1) The next international day of protest against 5G satellites is Jan. 25, 2020. I hope we can get something major going in at least a couple of places. I have asked what Canadian group(s) is already planning something and received a response which is in “Letters“. It is vital that we do all we can to raise awareness about 5G. As with smeters, cell towers, etc, most people have no idea about what is being done and how they will be affected. Many people who are sensitive or who just want to “get away” for a vacation will have no place to go once all the earth is smothered by 5G emissions from satellites. In addition to our health, animals, plants, the environment will pay the price for the convenience of downloading a movie a few seconds more quickly. If you are planning an event anytime, please let me know so I can share the details.
“Current List of Companies Planning 5G Satellites
As of today, the following companies are planning to launch, or are already launching, 5G satellites into low orbit around the Earth:
SpaceX, based in the United States, has plans for 42,000 satellites, has already launched 120, intends to launch 60 at a time twice a month during 2020, and is developing a larger rocket that can launch 120 at a time. As soon as 420 satellites are in orbit, it plans to turn them on. That could be as early as February 2020.
OneWeb, based in the United Kingdom, has plans for 5,260 satellites and intends to launch 30 at a time every three to four weeks beginning in January 2020. As soon as 300 satellites are in orbit, in late 2020, it plans to turn them on. T
Telesat, based in Canada, has plans for 512 satellites, and intends to begin service in 2021.
Amazon has plans for 3,236 satellites and intends to begin service as soon as 578 are in orbit.
Facebook has plans for thousands of satellites but has not disclosed its plans to the public.
Roscosmos, the Russian Space Agency, has plans for 640 satellites, to be deployed between 2022 and 2026. Aerospace Science and Industry Corp., a Chinese state-owned company, has plans for 156 satellites, to be in place by 2022.”
2) Lest we forget how we are now living, without our consent and often under duress, with dangerous radiation emitting devices on our home. In 2010, PG&E was forced to admit that their smeters emit signals thousands of times a day. But, until then, like BC Hydro and most other utilities, they admitted only 4-6 data signals, attempting to ignore the many thousands of signals required to keep the mesh grid working.
In 2016, ITRON materials were found that admitted that its smeters also send out thousands of signals and, as well, at levels far above what had been told in all the BCUC hearings or in their published material. Why isn’t this illegal and worthy of a recall? From the very beginning, BC Hydro misled us at every meeting, with every piece of information whether about costs, health ramifications, number of signals, testing, safety or security. Yet the government is silent to our pleas for help.
(click on photo to enlarge)

PG&E Smart Meters Pulse Harmful RF 10K-190K Times Daily with Peak Power 2.5X What’s Stated in Safety Data
Read PG&E’s responses to Q&A especially on pp. 6-7:
Here is the ITRON material that I shared in Sept. 2016. Virtually constant signals at extremely high RF levels — far above what most countries would allow and dangerously high according to experts.
“900MHz LAN: 0.227 (mW/cm^2) = 227 microwatts per centimeter squared. SC 6 limits allow 274 or 83% allowable limits.
2.4GHz Zigbee: 0.031 (mW/cm^2) = 31 microwatts per centimeter squared. SC 6 limits allow 535.
TOTAL: 0.258 (mW/cm^2) = 258 microwatts per centimeter squared. I believe the lower frequency limit is used in situations like this. This is 94% of SC 6 allowable limits.”
3) Many of the Coalition members are very concerned about issues of EMR and schools, with Wi-Fi and cell phones, plus all the wireless “aids” exposing children to high levels of RF all day, every school day. Experts such as the late Dr. Martin Blank have given presentations to school boards only to be treated with great disrespect. Now we hear that school board members have an annual Christmas vacation at our expense and are told not to speak to the members of the public. They are proving that school boards are not doing their job, which is to protect the children (“in loco parentis” is on a plaque on the wall of a room where a board room meeting was held).
Patti Bacchus: School trustees need to prove they matter
Expensive hotels, Christmas-shopping expeditions, buffets, and rude communications staff don’t inspire confidence
“The first time I went to a BCSTA academy, in 2008, I wondered why anyone would schedule a three-day conference just as the hectic holiday season was kicking off. I soon got an explanation, when I sat down next to a trustee from a Fraser Valley district, who was staying at the hotel. I grumbled about how inconvenient it was to attend a three-day conference at such a busy time of year and he said, “Oh, the whole point is for everyone to come into town and do their Christmas shopping and go out to dinner.”…
Beyond that topic, this year’s agenda is devoid of scheduled sessions to discuss the most urgent issues in our public schools. On the other hand, the organizers have arranged for a Conservative MP from Alberta to fly in and talk about being a parent of a child on the autism spectrum—because, apparently, we don’t have any parents in B.C. who can speak about that (we actually have many).”
We have got a positive feedback from Quebec – www.stopponsla5g.ca
and also from Vancouver but nothing is confirmed yet. Will send you further information as they emerge.
Protests can take many forms such as Marches, Stationary demonstrations, Meetings/debates, Public information actions (banquets, flyers, etc.), Creative and cultural actions, Raising awareness of the serious dangers of 5G (using social media and interactive media etc.).
Actions to Raise Awareness about the harms of 5G will begin on January 12th. These two weeks will culminate in a Global 5G Protest Day on January 25th. Supporting interactive website, where protest events being planned around the world can be posted, will be soon released as well as the flyer for the protest.
Regarding the 5G Space Appeal, the plan is to deliver the Appeal to governments during a two week period beginning January 12, leading up to a Global Day of Protest on January 25. It has been proposed that the 5G Space Appeal should be read at the United Nations, as well as in Brussels where another conference is planned in the European Parliament to call for an international moratorium.
– Facebook Group – 5g Global Protest Day 25th January 2020
– Action Campaign for safe TelecommunicatION – List of actions and events 22/11-25/1
If you are planning something in your area, please let us know. Thank you!
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A politician thinks of the next election. A leader thinks of the next generation.” – Bernie Sanders