1) This from Cece Doucette. I would encourage you to go to her group’s website where there is some great info about children, Wi-Fi, schools, etc. https://www.wirelesseducation.org/about-us/
“Fox News contacted me last night after a new article came out in JAMA Pediatrics, “Associations Between Screen-based Media Use and Brain White Matter Integrity in Pre-School Aged Children.”
The assignment was for a one-minute story on screen time and we’re grateful they ran a two-minute piece that included radiation exposure too (a subsequent story ran later that night but the clip isn’t yet available — they recommended airplane mode and hard-wiring :-). “
Associations Between Screen-Based Media Use and Brain White Matter Integrity in Preschool-Aged Children (the study)
“Conclusions and Relevance
This study found an association between increased screen-based media use, compared with the AAP guidelines, and lower microstructural integrity of brain white matter tracts supporting language and emergent literacy skills in prekindergarten children. The findings suggest further study is needed, particularly during the rapid early stages of brain development.”
Plugged in: Too much screen time could be harming children’s brains (the TV interview)
“The study, published in Jama Pediatrics this week, shows a direct link between screen time and brain development in toddlers.
Researchers studied dozens of children ranging from ages three to five and found that the more time kids spent looking at a tablet, their brains developed slower.
Scientists noticed less brain activity for skills like language and literacy.”
2) The FCC in the US is very similar to Health Canada in responsibilities (and lack of responsibility). It has, in the past, asked for public input about issues from net neutrality to 5G but, apparently, the fact that responses are from phony people or from the industry doesn’t seem to matter. As has been said before, FCC (like Health Canada) is a captured agency working for industry at the public’s expense.
(click on photos to enlarge)

The Regulator Promoting New, Untested 5G Infrastructure For Faster Data-Driven Decision-Making Doesn’t Care About Data Integrity
““A BuzzFeed News investigation — based on an analysis of millions of comments, along with court records, business filings, and interviews with dozens of people — offers a window into how a crucial democratic process was skewed by one of the most prolific uses of political impersonation in US history.”
The Verge and Benton highlight BuzzFeed’s investigation into the flood of fake comments submitted to the FCC regarding net neutrality this week. The issue is not just net neutrality….
It’s not really a story about net neutrality. Instead, it’s about how systems designed for public participation in the government are so easily scammed and what the challenges are for preventing such scams from happening…
But even more troubling is the fact that a former Verizon lawyer is implying that there is some sort of discernment taking place at the FCC regarding the “quality” of comments, submissions, and testimony.
Does the FCC sort comments into the category that supports the industry agenda, and the category that does not, resulting in its personification as a captured agency?
Nowhere is this issue more alarming than in the roll-out of 5G infrastructure arriving on thoroughfares and public ways, in close proximity to basically everything, despite harm already being reported to both human health[3] and the environment[4] from the earlier deployments.
The FCC has systemically ignored testimony about the need to update exposure limits.”
3) Further to the article in last night’s update about UBC being the first campus to go full 5G, here is an earlier article announcing the partnership between Rogers and UBC. Look at the comments. What rigorous safety standards? Our college kids are being used as Roger’s guinea pigs. Other universities also are providing fodder for the 5G experiment.

Rogers and UBC ink multi-year agreement to build 5G Hub in Vancouver
“Hey Wayne! We work closely with Industry Canada and Government partners, and global governing bodies to make sure everything we bring to Canadians meets rigorous safety standards.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Condemnation without investigation is the height of ignorance.” – A. Einstein