**I am taking a break to spend Christmas with family. There will not be regular newsletters until Dec. 27. If there is anything important, it will be posted on our website – www.stopsmartmetersbc.com. This update has a lot of important material in it and I hope that you will have time to at least skim it during this busy season. Wishing you all and your families a very Merry Christmas.**
1) Health Canada, our Provincial Health officials and industry, among others, try to pretend that there isn’t enough evidence to show that microwave radiation is harmful. So often we hear “we need more studies”. Most experts believe we have way more than enough evidence and it’s time for the scientific truth to be told to the public and, at the very least, for the Precautionary Principle to be implemented. Here is evidence that in the 1950s it was known that exposure to radio/microwaves caused biological effects, many of them extremely harmful.
Early Research on the Biological Effects of Microwave Radiation: 1940-1960 by HAROLD J. COOK, NICHOLAS H. STENECK, ARTHUR J. VANDER and GORDON L. KANE – ANNALS OF SCIENCE, 37 (1980), 323–351 – November 08, 1979:
– https://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/id/eprint/2223/1/2223.pdf
Biological Effects and Health Implications of Microwave Radiation Symposium Proceedings – Edited by Stephen F. Cleary – Richmond, Virginia – September 17-19, 1969:
– https://www.magdahavas.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Biological_Effects_and_Health_Implications_of_Microwave_Radiation.pdf
Review of Information on Hazards to Personnel from High-Frequency Electromagnetic Radiation – Internal Note N-451 by Herbert Pollack, M.D. and Janet Healer – Institute for Defense Analyses Research and Engineering Support Division – IDA/HQ 67-6211 Series B – May 1967:
– https://www.magdahavas.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/Pollack_19671.pdf
– https://archive.org/stream/DTIC_AD0131477/DTIC_AD0131477_djvu.txt
– http://www.jar2.com/Files/LULZSEC/06_Military_DoD_NASA_Misc_Projects/Microwave_Weaponry_Manual_from_the_US_Millitary.pdf
Many hundreds of previously classified documents from the US Air Force, donated by Dr. Zory Glaser to Magda Havas. These go back several decades.
2) After what was feared to be a biased review of scientific studies, the FCC in the US decided to maintain the current guidelines which are among the highest (worst) in the world — basically the same as that established by the industry- and military-affiliated ICNIRP. Safety Code 6 was primarily the same until 2015 when Health Canada made the arbitrary reduction, after pressure from many pressing for reductions.
FCC Maintains Current RF Exposure Limits
“Last week, the Commission issued a Resolution of Notice of Inquiry, which maintained the Commission’s current RF emission exposure limits (Vol. XVI, Issue 32). The Commission stated that after review of the extensive record, they found “no appropriate basis for and thus decline to propose amendments to our existing limits at this time.”
3) In Rome in March 2019, a major conference of experts from several fields – doctors, environmentalists, activists, politicians from all levels of government – met to discuss 5G. The conference was broadcast on TV and radio. A resolution was passed with guidelines regarding the promotion of the Precautionary Principle at all levels of government, and defining legal action that should be taken by the public to ensure that 5G is banned until/unless it is proven safe. I think that the recommendations made at this conference could be helpful to us in setting goals before our Councils, to our provincial and federal governments.
STOP 5G Italian Alliance: this is the Vicovaro Resolution for Government, Parliament, Mayors and citizens
“… this resolution was produced and signed as a consensus on the emergency strategies inspired by the Precautionary Principle to be adopted at national and local level by those who intend to support constitutional rights in the protection of public health, threatened by plans for unexplored radio frequencies of fifth generation wireless , better known as 5G, already dangerous for the Scientific Committee on environmental and emerging health risks of the European Community.”
https://oasisana.com/2019/03/02/alleanza-italiana-stop-5g-ecco-la-risoluzione-di-vicovaro-per-governo-parlamento-sindaci-e-cittadini/ (You will need to have this translated.)
(click on photo to enlarge)

Now, after just a few months, 100 Italian communities are part of the Stop 5G movement, and they are listed here. The effort is starting from the local government, educating, petitioning, attending meetings to gain the support of Mayors and Councils. If they did it, we can, too.
5G (now) is (also) a democratic problem: 100 Municipalities of Italy are officially Stop 5G – HERE IS THE LIST, UNIQUE IN EUROPE
” A small Italian miracle in defense of public health. Just 9 months after the approval of the Vicovaro Resolution in the consensus of the 1st Stop 5G national meeting promoted on 2 March 2019 by the Italian Alliance Stop 5G, today 100 Italian Municipalities are officially Stop 5G . Before Vicovaro the void in the local administration of the tsunami of wireless fifth generation did not speak at all, completely ignored the risk, but now – less than 300 days from the first historical event – a rising tide of awareness in the claim of a right enshrined in art. 32 of the Constitution, recalling the European precautionary principle, spreads relentlessly from the Valle d’Aosta to Sicily , from the province of Bolzano to that of Caltanissetta and Nuoro , passing through the cities of Rome (Municipio XII), Turin, Catania, Florence and Bologna . And we’re just beginning.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A good conscience is a continual Christmas.” Benjamin Franklin