There were no updates for the last 2 days because of a computer switch-over.
1) There have been many responses to the report by Dr. Arazi regarding the study showing that 90% of the 450 popular models of cellphones tested emitted higher levels of radiation than allowed by guidelines such as Safety Code 6. Neither Canada nor the US is among the countries taking action. Health Canada and the FCC aren’t even calling for cellphones to be tested for themselves or publishing warnings to the public. Here is a summary of the articles published so far. Please consider sharing this with your MPs and your media.
2) The Canadian Brain Tumour Association advised that the project to gather details on brain tumours is up and running at the U of A. Its website is and the first reports are available. Unfortunately, there is only partial information available and they are only attempting to get info going back to 2010. It will be impossible to get meaningful statistics showing increases for many years.
And, as an aside, a point person for BC Cancer society is the infamous “Dr.” Mary McBride. For those who don’t know her history, for close to 20 years she allowed herself to be called “Dr.” . When she was outed in 2010, she just said she was unaware that “Dr.” was being used as her title. At the BC Cancer Society, she was doing grand rounds, seeing/treating cancer patients and, all the time, telling people not to worry about cell towers being installed on elementary schools. The Cancer Society, consistent in its efforts to be ethical, made her “distinguished scientist”. She has been affiliated with the industry for decades so any information she has gathered or research she does should be closely scrutinized.
“Now, we are pleased to be able to provide you with the first incidence report, from four provinces, that speaks to 70% of the Canadian population. A further survival report will be released later this year and in 2020 a comprehensive national report will include the entire Canadian population, including incidence, survival and prevalence data. We will not stop until every brain tumour is routinely counted, as every brain tumour counts!”
Below in Letters is a response from the Cancer Info. Service to a letter I sent asking for data. I don’t understand why historical data that has been reported by oncologists hasn’t/isn’t being used to establish a baseline. Researchers need to know, among other specifics, the number of brain cancers before cell phones and after, as well as the year of diagnosis and age of the victim, to determine the effect of exposure.
3) A member who has a facebook account devoted to 5G says that portions have been removed, many comments were deleted without her knowledge. She suspects that someone is censoring 5G discussion. Has anyone else noticed anything like this?
4) An unbelievable YouTube at a school fighting the erection of a cell tower. This child asks a question and the response from the “salesman” and father of a child with leukemia is absolutely unbelievable.
Child Asks if School Cell Tower is Safe To Milestone Communications President : Cell Tower Company (1:10 min.)
5) A local man fighting glioblastoma, Rick Masales aka Chopper.
Abbotsford cop with terminal brain cancer hopes for treatment in the U.S.
(click on photos to enlarge)
6) The people who have worked to keep the industry/military-set standards at ICNIRP and WHO, which are followed by Health Canada and our Provincial Health Officers, are guilty of malfeasance and conflicts of interests. Michael Repacholi is considered the “father” of Safety Code 6. He has been affiliated with industry, taken money surreptitiously, misrepresented science for years and when he left his position at WHO, he handed it over to an engineer, not a health scientist, who worked with and was mentored by Repacholi, Emilie van Deventer. She is carrying on Repacholi’s horrid, dangerous work. This facebook comment says it all.

I do not normally share advertisements, but Jerry is a dedicated member of the Coalition with much to share:
For those interested, my new book: “Hidden Dangers – 5G” is now available online from and should soon be available from Chapters, Barnes & Noble, as well as from electronic book sellers such as E-Kindle. This one-of-a-kind book contains irrefutable evidence and facts – from around the world – of the pandemic corruption culminating in governments and industry pushing hazardous 5G (fifth generation) technology that now literally threatens mankind.
James G. (“Jerry”) Flynn, Captain (retired)
Career Electronic Warfare and Signals Intelligence specialist.
Canadian Armed Forces (N) and the Royal Canadian Navy
From: “”
Sent: November 22, 2019 1:44:46 PM
Subject: Re: brain cancer statistics
Hi Nicole,
Thank you so much for your response.
I realize that the available data are not complete or as detailed as we would wish. Having more specific details, by year going back to 1990, by specific type, e.g glioblastoma/ glioblastoma multiforme, acoustic neuroma, astrocytoma, etc. is really necessary to have material available to researchers.
There is quite specific info about some cancers, e.g. colon, but I could find nothing re. brain cancers. Is it there and I just missed it?
I have obtained the data from the BC Cancer Agency and it is very broad and not very useful.
The purpose for my inquiry is that in many countries data is being provided that shows a dramatic increase in glioblastomas, especially in younger people and children, in the last 20 years. Data is available by year, by age and by tumour type. Many studies have linked cell phones to this type of brain cancer yet I have been unable to obtain any information about rates of this deadly disease in Canada.
Doctors have told me that oncologists report cancers at a very detailed level and have for many years. Might you know where they report this info? Do you know if there is any intention to obtain this to provide an historical basis or starting point for determining any changes in incident rates?
Again, thank you for your help.
From: “CIS (Cancer Information Service)” <cis@ONTARIO.CANCER.CA>
To: “
Sent: Friday, November 22, 2019 8:27:30 AM
Subject: brain cancer statistics
Dear Sharon,
Thank you for contacting the Canadian Cancer Society. I understand that you are looking for historical and current brain cancer statistics by age group.
On page 37 of the Canadian Cancer Statistics 2019 publication it breaks down cancer mortality for brain cancer by age group. You can also see past editions of the statistics publications here.
You may want to reach out to the BC Cancer Agency to see if they have any further statistics. They can be reached at 1-800-663-3333.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact our Cancer Information Service at 1 888 939-3333. We are available Monday to Friday from 9am to 7pm (Eastern Standard Time).
Nicole – Cancer Information and Support Representative
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
If you don’t look, you won’t find.