2019-09-05/06 Symptoms related to high magnetic fields

**You may have noticed that updates are not as regular as normal and with formatting oddities. I continue to have computer problems and will send them out as my email program and my provider (Shaw) allow.**

1)  For many years, studies have shown that exposure to EMF could lead to sleep problems and weakened immune systems that cause things like chronic fatigue, and many other symptoms that are similar to those exposed to RF.  Living near power lines and having high magnetic fields in homes can be as dangerous as living near an RF emitting transmitter.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Sleep Disruption: Evidence that both powerfrequency and radiofrequency magnetic fields may be a co-factor to investigate in treatments.

“In 1991, as a result of public protests, media attention and a number of court cases over possible health hazards from twin 400 kV transmission lines built in close proximity to the French village of Coutiches, near Lille, the national power supplier, Electricite de France agreed to fund a regular medical check-up of a number residents who lived close to the lines. A total of 117 residents were involved in the medical tests. They were to have a check-up and blood analysis done every six months. The initial findings, presented at the Assemblee Nationale in 1994, reported the following symptoms being found in the group:

tiredness; (chronic fatigue); headaches; insomnia – especially in children. [It was noted that the children’s insomnia would disappear when the power (and magnetic fields) was lower than usual and return when the power got back to full level. The children often could not sleep at all and often were sent to relatives’ homes, where they could sleep normally]; hypernervosity; hypotension; iron deficiency (later identified as pseudo iron deficiency – see below); 2 cases of severe anxiety/depression; 1 bone marrow cancer death in 1992; nausea and dizziness

Similar symptoms were also found in a 2008 survey by the French organization Criirem. Taking a group of people living near two transmission lines and a control group living further away, they found that sleep disturbance, memory problems, headaches, irritability and depression were significantly more frequent amongst those living close to the lines….

In 2006 the Victorian Government mandated the roll out of smart meters throughout the state and in late 2009 the rollout began, predominantly with a mesh network. Soon, newspaper articles started to appear in the Melbourne papers about people who were claiming that ever since a smart meter was installed on their home, they were having health problems, primarily insomnia and tinnitus, especially when the meter was located close to the person’s bedroom. In reply to these claims, the proponents of the rollout pointed out that the smart meter’s transmissions for power consumption were very brief, only 4-6 times a day, and therefore not capable of causing any health effects whatsoever. However, although the above was correct for measuring power usage, there can be thousands of other brief transmissions not related to electricity usage and these were not being mentioned in the reports and fact sheets extolling the many benefits of switching over to smart metering. The frequent nature of these transmissions was highlighted in a document from Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (USA) where, for a smart meter network, running over a 24-hour period, up to 190,000 transmission pulses can occur.[12]

In order to verify if this was the case with the smart meters being rolled out throughout Victoria, detailed measurements were then undertaken of a typical Melbourne home that had a smart meter recently installed. It was found that there are many brief but very frequent RF transmissions.[13] This contrasts with what occurs with an analogue electricity meter, which has no RF transmissions. The characteristics of the smart meter emissions therefore appears to be creating a new and unique human exposure situation where no research has yet been done on the possible impacts on health with prolonged close proximity exposure.”

https://www.emfacts.com/2019/09/chronic-fatigue-syndrome-and-sleep-disruption-evidence-that-both-powerfrequency-and-radiofrequency-magnetic-fields-may-be-a-co-factor-to-investigate-in-treatments/  (Very interesting comments at end.)

2)  An interesting insight by Patricia Burke.

Wireless Wars: First We Called Them Witches, Now We Call Them Conspiracy Theorists; We Are Still Burning the Women

At one end of the scale, we have individuals who have a sudden seizure. They then discover that they have a brain tumor on the side of head where they carried their cellphone, which may or may not be operable or survivable.

At the other end of the scale, we have women in Northern California who reported feeling unwell when smart grid infrastructure was installed in their neighborhoods, before the wireless meter was even installed on their homes.

Whether or not or how we recognize both of these realities will determine what happens to each of us in this generation, in addition to every other species in the line of fire of human endeavor.”


3) Health Canada now is pushing digital everything as far as personal information is concerned. Hackable and non-private digital records sent wirelessly.

https://access2022.ca/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwh8jrBRDQARIsAH7BsXeFA3CC8qbBIVrrtoYCmYfdzbVlzoTMW5NRO80e4C_JaB0A4xqdJlYaAjYBEALw_wcB    (1 minute YouTube)

4)  Fiber optic sensors in medicine have been used for some time but new uses are being found. What I found interesting is the fact that they are immune to some of the interferences that other types of sensors are not. This would, I imagine, apply to fiber optic cables compared to wireless. Wireless devices are extremely vulnerable to interference from other wireless sources.  See second paragraph under “Alexis Mendes”. I am unable to copy and paste it.

Medical Applications of Fiber-Optics”



I hope that others will consider writing about the revelation about cell phones exceeding SC 6 guidelines. This IS a public health issue.

Subject: Re: Cellphones exceeding Safety Code 6 limits
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2019 11:26:11 -0700
From: Sharon <citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca
To: Tam, Dr Theresa (PHAC/ASPC) <drtheresa.tam@canada.ca>

Dear Dr. Tam,

I appreciate your response, the only one I’ve received to date. Hopefully your office will consider this situation one that presents a danger to public health and will use its position to ask Health Canada to consider taking action to warn the public.


Sharon Noble.


