2019-11-18 France reporting increase in glioblastomas

1)  Many countries have reported steady and concerning increases in the rates of brain cancers, especially glioblastomas.  There is no reason to doubt that the same thing is happening here in Canada. Information about brain cancer and some victims of this horrible microwave radiation-related disease is being gathered on our website   https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/brain-cancer/

Brain cancers : 4 times more new cases of glioblastoma in 2018 according to Public Health France

““Over the last 2 decades, nearly 50,000 people have been affected in France by this extremely aggressive brain tumor, which has a very high mortality rate. It was also during this period that mobile telephony exploded and industrialists knowingly overexposed us to the waves of our mobile phones. This industrial and health scandal has a name, the “Phonegate”! Public authorities can no longer deny the evidence and must urgently protect the health of tens of millions of users.”


2)  Josh Hart, head of a California group resisting smeters, has provided some good information about 5G and RF meters.  Some of you have asked me for information about RF meters and I’ve referred you to Safe Living Technology here in Canada. Josh gives info about RF meters for comparison.

Reading 5G Frequencies Using the EMFields Acoustimeter AM-10 RF Meter

” RF Meters take microwave radiation (invisible and inaudible to most people) and make it both visible and audible. A quality RF meter is literally your ears and eyes when it comes to detection of microwaves. Because RF ‘electrosmog’ has increased exponentially over the past 3 decades, an RF meter is one of the most essential tools required to protect your own family’s health and safety. It is also very helpful for reaching out to others on the issue. “You can’t ‘unhear’ it” said one user of the Acoustimeter AM-10 after hearing the high pitched whine of a cell tower and the tat-tat-tat-tat of a wifi router. “It just sticks in your head and you think about that sound every time you are around a wireless device.”


3)  The National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) in the US is capturing the status of laws by state regarding 5G programs. Due to the pro-industry stance in the federal government, it is anticipated that the laws will be beneficial for the wireless industry, expediting installations by cutting red tape and eliminating any need for studies to ensure safety for humans and environment. Each state’s status is provided with links to relevant laws or policies currently in place such as those requiring Commissions to study health effects.  We might be able to get some good ideas by looking at the states where they’ve succeeded to get Commissions to study the effects of 5G.

Mobile 5G and Small Cell 2019 Legislation

“To deploy this technology, new infrastructure, called small cells, must be used. Small cells generate less power, collect and transmit signals in a short range from one another and require collocating the cells on other infrastructure. Small cell wireless facility deployment requires streamlined federal, state and local permitting, rights of way, application timelines and other siting and application fees, and application review timelines and appeals processes to make it economically feasible for wireless companies to deploy the technology across communities….

Twenty-three states have introduced mobile 5G and small cell-related legislation in the 2019 legislative session. Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Nebraska, North Carolina, West Virginia and Wisconsin enacted legislation or adopted resolutions in 2019.”



Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“Carry iPhone at least 5 millimeters away from your body to ensure exposure levels remain at or below the astested levels.” iPhone manual


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation