1) A beautiful video that ensures that as many people as possible have the opportunity to sign the 5G International Appeal.
International Appeal to Stop 5G on Earth and in Space – in 30 languages – in 30 PDF files. by Multerland – YouTube – July 05, 2019:
(10:50 minutes)
2) As often happens, California leads the way again — this time in trying to get local governments to take a strong stand against 5G. Many northern Calif. cities have strong ordinances and policies, and the people in Encinitas want the same approved by their Council.
Each of us should be organizing groups to organize town hall meetings, attend city council meetings, making them into rallies, demanding the local government write ordinances that ban microcells from the public right of ways.
So what if ISED says the city has no right to do this. Resist. Every time there is a battle or a dispute, make it loud so that people will become aware of what is happening. Change will happen only when the grassroot pressure is great and federal MPs hear what is happening at the local level in their ridings.
(click on photos to enlarge)

5G opponents cite health concerns in urging city to limit wireless antennas
“The best thing that Encinitas could do with its new, controversial 5 G wireless antenna ordinance is to trash it and start over, taking as a model the strict regulations created by smarter California cities, many ordinance opponents told city officials Monday night.
“I don’t want 5 G anywhere in the city,” Encinitas resident Lindsy Richards said as she urged Encinitas to join Monterrey, San Francisco, Mill Valley and many other places that are “vigorously opposing” a recent federal directive regarding the roll-out of the new 5 G technology.
If people even in places like Palo Alto in the center of Silicon Valley are opposing the installation of these wireless antennas in residential areas, “this raises a big red flag for me and it should for you too,” she told city officials and her fellow opponents.”

Encinitas residents vocal in opposition to 5G cell towers, council agrees
“Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear announced during a council meeting on Sept. 25 that the council had unanimously approved joining a coalition to oppose the FCC’s petition to restrict municipalities, such as Encinitas, from having the ability to say no to 5G expansion and wireless facilities.
Two days prior, about 150 people showed up to a town hall meeting Sept. 23 in strong opposition of 5G cell towers going up in Encinitas….
One opposer who spoke at the forum cited that 5G technology is 10,000 times more powerful than the existing 4G and 3G and “may well be the atomic bomb of our contemporary world.” Another stated that new research shows that electromagnetic fields, or EMF, could lead to heart attacks and strokes, Alzheimer’s and neurological disease from brain degeneration. A middle school student packed a punch with her statement: “You will be long gone by the time people realize the truth. You are literally putting the weight of the world on us.””
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity.” Albert Einstein