1) Telus, and other telecoms, are buying security companies to tie in with their wireless services, including 5G. Of course this will all be wireless and enable access to even more data for the 5G grid.
Telus to buy ADT’s Canadian security business, ADT Inc. to pay special dividend
“Several of Canada’s major phone and cable companies have identified home security and home automation services as growth opportunities for their latest generation of networks, including fifth-generation wireless service.”
2) French Courts have supported the decision of the Agency, that found that cell phones were emitting excessive RF, not to release the full, undoctored report. Dr. Arazi has been attempting to have this information released to the public for a long time, asking for transparency for the safety and health of the French cell phone customers. Industry seems to have put a lid on this critical information.
Has anyone seen even one article in Canada about the cell phones with emission levels that exceed the ridiculous (non-applicable) Safety Code 6 (SAR)? Or that any testing has been done?
[Press release] Original versions of the ANFR test reports: the State Council refuses Dr Arazi’s appeal
“In a decision handed down on 30 September 2019, the judges of the Council of State followed the recommendations of the public rapporteur and rejected Dr Marc Arazi’s appeal against the decision of the Melun Administrative Court handed down on December 28, 2018.
The National Frequency Agency (ANFR) is therefore, for the time being, confirmed in its decision not to have published the original (i.e. before any modification) and full mobile phone test reports.”
3) A couple of years ago, a group in Colorado began to petition schools to reduce screen time after children began to suffer problems from a high tech program from Silicon Valley. This information should be shared with parents and students, school board trustees and education ministers
[http://www.bced.gov.bc.ca/schools/bcmap.htm & https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/bc-contact-e-mail-lists/]
because children are being exposed to wireless devices, made to use screens all day to “enhance” learning.
(click on photo to enlarge)

American Families Are Rejecting Hi-Tech School Curriculums and Their Zombifying Effect
“The seed of rebellion was planted in classrooms. It grew in kitchens and living rooms, in conversations between students and their parents.
It culminated when Collin Winter, 14, an eighth grader in McPherson, Kan., joined a classroom walkout in January. In the nearby town of Wellington, high schoolers staged a sit-in. Their parents organized in living rooms, at churches and in the back of machine repair shops. They showed up en masse to school board meetings. In neighborhoods with no political yard signs, homemade signs with dark red slash marks suddenly popped up….
Then, students started coming home with headaches and hand cramps. Some said they felt more anxious. One child began having a recurrence of seizures. Another asked to bring her dad’s hunting earmuffs to class to block out classmates because work was now done largely alone.”
Screen Time Colorado – Full Event
(2 hrs. 7 min.)
STC videos – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBBwllHzUSsX9r-jCsKC9EA
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and acted on.” ~Ben Franklin
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