1) Further to the “Call to Action” by 5G Crisis in the Update of 2020-03-24 [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2020-03-24-5g-call-to-action/], this explains the subterfuge that is going on at the Federal Government level to enhance the advancement of the 5G grid and eliminating any public involvement. This is from a long-time educator and fighter to reduce EMR exposure, Libby Kelley.
Does anyone know if anything like this is happening in Ottawa?
“Dear fellow EMF advocates,
Inserting language into a large piece of legislation has long been a tried and true way to get unpopular legislation passed. The authors in the Congress are taking advantage of the fact that people are distracted and may not understand the full intention of “rider.” If Congress passes 5G streamline legislation and the President signs the carrier bill, the stimulus into law, the FCC 5G rules will then become codified in federal law. This development will negate the potential success of the many lawsuits that have been brought against the FCC by municipalities and citizens, that challenge the FCC 5G rules. This 5G streamline proposal has been held up in Senate Commerce for almost two years and its sponsors are taking advantage of the Covid 19 crisis to get it passed into law, under the radar.
Contact your federal legislators and state and local public officials to advise them to oppose this action.
To our health,
Libby Kelley”
2) Not EMR related. Good practical suggestions re. handling groceries and take-home foods.
PSA Safe Grocery Shopping in COVID-19 Pandemic
https://youtu.be/sjDuwc9KBps (13:31 min.)
3) Many have suspected that there is a connection between coronavirus and 5G, but so far, there has been no hard proof. But there is proof that exposure to 5G, or any EMR, has a deleterious effect on the immune system, making all of ours more vulnerable to any disease, especially ones like viruses that prey on a weakened one. A lot of solid information from Dr. Pall.
Coronavirus & 5G: Is there a connection?
IN AUGUST, 2019, A HOST OF PROMINENT SCIENTISTS WARNED THAT THE SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE PROVIDED STRONG EVIDENCE FOR 5G’S MICROWAVE AND MILLIMETER WAVE EMISSIONS TO HAVE “A SYSTEMIC EFFECT ON IMMUNE FUNCTION” AND “ACCELERATED VIRAL REPLICATION” in a formal review article. At this writing, an increasing number of scientists and lay people feel there may be a link to 5G & coronavirus. The scientists’ warnings were ignored by industry and gov’t last summer – and this status persists even now, in March, 2020, when we are in the midst of a pandemic, following the initial rollout of 5G in China, with Wuhan, China, Hubei Province being the epicenter of both the 5G rollout and where the COVID-19 coronavirus broke out in Dec. 2019.
1. 5G infrastructure exposures lower our immune system, as does wireless exposures to microwave radiation
2. 5G frequencies cause accelerated viral replication.
3. Wuhan China is the world’s first “smart city” with 10,000 small cells deployed and activated in the last 2.5 months of 2019, which is exactly when this COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak occurred.
Reference is made to a very significant report published last August by several scientific experts to refute the current ICNIRP guidelines. I believe I’ve shared this before but it certainly warrants a second read.
Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices
“A study of Mobile Phone Base Station Tower settings adjacent to school buildings has found that high exposure of male students to RFR from these towers was associated with delayed fine and gross motor skills, spatial working memory, and attention in adolescent students, compared with students who were exposed to low RFR (48). A recent prospective cohort study showed a potential adverse effect of RFR brain dose on adolescents’ cognitive functions including spatial memory that involve brain regions exposed during cell phone use (44).”
“Advances in RFR-related technologies have been and continue to be rapid. Changes in carrier frequencies and the growing complexity of modulation technologies can quickly render “yesterdays” technologies obsolete. This rapid obsolescence restricts the amount of data on human RFR exposure to particular frequencies, modulations and related health outcomes that can be collected during the lifespan of the technology in question.
Epidemiological studies with adequate statistical power must be based upon large numbers of participants with sufficient latency and intensity of exposure to specific technologies. Therefore, a lack of epidemiological evidence does not necessarily indicate an absence of effect, but rather an inability to study an exposure for the length of time necessary, with an adequate sample size and unexposed comparators, to draw clear conclusions. For example, no case-control study has been published on fourth generation (4G; 2–8 GHz) Long-term Evolution (LTE) modulation, even though the modulation was introduced in 2010 and achieved a 39% market share worldwide by 2018 (71).”
4) The people working at home and students receiving online teaching is overtaxing the current Wi-Fi systems. Rather than employ the fiber optic systems where they exist (fiber optic cables can provide far faster service and carries more data than any wireless system can), telecoms are pushing to speed up and expand the 5G grid. The US government is paying companies to speed up the purchase of new spectrum for satellites. C band, which is the 4-8GHz range, part of the range 5G could be using.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Why the coronavirus pandemic may fast-forward 5G adoption in the US
“Moreover, is the coronavirus outbreak and the “social distancing″ required to mitigate the spread going to become the business case for more advanced and robust 5G technologies for a future in which business, health care and human interaction must be at more than an arm’s length?
The jury is still out on whether home broadband, which tends to have lower capacity than more robust business networks, will be able to handle the traffic as whole neighborhoods become Wi-Fi hotbeds as adults video conference with their co-workers and their teens stream videos in between checking Blackboard for assignments. Providers, including AT&T, Verizon, and Comcast, are facing a test of whether they’ll be able to handle the increased demand….
… the U.S. government is paying around $10 billion to satellite providers to fast-track the auction of 5G C-band spectrum by 2023. C-band spectrum is sought after because it combines the ability to deliver download speeds in excess of 1 Gbps with much improved propagation ranges, compared to higher-frequency spectrums.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“We are stuck with technology when what we really want is just stuff that works.” ― Douglas Adams, The Salmon of Doubt