1) Dr. Don Maisch has provided this information about a program that will be shown on Australian ABC Television about the struggles children, who have grown up with digital gadgets, are having becoming literate and well-educated.
(click on photo to enlarge)

DigiKids: A special report by ABC’s Four Corners program on how the digital age affects children and their learning
“Teachers and students are also grappling with a growing problem – digital distraction. Today’s school children are the first generation of “digi kids” raised with digital devices from their earliest years. Four Corners investigates the concerns about how technology is impacting on these children.
“Part of the challenge for us as educators is that this is a real-time experiment that’s been conducted on us all.” Education Dept Head “
DigiKids, reported by Louise Milligan, goes to air on Monday 11th November at 8.30pm.
It is replayed on Tuesday 12th November at 1.00pm and Wednesday 13th at 11.20pm.
It can also be seen on ABC NEWS channel on Saturday at 8.10pm AEST, ABC iview and at abc.net.au/4corners .
2) There are at least 2 companies installing 5G equipment in BC: Telus is putting Huawei microcells on poles throughout residential neighbourhoods and Rogers, working with Ericsson, has installed many transmitters on UBC campus. There are many companies working across the USA and the member who is the webmaster of www.EMRABC.ca has gathered an immense amount of information about the equipment.
If anyone getting this update lives in a city where 5G has gone live (there are a few places in North America), would you please send me photos of the microcells or structures, along with locations, brand and any product info. that might be available, so that they can be added on this website. Send to:
citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “5G structures in _________” (provide city name) on the subject line.
The webmaster has visited the UBC campus but was unable to find most of the transmitters. They could be well hidden or disguised. He did find one 5G Array Box that has 16 transmitters in it.
He was able to take photos of these Cisco antennas on the UBC roof tops:
There are more than 100 photos here from many different cities:
3) A call to action, by Camilla Rees, written a couple of years ago. She concludes that it is up to us to protect ourselves and our families, and to take on the governments for their inaction.
“An overview of the rapidly emerging public health issue from cell phones, wireless devices and wireless infrastructure— and how the growth in these technologies is a little understood driver of poor health outcomes and costs….
There are many international groups now calling for wireless companies and their executives to be brought before the International Criminal Court at the Hague for crimes against humanity, as well more and more academics voicing concern about the effects of overuse of technology, and internet addiction, in our culture. And yet ironically, some technology executives who seduce us into thinking non-stop, biologically-disruptive communications technology is actually desirable probably believe that they are doing us a favor. The myopia, and focus on growth at any cost, is profound. As a society, we need to be asking what is at the root of this myopia. How did it happen that so many in technology circles are overlooking one of the most important aspects of life—health—seemingly in denial that we are electromagnetic ourselves? Can it really be only about the greed?…
But we cannot afford to wait for government, the legal system, or the health care system to effectively respond before acting to protect and preserve our biology. People can do a lot now preventatively to protect health, if they understand the risks, while also encouraging an appropriate response from our government, especially Congress.
See 50+ EMF Safety Tips and Insights (https://manhattanneighbors.org/50-emf-safety-tips/) and For Parents to Know.”
From: Cindy Russell <cindyleerussell@gmail.com>
Sent: November 11, 2019
Subject: Digital Wellness Talk Stanford Health Improvement Program Nov 19 Noon Webinar
HI All:
Here is the information and link if you wish to share. The talk will focus mostly on screen time.
Title: Digital Wellness: Health Impacts of Digital Technology. Dr. Cindy Russell presenter.
Date/Time: Tuesday Nov 19, 2019 at 12 PM-1PM
Location: Webinar – Computer
Fee: $35
Sponsor: Stanford Health Improvement Program
Link to Register: Go to main site at:
https://healthimprovement.stanford.edu/classes/register/search.php. and type in ……Health Impacts of Digital Technology
Description: “Are you concerned about excessive screen time for yourself or your family or the physical risks of radiation generated by cell phones and Wi Fi? You are not alone.
While the use of wireless devices has skyrocketed, there have been more questions than answers raised about associated mental health, physical health, environmental, privacy, and security issues of this new technology. While there are conflicting opinions, there is credible research that underscores the need for precaution.
In this noontime webinar, you will learn scientific research regarding wireless technologies and their effects on biological systems as well as the psychosocial aspects of digital addictions and how digital technology and excessive screen time can have physiological and psychological effects on children and adults.
You will walk away with effective measures that can be used to reduce your exposure to wireless radiofrequency radiation in the home as well as tools to tame technology addictions at home. A resource list will be provided on request.”
Cindy Lee Russell, M.D.
Physicians for Safe Technology
Our vision is a world where technology serves our needs without undermining our physical, psychosocial or environmental health.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Public apathy is more powerful than public opinion. There’s more of it.” Dr. Jim Boren