1) Hopefully there will be more Jan. 25 events in BC. In Victoria, one event will take place at the overpass on Trans. Can. at the Helmcken exit from 12 noon – 2:00pm. We will have a large banner and hope that people will come with signs and lots of enthusiasm (I hate to suggest the need for a rain date but, depending on the forecast, we may need one). This is a busy area with cars going 4 different directions.
Ideas for signs can be found on the 5G Crisis website https://www.5gcrisis.com/ under “Take Action“, then under “Tool Kit“. [https://www.5gcrisis.com/toolkit]
(click on photo to enlarge)

Please consider doing something to raise awareness. Remember — most people have no idea what 5G is.
2) More 5G satellites were launched this week and the only concern seems to be whether the launch is too bright. What about health from 5G radiation, destruction of the environment, and space junk, just to name a few issues?
SpaceX launches 60 more satellites, trying to tone them down
“After the first Starlink batch of 60 was launched in May and the second in November, astronomers complained how the bright satellite chain was hampering their observations. In response, SpaceX came up with a darkening treatment to lessen reflectivity. The coating is being tested on one of the newly launched satellites.
Jeff Hall, director of the Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona, said the Starlinks have been just an occasional problem — so far — but noted the risk to stargazing will grow as the constellation expands and other companies launch their own fleets. He heads the American Astronomical Society’s committee on light pollution, space debris, and radio interference, and is working with SpaceX on the issue. The matter is on the agenda, in fact, at the society’s conference in Hawaii this week.”
3) In Australia, a father who is an experienced electrician and is sensitive, is suing to prevent activation of a cell tower.
Tower of terror: Father accuses NBN of “assault”
“According to an article published in the Sunshine Coast Daily, a father living in fear of an NBN tower near his home has taken the telco giant to court in a bid to stop them from switching it on, with claims the health impacts would be so severe he would end up homeless…
Mr Evans writes in his fundraiser that he is a qualified high voltage electrician. He has several decades of experience in working with the technical complexities associated with electricity, electromagnetic fields and radiation, including managing the many associated risks.
He is seeking to protect his family, home, neighbours, community and himself from the tower’s artificial electromagnetic radiation fields.”
4) Verizon has released information about areas of cities where its 28 GHz milliwave 5G has been activated. There is a map showing detailed areas.
Verizon releases 5G coverage maps, expands to 3 new cities
“Verizon on Tuesday expanded its 5G millimeter wave service to select parts of three new cities, and also released 5G coverage area maps.
The latest cities to join Verizon’s 5G roster include Boston, Houston and Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This brings the total tally to 18 so far, with the carrier promising to launch in 30 cities by year end.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time – a tremendous whack.” Winston Churchill