1) A very old and well respected scientific journal published Dr. Moskowitz’s article and thereby helps to increase awareness in critical circles that can help create “cracks” in the 5G grid program.
“In a recently published article entitled, We Have No Reason to Believe 5G is Safe, Scientific American (SciAm) magazine issued a stern warning about the known and potential dangers of 5G technology.
Of particular significance is the fact that SciAm is the oldest continuously published monthly magazine in the United States, founded by inventor and publisher Rufus M. Porter in 1845, and running monthly since 1921. It is a highly influential publication, widely reputed for its rigorous scientific standards, and lauded by today’s fact-checkers as highly credible and staunchly pro-science….
Cracks are showing in the government and telecom industry’s blanket assertion that 5G is safe, and many prominent and influential scientists, dignitaries, and organizations are now speaking out against 5G – the global human experiment without consent. For the editorial board of Scientific American to run a piece this condemning 5G is a very strong signal that even the most mainstream elements of the scientific community are genuinely concerned.”
2) A member sent in this information about a pilot project involving “smart” grocery carts in Sobey’s in Oakville, Ontario. Could one of our members in the area check out the RF levels and report back?
“CTV announced that Oakville Ontario Sobey’s is testing these new Smart Carts for grocery stores, it’s used already in some NY stores, they launched in Jan 2019.”
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbP8IbX3c-A (video 02:56)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_c-9vJi4b0 (video 01:12)
3) As most of you will recall, over the last few months there has been a serious effort to erect a new CREST tower in downtown Ganges, on Salt Spring Island, where many people work and live. Here is an opinion piece with specifications for siting the tower in a new area. This could be used by other communities facing similar pressures for cell towers as well as CREST towers.
Opinion – Safety and transparency needed for new cell site by Chris Anderson on behalf of Gulf Islanders for Safe Technology – GI Driftwood (p.8) – October 23, 2019:
(click on photo to enlarge)

4) (revised) **Read: 4) – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2019-10-27-time-sensitive-5g-meeting-at-simon-fraser-wed-oct-30/ before you read below.**
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Lawsuits against ITRON and other smeter manufacturers for, among other things, interference with medical devices. I will try to get more information and documentation on this charge, and will share when I get it.
People Worldwide Are Getting Sick From Utility “Smart” Meters — Californians Took PG&E to Court
“Attorneys David Kyle and Paul Overett have filed a mass tort against Edison and PG&E for health effects from smart meters/smart grid. Also names in the suit are smart meter installation companies Corix and Wellington, and smart meter manufacturers, Itron and Landis Gyr, with possibly more defendants to be added as the lawsuit progresses.
Mr. Kyle recently reached a settlement with PG&E in a wrongful death, smart meter fire suit and BEAT EDISON IN COURT to achieve the first free opt out in southern California (story on this below).
A total of 16 plaintiffs, 10 Edison and 6 PG&E allege have suffering health effects from the new wireless meters ranging from headaches, loss of sleep and tinnitus to heart attack, cancer and medical implant interference/defibrillator shut offs.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The absence of absolute proof does not mean the absence of risk,” ~ Dr. Annie Sasco