Subject: Re: Cellphones exceeding Safety Code 6 limits
Date: Fri, 6 Sep 2019 17:23:57 +0000
From: Tam, Dr Theresa (PHAC/ASPC) <drtheresa.tam@canada.ca>
To: Citizens for Safer Tech [mailto:citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca]

Dear Ms. Noble,

Thank you for your emails.  As you have noted, responsibility within the federal government on this issue falls within the purview of Health Canada.

We will share this correspondence with them for appropriate follow up with you.

Office of the Chief Public Health Officer

Public Health Agency of Canada


From: Citizens for Safer Tech [mailto:citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca]
Sent: 2019-08-31 12:27 PM
To: Sharon; Tam, Dr Theresa (PHAC/ASPC); gregory.taylor@phac-aspc.gc.ca
Subject: Re: Cellphones exceeding Safety Code 6 limits

Dear Dr. Tam and Dr. Taylor,

Please note that this was sent to the Ministers on Aug. 29.  It is of vital importance and I ask for your consideration.


Sharon Noble


Dear Minister Petipas-Taylor and Minister Bains,

At least 4 years ago, studies showed that up to 90% of popular cell phones exceeded allowable European Specfic Absorption Rates (SAR) limits, limits which are higher than Canada’s. Yet Health Canada and ISED have been silent on this issue, even continuing to say that cells phones are safe, even for children.

Cell phones are used by approximately 90% of Canadians, including very young children. Health Canada established SAR at 1.6 W/kg at 5mm from the head many years ago when there were fewer subscribers and far fewer studies showing potential harm from microwave radiation, and long before this radiation was classified as a possible human carcinogen by WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer.



Subject: Fwd: Update 2019-09-03 Class action lawsuits against Apple, Samsung
Date: Wed, 4 Sep 2019 23:44:26 -0600 (MDT)
From: LAVONE GARNET (name given with permission)
To: Sonia Furstenau <soniafurstenau@gmail.com>, tricia datene <tricia.datene@leg.bc.ca>, mayor council <mayor.council@nanaimo.ca>keith.wilson@rdn.bc.ca, paul manly c1 <paul.manly.c1@parl.gc.ca>, Elizabeth May <elizabeth.may@parl.gc.ca>, OfficeofthePremier, Office PREM:EX <premier@gov.bc.ca>, andrew weaver mla <andrew.weaver.mla@leg.bc.ca>EMPR.Minister@gov.bc.ca

To Whom It Concerns:

There is so much controversy surrounding the Smart Meter and electromagnetic radiation issue that I think it is incumbent upon our politicians to investigate the discrepancies between what the industries that promote, sell and install devices that emit electromagnetic radiation tell us and those who dispute it. Because a BC Hydro employee told me last week that there had never been a Smart Meter fire, and Smart Meter fires have been reported many times in the media, how are we to and why should we believe any claims of BC Hydro? Why should we believe Health Canada Safety Code 6, also disputed, if we know that emr does affect us? Why should we believe BC Hydro, and their statement that Liberal Rich Coleman “misspoke” when he said we could keep our analogue meters? Why not announce that he misspoke? After all, why would we pay for something we could not keep? Why would we opt to have our analogue replaced with another analogue that we thought had been re-certified, if it would expire in 2 or 3 years, after previously paying/investing with the Legacy fee for so many years more?

We, the people, are not simply trying to be bad people, trying to make battle with our hydro company for no real reason. We are people who read scientific studies and books, who understand the effects of emr on our physiology. We truly have concerns that this technology puts our lives at risk.

BTW, the black cable that I think is for Telus’ fibre optic (5 G and eventually more mini cell towers) is on the BC Hydro line, making for a collaboration that will include Smart Technology and appliances in homes being measured by Smart Meters, which was the initial intention, as stated by Ontario’s Hydro One when they started to install Smart Meters. Indeed, with 5 G technology, this creates the capacity to measure much more than our energy consumption.

About 50 years ago, Rachel Carson warned us about pesticides and pollution. What happened? Did we, as a society, take heed? No, our world became much more polluted. Canada’s east coast cod fishery was depleted. What happened? Now, the Pacific salmon fishery is in danger, not to mention our oceans are polluted and dying. We were warned about climate change decades ago. What happened? No one really believed it could get so bad, and now we are on the brink of much worse, with extreme weather conditions. The tobacco industry hoodwinked and hooked millions of people on their cigarettes and what happened? Cancer rates rose along with the death rate. The fossil fuel industries have created plastic products that interfere with hormones, pollute our oceans and produce throwaway plastic items for cheap consumption that we don’t even need. I could go on and on. Now, the tech industry has provided us with another addiction to distract us from the reality and consequences of what we are doing.  The possibilities for future interference in natural living, rise exponentially with the installation of 5 G technology. Why do we, as a society allow these polluters to carry on without wise environmental and health assessments, before they do irreparable damage? What are our Government’s roles in this?

Below, please read Sharon Noble’s refutations of BC Hydro’s Gordon Doyle’s claims [see 4) & Letters:https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/2019-09-03-class-action-lawsuits-against-apple-samsung/]. Is it not time to have someone in our Government do the research to determine the truth and prevent widespread damage to human and wild life, including the pollinators on which we so depend, from widespread electromagnetic radiation?

Please do your utmost to help and inform the public!

Lavonne Garnett


Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters

“The absence of absolute proof does not mean the absence of risk,”     Dr.  Annie Sasco


Smart Meters, Cell Towers, Smart Phones, 5G and all things that radiate RF Radiation