1) Could Li-Fi be a great alternative to 5G wireless? It is communication via light. Years ago, there were some pilot projects, one of which was in St. Cloud, Minnesota’s City Hall. From what I heard, it was very successful.
At the time, I asked Dr. Olle Johansson for his opinion and he was concerned that no health studies had been done on this technology. Specifically, he was worried about the blue light that affects/reduces melatonin production. I don’t know if any studies have been done yet, but I will try to find out.
Given what is in the material below, Li-Fi could be a possible alternative that would be faster, more secure, and most likely a whole lot safer than microwave radiation. This could be the end result of the fiber optic cable community-owned network.
(click on photo to enlarge)

“Light Fidelity, better known as Li-Fi, the next-generation network technology transmits the internet through light rays. Imagine a world where every light could connect you to the internet such as the lights in our homes, offices, cars, and even streetlights connecting you to high-speed wireless internet.
Visualize this for a second, data flowing out of your living room light fixture like water from a showerhead. Yup, that technology is real, and it is called Li-Fi. Pretty cool, right?
What is Li-Fi?
Li-Fi is high speed two-way fully networked wireless communication, which gives lights another purpose, connectivity. Li-Fi enables users to send and receive data at blazing-fast internet speeds through the light.”
Li-Fi Has Just Been Tested in The Real World, And It’s 100 Times Faster Than Wi-Fi
“Research teams around the world are working on just that. Li-Fi experts reported for the The Conversation last month that Haas and his team have launched PureLiFi, a company that offers a plug-and-play application for secure wireless Internet access with a capacity of 11.5 MB per second, which is comparable to first generation Wi-Fi. And French tech company Oledcomm is in the process of installing its own Li-Fi technology in local hospitals.
If applications like these and the Velmenni trial in Estonia prove successful, we could achieve the dream outlined by Haas in his 2011 TED talk below – everyone gaining access to the Internet via LED light bulbs in their home.”
Wireless data from every lightbulb
TED talk from 2011 (12:51 min.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=22&v=NaoSp4NpkGg&feature=emb_title
Li-fi to unlock the Third Industrial Revolution.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UulEFh8yhCg (Another updated TED talk from 2016 – 20:42 min.)
2) Industry plays with words to make dangerous things sound benign, even desirable, like calling microwave radiation-emitting devices and appliances “smart”. Now, according to the emails below, 5G is being called “Broadband”; from a group resisting 5G in Hawaii.
From: “Debra Greene, PhD” <debra@keepyourpower.org>
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020 5:05:53 PM
Subject: [All Islands] SHENANIGANS with URGENT 5G Legislation. Act NOW!
Earlier today [see below] I sent an email about opposing HB2596. Now the committee voted to schedule a hearing for another 5G bill without the required 48 hours notice!
With a vote they are allowed to do that, but it is frowned upon as it doesn’t give us much time to testify.
Nice try, I say! We won’t be stopped that easily!
Please take action on the two bills below!
5G has a bad rap so they are now re-defining “Broadband” to include wireless and 5G! We must be doing something right! 🙂
You do not have to write long testimony! (Can if you want.) Just click the buttons below and check OPPOSE.
Log-in or register FIRST at www.capitol.hawaii.gov BEFORE clicking the button.
Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, February 5 at 9am for both bills. Please submit NOW!
We need legislation that will protect people of all ages, and all living organisms, from the hazards of continuous exposure to pulsed, data-modulated, microwave radiation, which is a manmade toxin that causes biological damage at levels many thousands of times lower than current US radiation exposure guidelines.
The best plan is fiber to the premises. Fiber is safer, faster, more secure, protects property values and protects privacy.
We need legislation that will protect people of all ages, and all living organisms, from the hazards of continuous exposure to pulsed, data-modulated, microwave radiation, which is a manmade toxin that causes biological damage at levels many thousands of times lower than current US radiation exposure guidelines.
The best plan is fiber to the premises. Fiber is safer, faster, more secure, protects property values and protects privacy.
Kihei Hawaii 96753
= = =
From: “Debra Greene, PhD” <debra@keepyourpower.org>
Sent: Monday, February 3, 2020 12:28:21 PM
Subject: [All Islands] URGENT 5G Legislative Action NOW!
The 2020 Hawaii legislative session is up and running. Please take action on the bill below designed to expand 5G!
The name “5G” has gotten a bad rap so they are now re-defining “Broadband” to include wireless and 5G!
You do not have to write long testimony! Just click the button below to take action.
Log-in or register FIRST here www.capitol.hawaii.gov BEFORE clicking the button below.
Hearing is scheduled for Wednesday, February 5 at 9am. Please testify NOW.
You can read the bill here: https://www.capitol.hawaii.gov/session2020/bills/HB2596_.pdf
HB2596 – A Bill for Broadband (5G) Service Infrastructure – OPPOSE
This bill is designed to use your tax dollars to fund grants to private telecom companies to bring wireless technology to rural and sparsely populated areas. It potentially means 5G everywhere. No safe haven. OPPOSE
Sample testimony:
We oppose HB2596. We do not approve of grants being given to fund more harmful cell towers and antennas. Wireless radiation is a known health hazard.
We need legislation that will protect people of all ages, and all living organisms, from the hazards of continuous exposure to pulsed, data-modulated, microwave radiation, which is a manmade toxin that causes biological damage at levels many thousands of times lower than current US radiation exposure guidelines.
The best plan is fiber to the premises. Fiber is safer, faster, more secure, protects property values and protects privacy.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Any seeming deception in a statement is costly, not only in the expense of the advertising but in the detrimental effect produced upon the customer, who believes she has been misled.” John Wanamaker