1) The hard sell for a 5G device, about 1/3 of the way down. [This $12.4 Trillion Revolution Is Taking Shape in Real Time RIGHT NOW – I’m talking, of course, about 5G….] Appeals to greed. Profit at any price — even our health and security.
This Single Device Revamps Your Entire Internet Experience….
“So what makes this device so special?
In short, this single device renders most current internet appliances obsolete.”
2) In Hawaii, Maui’s County Land Use Committee will hold a 3 hour meeting to discuss 5G and legal issues associated with 5G. I will ask for the recording to be shared so we can all listen to the concerns raised and ideas offered.
“It’s official! The agenda has been posted. Three hours dedicated to 5G! This Wednesday Maui County’s Planning & Sustainable Land Use committee, chaired by Tamara Paltin, is sponsoring a fact-finding panel on 5G.
A few more details:
1) This is an informational fact-finding panel focused on legal issues of 5G, not a hearing. No decision-making will happen at this meeting.
2) Josh del Sol lives on the mainland and Ray Broomhall lives in Australia. They will both be joining the panel via webcam. Yours truly will be in the flesh.
3) The meeting will be live-streamed on two networks, recorded, and available for sharing.
4) If you bring a sign in lieu of verbal testimony, which I hope you will to save time (see below), make sure it does not block anyone’s view.
5) We are grateful to PSLU committee chair, Tamara Paltin, for sponsoring this panel, and are working with her to encourage a follow up panel focused on 5G health, cultural and environmental effects. Stay tuned!”
3) One of our members has kindly translated major portions of this article about German doctors marching to a government office to present a letter to the Prime Minister warning about 5G and demanding that EMR levels be reduced. The doctors in Canada must become educated on this topic.
Doctors delegation moves in front of the ministry.
Presentation of open letter regarding 5G in Stuttgart, Germany
“Stuttgart, 23.10.2019: A doctors delegation of 25 MD’s from all of Baden-Wuertenberg, in white doctors coats, moved with a 3 Meter wide banner in front of the government offices of minister president Winfried Kretschmann in Stuttgart. There they presented on a DIN A1 size, printed open letter, incl. rollout list of signees to the land-government of Baden-Wuerttenberg. The letter bears the title “Doctors warn of 5G-Mobile radiation technology” The letter was accepted by a clerk of the Government office, where an intense discussion regarding responsibility of the state for health developed. This action of the “white coats” was impressive, the first land-wide largest action by Physicians.
(click on photo to enlarge)

25 physicians on the way to the ministries offices. Photo: Julian Rettig / diagnose:funk
70 doctors from Baden-Wuerttenberg/ Germany, have signed the open letter to Ministerpresident Kretschmann. In it, the physicians point to the poor health picture of electrohypersensitivity (EHS), following research of already 5 to 10 percent of the population, which is caused by mobile technology and WiFi radiation. On top in this open letter, several relevant international studies are quoted, of cancer causing and cancer triggering effects. The demand of the doctors to Kretschmann is, to minimize the exposure of electromagnetic fields – the so called electrosmog. “
In the letter to the German PM, reference is made to this new report on health risks. Recommendations are made and, at the very end, precautionary information is provided.
Risks to Health and Well-Being From Radio-Frequency Radiation Emitted by Cell Phones and Other Wireless Devices
“Novel 5G technology is being rolled out in several densely populated cities, although potential chronic health or environmental impacts have not been evaluated and are not being followed. Higher frequency (shorter wavelength) radiation associated with 5G does not penetrate the body as deeply as frequencies from older technologies although its effects may be systemic . The range and magnitude of potential impacts of 5G technologies are under-researched, although important biological outcomes have been reported with millimeter wavelength exposure. These include oxidative stress and altered gene expression, effects on skin and systemic effects such as on immune function. In vivo studies reporting resonance with human sweat ducts, acceleration of bacterial and viral replication, and other endpoints indicate the potential for novel as well as more commonly recognized biological impacts from this range of frequencies, and highlight the need for research before population-wide continuous exposures.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“A government has no conscience. Sometimes it has a policy, but nothing more.” Albert Camus