1) US doctors, scientists, other experts and advocates have presented the President with an appeal for a moratorium on 5G. This is just the most recent appeal and joins 9 others. The one attributed to Canadian Doctors is not as strong as others. Perhaps we should be asking C4ST if a real appeal could be made to Canadian doctors, scientists and advocates to show support and concern.
USA National 5G Resolution
An Urgent Call for a Moratorium on 5th Generation Wireless Technologies Pending Safety Testing
“To: Donald Trump, President of the United States of America
December 11, 2019
We, the undersigned, are medical doctors, health professionals, scientists, engineers and public advocates who are deeply concerned about the potential health risks associated with 5G and the proliferation of electromagnetic radiation sources from wireless telecommunications technologies….
We join with the thousands of doctors, scientists and health care providers worldwide who have recently issued appeals for urgent action on 5G to protect public health. The rapidly growing list includes the International EMF Scientist Appeal, Appeal to the European Union, Belgium Doctors Appeal, Canadian Doctors, Cyprus Medical Association, Physicians of Turin, Italy, the German Doctors Appeal, International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and Space and the International Society of Doctors for the Environment.
We call for a moratorium on 5G and any further wireless antenna densification until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from the wireless industry.”
– https://ehtrust.org/usa-national-5g-resolution/
2) Cybersecurity experts have warned that Huawei poses a grave risk to our infrastructure. Now a vast majority of Canadians do not trust Huawei to be involved with the 5G grid. So what is stopping our government from stopping this ?
(click on photo to enlarge)

Canadians Don’t Want China’s Huawei Involved With 5G Wireless Networks: Survey
“An Angus Reid Institute online poll found that 69% of respondents are against the federal government allowing the Chinese telecommunications equipment maker to be involved in Canada’s fifth-generation wireless networks, also known as 5G networks.”
3) The first 5G network is alive across the US, even though there are very few 5G-compatible devices available. They are using the lower frequency, 600 MHz, because there are still technical problems with milliwave signals. The 600 MHz signal goes farther and penetrates everything really well – buildings, homes, and people and therefore is extremely dangerous, especially if it is emitted from transmitters close to homes and where people spend a lot of time, e.g. schools.
America’s First Nationwide 5G Network Is Here
“T-Mobile lights up the first nationwide 5G network, first nationwide prepaid 5G with Metro by T-Mobile and first 5G devices that work nationwide, ushering in a new era of 5G accessibility and affordability in first step toward 5G for All with New T-Mobile….
5G on 600 MHz spectrum goes far beyond the limitations of the carriers’ 5G. With clear 600 MHz spectrum reserved for 5G, T-Mobile is uniquely positioned to deliver 5G that covers more people in more places.”
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a84UlLe6zDg
(1:35 min that compares 5G to a rocket or weapon being sent off. So appropriate.)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” Confucius