1) Sad news about a local victim of glioblastoma, from Qualicum Beach.
(click on photos to enlarge)

– https://www.facebook.com/pg/purpleessentials/posts/?ref=page_internal
– https://www.gofundme.com/f/love-and-support-for-graham-and-christine
info & Brain Cancer Victim List – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/brain-cancer/
2) Next week a U.S. news program, “Full Measure”, will cover health effects of 5G. In Victoria, it’s on ABC at 10 am on Sunday.
3) The pile of plastics, lithium batteries, etc. is growing exponentially with all the new wireless and electronics. New cellphones are bought yearly by many people. Smeters have a lifespan of 5-7 years while analogs (glass and metal) last 30 years+. And now, with the advent of the IoT, “smart” devices, and 5G, experts predict that there will be even more junk to pollute the environment, especially from the US which has not joined with other countries in efforts to manage this problem. Yet another reason to ban 5G.
Global Ban On Sending Hazardous Waste To Developing Countries Close To Becoming Law. So Where Will We Send All The 5G E-Waste?
“Experts have already determined that E-Waste is a huge toxic problem. They have also predicted that the widespread implementation of 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) will make this MUCH worse.
Most electronics are NOT currently being recycled. So what is going to happen to the increasing amounts of E-Waste from 5G, IoT, utility “Smart” Meters and other environmentally unfriendly and often unnecessary technology?”
4) A map of U.S. cities where 5G is now, or will be soon, is daunting. This untested, potentially extremely harmful technology is being rolled out as quickly as possible — before test results can be provided. If anyone finds a map of Canadian cities and towns, please send to me at: citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca with “Maps” on the subject line.
Map shows the cities where deadly 5G cell towers are being rolled out… do you live in one of these?
“Not surprisingly, major cities like Los Angeles and New York City appear on the list, but what’s really disconcerting is the sheer number of cities that are marked as either having 5G now or getting it soon.
In the western part of the country, cities like San Francisco, Sacramento, San Diego, San Jose, Phoenix and Las Vegas are all on the map, while eastern cities with 5G include Boston, Washington D.C., Orlando, Jacksonville, Charlotte, Providence and Raleigh. In the middle of the country, cities like Denver, Salt Lake City, Kansas City, Des Moines, Oklahoma City, Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Little Rock, Memphis and Indianapolis all have the dubious distinction of being 5G cities.”
5) A very good documentary video “Mobilize”, that previously was available only via purchased DVD, is now available widely. “Mobilize” is about the dangers of cellphones and how industry has managed to corrupt the public health agencies.
This from the director. Please let your friends and family know so they can watch this.
I wanted to let you know the documentary Mobilize is now available for free on Amazon Prime! I would love it if you can promote this announcement on your email list. Below is more info on the film:
This year, Mobilize became available for free on Amazon Prime which has 100 million subscribers in the U.S. – https://www.amazon.com/gp/video/detail/B07M639C2B
Even if you don’t have Prime you can watch it for free with a 30 day trial! Please spread the word!
Mobilize is also cited in this excellent paper that was published by Yale: https://ecfsapi.fcc.gov/file/60001111298.pdf
You can also find out more at: https://www.mobilizemovie.com
Thanks for your time and support.
Best regards,
Kevin Kunze

Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
One who deceives will always find those who allow themselves to be deceived. ~ Nicolo Machiavelli