2020-01-15 Italian court says cell phones caused tumor

1) Italy’s court has, for the second time, found that use of cell phones has been responsible for someone getting a brain tumor. I will try to get an English version of the court document. Of significance is the recognition by the court that industry-funded studies, or studies done by those with prior relationships with industry/ICNIRP, are not as credible as those done by independent scientists. This is major and hopefully will set a precedent.

The Court of Appeal of Turin confirms in a full judgment published on 13 January 2020 (904/2019 of 3.12.2019 , Romeo v. INAIL) the decision of the Tribunal of Ivrea of 2017. Judge Fadda considers that the worker’s acoustic neuroma (benign tumour of the head) was indeed caused by the use of the mobile phone

““there is protective scientific jurisprudence that supports the assertion of causation based on criteria of “more likely than not”. P.33.”…

“Epidemiological data, the results of experiments on animals (not contradicted, at present, by other experiments of the same type), the duration and intensity of exposure … which are particularly important in view of the dose-response relationship established – at the scientific level – between exposure to mobile phone radiofrequencies and the risk of acoustic neuroma, as well as the absence of any other factor which could have caused the disease”….

“strong evidence to assert a causal role between the complainant’s occupational exposure, his exposure to radiation from mobile phones and the disease that occurred”.


2) A second major court ruling in Italy which requires the public to be informed about the risks associated with misuse of wireless phones.

Italy: a landmark judgment requires the state to inform the population of the health risks due to mobile phones

” This decision of the Administrative Court of Rome is historic. It orders the Italian government to create a national information campaign on the health risks associated with the use of mobile phones….

“It is therefore necessary to declare the obligation of the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education, University and Research, each for its own area of competence, to ensure, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 10 of Law No. 36/2001, the adoption of an information campaign, addressed to the entire population, concerning the identification of correct methods of use of mobile telephone devices (cellular and wireless phones) and information on the health and environmental risks related to the misuse of these devices.

The above-mentioned information and environmental education campaign must be implemented within six months of the earlier of the notification or administrative communication of this judgment, using the most appropriate means of communication to ensure wide dissemination of the information contained therein.”


3) Here is information about the Stop 5G event in Victoria. Would you please pass it on to invite others and “click” if you are going to be joining us?


4) Amazing flyers announcing Stop 5G events can be seen on our website:


This great one from Montreal shows the level of detail in the plans. The English version is at the bottom.

I hope that in our rallies/demonstrations we can have enthusiasm and signs that will get a lot of attention.


5) Microcells have multiple transmitters in them and even if 5G isn’t yet active, the 3G and 4G transmitters are emitting high levels of EMR, right into homes. The readings shown in this YouTube are most likely lower than they would be in the inside of the nearby homes, especially the bedrooms on the upper level which are closer to the microcells.

In the second YouTube, readings from a large cell tower are higher at about 100-150 meters, but not by much. Many studies have shown that major health problems occur to those who live within 400-500 meters of a cell tower where readings are much lower. In fact, this is what the Ramazzini study confirmed and the radiation levels were extremely low — at levels to which we are exposed “normally” every day.

Small cell radiation intensity – Cataraqui Woods, Kingston, Ontario

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZVGPZph2hU   (3:06 min.)

Comparing large macro cell tower radiation to smart cell antenna

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=50ZSJKYJAs4   (2:44 min.)


Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“The further a society drifts from truth the more it will hate those who speak it.”         George Orwell


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation