1) As more excellent studies have been published and more people are becoming aware of the results that show significant biological harm from exposure to EMR and EMF, even this business journal recognizes that the increasing level of RF exposure is posing a real health crisis. And if 5G is implemented, the level of risk increases dramatically. Hopefully, a new and influential audience will see this.
An Electromagnetic Health Crisis
“Now, in a rapidly transforming digital age, with wireless routers, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, 5G, the internet of things, radio and TV signals, mobile phones, and more, the applications and sources of EMF are proliferating. As a result, fears are amplifying about possible connections between EMF and adverse health effects on humans, other living beings, and the environment. Based on the thousands of published reports, there are growing concerns about radiofrequency radiation that can (i) damage the DNA of any biological species and lead to cancer; (ii) cause oxidative damage that can cause premature aging; (ii) disrupt cell metabolism; and (iv) potentially lead to other diseases through the generation of stress proteins.”
2) Robert Kennedy Jr. has been raising warnings about the deterioration of children’s health due to factors other than hereditary ones. There are many environmental toxins that did not exist until fairly recently — pesticides, many vaccines given in shots, GMOs and, of course, wireless radiation. All of these might all be working together weaken and harm our children and grandchildren. There have been several recent reports about the health of young adults being much worse than earlier generations and from this article, it sounds as if the younger kids are in even worse shape.
Chronic Illness in Children—Who Is Sounding the Alarm?
“Pervasive environmental toxins are key contributors to the “new morbidities of childhood,” yet “too little has been done to protect children from these ubiquitous but insidious toxins.” If the current disastrous state of affairs continues unchecked, the consequences—for individuals, families, communities and the country as a whole—will reverberate for decades to come.”
3) Sacramento residents continue to fight the city’s approval of 5G without full public review. This is the type of pressure that should be brought to every Council in communities where microcells have been installed. Many (most? all?) have not been given accurate info by Telus about this program and Councils or City staff were merely informed about “work” that was being done in the community.
5G for fighting
Sacramento city manager, attorney conducting new safety review of 5G towers
“Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg’s mission to make the city a technological innovator faced its largest pushback yet last week, when a bevy of critics accused him of promoting public-private partnerships without considering the unintended consequences.
The flare-up comes two years after Steinberg led the way to give Verizon Wireless significant access to the city’s telecommunication’s grid to make Sacramento a pioneering municipality for 5G networks. Recently, the city councilman whose district is at the heart of the experiment, Rick Jennings, heard so many concerns from residents that he insisted on a public forum.”
4) Many people have asked for information about making homes safer from dirty electricity and fires, including what is involved with moving the smeter away from the home. LRF from Salt Spring, a key member of the Coalition for many years, has provided detailed descriptions of what they have done. At the first link in the “Letters” section below, they give great information concerning the work required to move their radio-off smeter a great distance, much farther than most would have to move, so their costs are probably higher than others would see.
Great information about moving the smeter, etc.
(click on photo to enlarge)

In December 2018, we moved our meter as far as possible away from our house and had it installed on a private pole that we now own. We had to hire a local electrician to do this. This link is a description of what we did.
Our expenses were much higher because we put the service wires underground (we have many trees, a chicken coop, and there are lots of wind storms on Salt Spring).
Chris Anderson measured along the driveway where the service is and the EMF is negligible. Plus, we don’t stand on the driveway all the time.
How to move your electric meter away from your house: https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2018-11-21-how-to-move-meter-from-home-in-detail/ (see 3) & Letters – How to move meter from home)
3) We purchased a SineTamer from:
“Terry Stotyn” <tstotyn@cratuscanada.com> of Cratus Canada Ltd. (http://www.cratuscanada.com/power-smart/products). The electrician installed it at our electrical box after moving the meter.
The SineTamer suppresses Dirty Electricity. It cost us $1,409.50 Cdn. on November 18, 2018.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.” B.F. Skinner