1) Former baseball player dies of glioblastoma at age 38. The type was in another article that was not as complete as this one. Many sports figures have died of this cancer and some suspect it could be because of the radar guns that are used to determine speed of balls hit.
Former baseball star dead from brain cancer at 38
(click on photos to enlarge)

info & Brain Cancer Victim List – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/brain-cancer/
2) A bewildering decision by the CRTC in favor of the telecoms, as usual. Of course, the CRTC works to aid the telecoms, but will the courts help the municipalities to keep any rights re. 5G?
CRTC resolves issues in Gatineau access dispute – The Wire Report News – September 06, 2019:
“The CRTC has set guidelines for how the country’s largest telecoms and the city of Gatineau should delegate responsibilities when it comes to municipal rights-of-way access, following a two-year impasse between the disputing parties….
On who would absorb costs related to infrastructure relocation, Gatineau proposed and was granted a “sliding scale” approach where the city would bear all of the costs in the first few years of the telecom builds — considering the benefits infrastructure brings to its citizens — but over 16 years or more, the costs would gradually slide over to the telecoms because it’s harder for the city to make accurate predictions about whether a move would be needed in the future, the CRTC reasoned.
The sliding scale has been applied in previous decisions, the regulator noted. The telecoms pitched a 50/60 model, where the city would reimburse the telecoms 50 per cent of relocation costs and 60 per cent of related labour and engineering costs.
For bypass costs, which allow the city to work around telecom equipment and avoid relocation, the regulator scrapped a clause in the MAA that stipulated the telecoms must pay for the city having to work around the carriers’ equipment in the amount equal to a relocation. In its reasoning, the regulator said the city is “required to deal with the presence” of telecom equipment, which brings many benefits to the city, and cannot force the telecoms to pay the full bypass costs when there are more than one alternative and when relocation can be avoided. Otherwise, the city wouldn’t incentivize care for less expensive alternative options, the CRTC said.
The telecoms were able to keep a key provision in the MAA that required them to obtain a permit or submit a notice to the city if it made infrastructure changes that are deemed “significantly” larger that what came before it. The city was asking to eliminate the adverb, thus hypothetically broadening the scope of work that would require a permit or notice.
Friday’s decision also comes as the telecoms fight to have federally-regulated access to municipal infrastructure that they say is important for the onset of the next generation 5G network.”
3) There have been many updates with reminders that many things in your home could be emitting microwave radiation: cordless phones are horrible as are cell phones, microwave ovens, Wi-Fi routers and modems, laptops with Wi-Fi enabled, wireless baby monitors. Also, a couple of updates ago, there was an important report re. magnetic fields. A member sent this advice in regarding high magnetic fields, especially if you have older knob and tube wiring (I think she meant EMF and EMR).
“I had my house assessed and the EMR was off the charts; where 5 was acceptable level, it was 350 in the worst areas. I had severe symptoms for almost 4 years until I recently had the knob and tube wiring replaced in my house, stopped using a cordless phone and wireless keyboard and mouse. I don’t have wifi or a cell phone. My smart meter is radio off. Re-wiring lessened my symptoms gradually (intense pulsating and vibrating throughout the left side of my torso.”
4) Since the French agency tested 450 phones and found 90% to be emitting RF in excess of allowed limits, Dr. Arazi has been fighting to get the full report so that people would know which phones to avoid. Here is a partial list in this translated article which reports on the smartphones recalled.
Too many waves! The list of smartphones at fault
The list of smartphones involved
“For each smartphone pinned for its excessive emissions of electromagnetic waves, we indicate the date of the recall to order published by the ANFR and the decision that follows. An online document, linked, usually provides information on how to update the smartphone to reduce radiation.”
5) Many schools are limiting use of cellphones in schools, but a school in Montreal is banning cellphones entirely. Usually, the reason is to reduce distraction during classes, but regardless of the reasons, kids in these schools, especially this one in Montreal, are in safer schools with lower RF exposure. Now if there were a way to get all schools to take this first step.
Our Education Minister, Rob Fleming, won’t even consider reducing use of cellphones in schools. We need to get teachers and parents involved in this.
This Montreal High School’s Cellphone Ban Is Even Stricter Than Ontario’s
“Students are already looking at a cellphone ban in Ontario classrooms in November. Now, students at a Montreal high school will also have to deal with a ban on cellphones at their school, but with even more restrictions. While Ontario students can still use their phones during personal time, these Montreal students won’t be allowed to have them at all.
St. Thomas High School, located on West Island, will require students to leave their cellphones in their lockers for the whole day. The phones will also have to be turned off. This goes even farther than Ontario’s cellphone restrictions, which state that the phones can’t be allowed in the classroom but are fine during recess and in-between classes.”
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Any one who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices.” Voltaire