1) The NTP is undertaking another study to discover why the cancers and tumors developed, and why DNA was damaged. 30 years ago, Drs. Lai and Singh found DNA breaks after exposure to EMR. Marvelous scientists who suffered greatly from abuse by the industry.
NTP Turns to Mechanisms
DNA Breaks, Oxidative Stress and Gene Expression Are on the Agenda
“The U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP) will soon embark on a new phase of its long-running RF project. Last year, the NTP concluded that RF radiation causes cancer; now it will begin a systematic search for mechanisms to explain how and why the tumors developed. Work is expected to begin by the end of the year.
The research plan is wide-ranging. It includes studies on gene expression, oxidative stress and DNA damage and repair, as well as the possible role played by heat. Other priorities on the NTP agenda are studies on behavior and stress.”
2) The relationship between fiber optic cable and 5G is explained in detail. Without fiber optic cable, 5G would not be possible. Fiber optic cable is the best provider for the internet, etc. but sadly it is being used to facilitate a dangerous technology. Unfortunately, Telus has spread its fiber optic cable over much of the province without telling anyone the reason — in fact, misleading people about it. Now the real question is, why are they bringing it to our homes for “free”? Nothing is done for free. There has to be a a connection with 5G.
Fiber optic vs. 5G wireless networks: A closer look at an emerging debate (Reader Forum)
“Rather, 5G wireless networks and fiber optic networks complement each other, together offering a more cohesive internet experience across fixed and mobile applications than either could alone. Without 5G, fiber would lack mobility. Without fiber, the revolutionary goals of 5G would simply be impossible.
The essential relationship between fiber optics and 5G wireless networks
5G wireless small cells and their fiber wireline networks will never be mutually exclusive. To understand the relationship between wireless and wireline networks, it’s helpful to think of a city’s network in physiological terms: 5G will function splendidly as the capillaries (mobile fronthaul) of a city’s networking system — but internet traffic will travel nearly its entire journey in the veins or arteries (fiber backhaul).”
3) A major victory in Australia, with its groups protesting 5G due to health concerns resulting in a cessation of the development of the 5G grid. If they can do it, we can, too!!
TPG says community health fears stopped its 5G rollout in Australia – as experts blame disinformation campaigns on social media
“TPG chief operating executive Craig Levy has told the Federal Court that the telco pulled its plans to roll out a 5G network in Australia due to community fears regarding the health impact of the technology.”
4) In Switzerland, there have been protests that resulted in moratoriums on 5G being implemented, but the rollout is continuing. Doctors are asking for caution, and there will be a major rally on Sept. 21. If Australia can put a stop on 5G, Switzerland can, too. Major precedents for us and others to follow.
Health fears prompt Swiss 5G revolt
“Switzerland was among the first countries to begin deploying 5G, but health fears over radiation from the antennas that carry the next-generation mobile technology have sparked a nationwide revolt.
Demonstrators against the technology are due to fill the streets of Bern later this month, but already a number of cantons have been pressured to put planned constructions of 5G-compatible antennae on ice.,,.
The powerful Swiss Federation of Doctors is also urging caution, maintaining that “as long as there is no scientific proof that raising the radiation limits will not impact health, one must refrain from raising them.”
5) BC Hydro crew coming to Salt Spring Island soon.
(click on photo to enlarge)

After much discussion back and forth about the desire of the member on Salt Spring to coordinate the installation of the smeter with the move of the meter away from the house because of fire and health risks, and being told that Customer Metering would be the one to help with this, BC Hydro’s Customer Metering called with this:
September 17, 2019
“I received a phone call at 3:03 pm from a Jessica from the “Customer Metering Department”, supposedly a follow-up to their e-mail about the “meter exchange”. She said that crews would be out in our area [Salt Spring Island] in the following weeks, and gave the lovely threat that we could be disconnected if there is not “clear, unobstructed access” to our meter. She also mentioned the $700.00 reconnection fee. No mention at all, in either their last e-mail or in the phone call, about my proposal to move the meter.”
From: “sherry ridout” (name given with permission)
To: “andrew weaver mla” <andrew.weaver.mla@leg.bc.ca>
Cc: “sonia furstenau MLA” <sonia.furstenau.MLA@leg.bc.ca>, “Ken Duke” <ken.duke@bchydro.com>, “citizensforsafertech” <citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca>
Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2019 6:58:03 PM
Subject: B.C. Hydro and meter installations
Dear Dr. Weaver,
First, let me express my sincere best wishes for a speedy recovery! You might want to consider the extensive use of your cell phone as a cause for your issues if that is the ear that is involved.
Second, let me express my dismay at B.C. Hydro’s policies regarding those of us who chose to keep our analog meters and have paid a fee to do so for the last 6 years. I understand there are citizens of the province who are being threatened with disconnection to hydro if they will not accept the installation of a “smart” meter. We had to eventually accept a digital “radio off” meter a few years ago because we were told there were no analog meters that would work for our situation but we still pay, a slightly reduced fee, to keep the electromagnetic emissions off. The public was told by the government of the day that they had a choice!!! Not so says Hydro!
Whether you agree with those who fear the negative health effects of EMR (Electro-magnetic Radiation) or with those who have concerns about privacy or fires I think you would agree that we all have the right to choose what devices are used in our own homes. Especially those of us who have medical issues that are impacted by the wireless radiation. You may want to apprise yourself of what two recent independent studies, done over 10 years and costing more than $25 million US, have shown:
- U.S. National Institute of Health, National Toxicology Project: https://www.niehs.nih.gov/health/materials/cell_phone_radiofrequency_radiation_studies_508.pdf
- The world-renowned Ramazzini Institute in Italy which confirmed the findings of the NTP study at exposure levels that were mere fractions of those allowed by SC 6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29530389
Thanks again for your time and anything you can do to rectify this situation on behalf of the citizens of the province of B.C.
Sherry Ridout
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
The cost of wireless convenience: EHS, infertility, cancer.
Sent from my wired computer, with all wireless functions disabled.