1) Unfortunately, BC Hydro and the Provincial Health Officer are not well informed about the dangers posed by microwave radiation, and the public keeps being given inaccurate information. I hope that many of you will consider writing to the journalist, Aaron Hinks, and ask him to provide follow-up information about the facts that are omitted or misrepresented in this article. His email address is aaron.hinks@peacearchnews.com .
The Provincial Health Officer at the time (Perry Kendall) and those reporting to him have no experience or education in the field of microwave radiation and refuse to acknowledge the scientific evidence that we have been giving them and those since 2011. Why is this? Are they afraid to upset the corporations? Why aren’t they doing their jobs which is to protect public health? Public health doctors’ jobs are to prevent people from becoming ill, not to treat them after. And they are failing miserably with regard to wireless radiation.

(click on photo to enlarge)
South Surrey man allows smart meter installation ‘under duress’
“BC Hydro says devices emit fraction of radio frequency from a cellphone”
“After being told that his power would be shut off, a South Surrey man has grudgingly agreed to allow BC Hydro to install a smart meter on his house, despite concerns for his health….
Prior to switching from an analog system to smart metering system in 2011, BC Hydro consulted with B.C.’s Public Health Officer and Vancouver Coastal Health, who confirmed that the smart meters are safe and pose no health risks, B.C. Hydro told PAN.”
2) A new type of microcell is going up in Ohio and people are having trouble getting any info about them. Look at the video in the article and you’ll see this unusual pole/transmitter. I am not aware of this type being erected in BC. Please let me know if you do see any. Email me at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “cylinder transmitter” on the subject line. A week later, an update was aired, confirming that these weird things are cell towers.
Mystery towers going up all over Cincinnati area
“If you drive around the Cincinnati area you may have noticed mysterious cylinder-type cell phone towers, that look nothing like any cell tower most of us have seen.
Now, a growing number of Tri-Staters are getting worried about these towers, and the 5G signals they believe they will soon be sending out, as part of the nationwide rollout of faster 5G cell service.”
(2:25 min.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-0eu-03udkQ
Update a week later https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yoiPk1c2ymo
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
Even if all the experts agree, they may well be mistaken. Bertrand Russell