2020-03-06 Dutch govt. being sued over 5G

1) In Holland, the government is being sued because the densification of cell transmitters is known to be dangerous and 5G technology has not been tested.

Dutch foundation takes govt to court over 5G rollout, citing health concerns

“The Stop5GNL Foundation has filed a suit summary proceedings against the Dutch government, to stop it from rolling out 5G. The foundation believes the deployment is unlawful because it does not protect citizens against the consequences of radiation exposure from 5G.”


2) A member found some reports that warn that wearing metal-framed eye glasses could be dangerous since the metal acts as an antenna and increases the EMF, directing it into the head/eye. Likewise re. metal earrings, implants, etc. in or on the body.

Effect of metal-framed spectacles on microwave radiation hazards to the eye of humans.

“It has been found that the introduction of a pair of metal-framed spectacles can, in certain cases, cause an increase in field levels by up to approximately 20 dB, a significant perturbation of the incident microwave field which should be accounted for in the setting of safety standards relating to acceptable levels of incident power.”


Body effect on SAR in the human eye close to metallic spectacles for plane-microwave exposure

(click on photo to enlarge)

“Mobile communication equipment use in the front of the face is becoming increasingly common. On the other hand, the human eye seems to be one of the most hazardously exposed body organs. There are consequently many studies on the specific absorption rate (SAR) as the hazard index of the human eye for far field (plane wave) and near field exposures [1, 2]. The significant finding is the occurrence of hot spots inside the eye at several GHz”


3) Dr. Chris Busby speaks to the SARS exposure limits that are applied to cell phones. A major European Committee has developed dose limits which pertain to cellphones and other wireless devices including those using 5G technology.

Chris Busby: New European Committee Dose Limits for Cellphones and RF radiation.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWUmJH4qJdE&feature=youtu.be    (11:26 min.)


Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

” Anyone who doesn’t take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either.”       Albert Einstein


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation