter which in no way relates to our initial letter and documentation. It seems as if they only communicate with us when they are asking for a donation to their campaign or want our vote. Otherwise, we and our concerns don’t matter. I truly believe that they think that if they ignore us, we will go away.
One person has taken her frustration and the evidence — 38 pages of unanswered letters and emails — to lodge a formal complaint to the BC Ombudsperson [https://bcombudsperson.ca/complaints/] only to get a meaningless response. This is unconscionable. So what does the Ombudsperson do?
Please see her complaint below. May I suggest that we all consider doing what Janis has done and keep good records of emails and letters sent that are ignored. At election time, these people need to be reminded for whom they work and what their jobs are: to work for, to help and to protect their constituents.

From Janis Hoffmann. This can be found on her blog page “Parents for Safe Schools:
Our complaint filed with the Ombudsperson was dismissed; she stated that the Ombudsperson can not make our Government Officials or the Provincial Health Officer answer our questions regarding the safety of our children in school. Her solution was to vote them out in the next election.
Who is the advocate for the public when officials refuse to respond? Who is going to be held responsible for willfully ignoring the “clear evidence” of harm to our children in school?
The Complaint – 20-179340
Why do you believe the organization’s actions are unfair?
Our elected Government Officials and our Provincial Health Officer have failed to do their due diligence by willfully closing their eyes to our requests for answers regarding the safety of our children in school. They have instead deliberately overstepped the fundamental rights of parents by installing unregulated wireless radiation, a 2b carcinogen, in all schools without consultation or consent, robbing us/parents of our legal right to manage and protect our children’s health and continued well-being.
Our government officials and health officer have dismissed all credible health information presented to them from qualified experts, nationally and internationally, who emphasize children’s heightened vulnerabilities and the need for “precautionary” measures to reduce exposure and the risk of permanent health effects.
Parents, teachers and students want to know why the BC government and the Provincial Health Officer, has refused to “act in good faith,” by fulfilling their moral and legal obligation, to protect our children, while under their care in our schools?
Tell us your complaint. Tell us what you have done to try to solve the problem yourself. (Please give us any file or reference numbers and the dates these things happened.)
We would like to lodge a formal complaint against the Premier of BC, John Horgan, Deputy Minister, Don Wright, Minister of Health, Adrian Dix, Deputy Minister of Health, Stephen Brown, Minister of Education, Rob Fleming, Deputy Minister of Education, Scott MacDonald and our Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry for willfully ignoring all our emails requesting information on the safety of wireless technology in our schools.
1.) We want to know why Dr. Bonnie Henry, Adrian Dix, Stephen Brown, John Horgan, Don Wright, Rob Fleming and Scott MacDonald has failed to provide us with an official response to the 2018, current findings of the two 10 year long studies on 2G and 3G technology by US National Toxicology Program and the supporting Ramazzini Institute Study along with over 29,000 peer reviewed studies that confirmed the link to Cancer from prolonged Microwave Radiation Exposure?
(Letters dated April 20, 2019, May 31, 2018, Aug 25, 2018, Sept. 11, 2018, Nov. 1, 2018, Nov. 14, 2018, Nov. 17, 2018, Nov. 20, 2018, Dec. 3, 2018, Jan. 8, 2019, Jan. 14, 2019, Jan. 25, 2019, Mar. 14, 2019, June 19, 2019, Nov. 17, 2019)
No Reply
2.) We want to know why Dr. Bonnie Henry has ignored our request to provide us with a copy of the studies and the recent publications that she said her department recently “reviewed” along with the names of the scientists and medical experts who stated microwave radiation exposure is safe as per letter dated Jan. 4, 2019?
(Letters dated Jan. 8, 2018, Jan. 14, 2019, Jan. 25, 2019)
No Reply
3.) We want to know why School Officials, Government Officials and Health Officers have refused to educate our teachers and children about the safe use of wireless devices when the federal government requires manufacturers to provide safety information re RF exposure, disclaimers and recommended handling instructions when using these devices?
(Letters April 20, 2019, Mar. 14, 2019, June 19, 2019)
No Reply
4.) We want to know why Dr. Stanwick, our Vancouver Island School Health Officer, has been allowed to endorse the installation of a known 2b carcinogen listed with lead, DDT, methyl mercury, chloroform, and car exhaust as an acceptable risk in our schools?
(Letters dated April 20, 2018, Aug 25, 2018, Jan. 8, 2019, Jan. 14, 2019, Jan. 25, 2019, Mar. 14, 2019, June 19, 2019)
No Reply
5.) We want to know why Rob Fleming, Minister of Education has refused to follow Ontario’s lead and ban cellphones and personal devices in our schools, when his child is attending the only school in Victoria with a cell phone ban?
(Letters Mar. 14, 2019, June 19, 2019, Nov. 17, 2019)
No Reply
6.) We want to know why Rob Fleming has denied parents the opportunity to make an informed decision for their children, on the cell phone ban in BC?
(Letters Mar. 14, 2019, June 19, 2019, Nov. 17, 2019)
No Reply
7.) We want to know why parents have been denied the right to protect our children from the mandatory exposure to microwave radiation when hard-wired access to the Internet is a safe alternative?
(Letters Mar. 14, 2019, June 19, 2019 Nov. 17, 2019)
No Reply
What do you want to happen? Describe the result or outcome.
We want all questions 1-7 answered. Also to be presented with a copy of the studies and the recent publications that Dr. Bonnie Henry said her department recently “reviewed” along with the names of the scientists and medical experts who stated microwave radiation exposure is safe as per letter dated Jan. 4, 2019 and an official response to the 2018, current findings of the two 10 year long studies on 2G and 3G technology by US National Toxicology Program and the supporting Ramazzini Institute Study. We want BC to follow Ontario’s lead and ban cellphones and personal devices in our schools.
The unanswered letters to MLAs and Provincial Health Officer: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Qez–NYO8cRyNfalb21XBRCoSYCbw4qd/view
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.” Plato