1) The interviews from today’s 5G Crisis Summit, available until tomorrow morning.
If you are unable to watch these during the initial 24 hour period, they will be made available some time later.
2) Activist Post shared this interesting and surprising article found on CBS’s news website:
Cell Phones & Cancer: 8 Dumb Ways to Boost Possible Risk.
3) An example of how the industry misleads with “experts” who have conflicts of interests. When there is an article that refutes independent scientific evidence, always investigate bias.
(click on photo to enlarge)

CBS Sacramento Interviews Researcher Denouncing 5G Tower Risks. No Mention That He Has Consulted For Telecom Industry Since The ’90s.
“... yesterday CBS Sacramento ran a segment – “Are 5G Cell Sites A Health Hazard? UC Davis Researcher Says No” – featuring an interview with Jerry Bushberg, who has long ties to the cell phone industry….
In addition to his duties at the university and for the NCRP, Bushberg runs a health and medical physics consulting firm in Sacramento, the state capital. He has long served as an expert witness for the cell phone and broadcast industries on the health effects of RF energy, servicing, among others, Cingular Wireless (now AT&T), Crown Castle, Newpath Networks, and Verizon (through Mackenzie& Albritton, a San Francisco law firm)”
Here is the article in which Bushberg says there is no risk at all, misleading concerned parents.
4) Rogers is claiming that 5G is on its way in Vancouver, sending this to its customers:
“At Rogers, we believe in providing our customers with a network experience that empowers them to make more possible. By continuously investing right here in the Greater Vancouver Area, we’re working to deliver the network you need – for today and for years to come.”
I will be mailing paper copies to the Ministers as well as to CBC Marketplace. The cell phone “scandal” could be what is needed to raise awareness about EMR in Canada. Please feel free to share my letter widely and to write your own to the Ministers. Please don’t just copy mine and send it in to the Ministers, or refer to me by name. We need the Ministers to realize there are many of us demanding action. I hope to have a template to share soon that can be used for those who do not want to write their own letter.
From: Sharon Noble, Citizensforsafertech@shaw.ca
To: Navdeep.Bains@parl.gc.ca; Ginette.Petitpas-Taylor@parl.gc.ca
Date: 29 Aug 2019
Subject: Cell Phone Recall
Dear Minister Petitpas-Taylor and Minister Bains,
At least 4 years ago, studies showed that up to 90% of popular cell phones exceeded allowable European Specfic Absorption Rates (SAR) limits, limits which are higher than Canada’s. Yet Health Canada and ISED have been silent on this issue, even continuing to say that cells phones are safe, even for children.
Cell phones are used by approximately 90% of Canadians, including very young children. Health Canada established SAR at 1.6 W/kg at 5mm from the head many years ago when there were fewer subscribers and far fewer studies showing potential harm from microwave radiation, and long before this radiation was classified as a possible human carcinogen by WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer.
As defined by Dr. Devra Davis:
“The SAR is a measure of the maximum amount of microwave radiation absorbed by a test dummy, not the amount of microwave radiation emitted by a wireless device.
The SAR was based on a model of the human head taken from a military recruit at the top 10% in height and weight, and thus falls in the top 3% of all persons using phones today, when millions of children and smaller adults use these devices. Today most adults and growing numbers of young children use phones for thousands of minutes each month, according to PEW Foundation surveys and reports from the CTIA.” https://ehtrust.org/take-action/educate-yourself/sar-of-cell-phones-specific-absorption-rate/
In 2015, the French National Frequencies Agency (ANFR) investigated 450 models (including many of the most popular) of cell phones and found that 90% of them exceeded the European SAR level of 2W/kg by 200-400% or 1100% of the Canadian standard when held 10-15mm from the body. https://ntp.niehs.nih.gov/ntp/about_ntp/bsc/2018/june/publiccomm/phonegatealert_20180612_508.pdf
In 2017, CBC conducted an investigation into cell phones and found that 3 popular devices exceeded the guidelines by a significant amount. https://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/blog/company-responses-cellphones
In April 2019, Dr. Om Gandhi reported that cell phones tested in the US exceeded SAR levels by several fold. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/8688629/references#references Om Gandhi
In August 2019, the Chicago Tribune reported on its independent tests on 11 popular phones which confirmed all of the above. Cell phones are emitting higher levels of radiation than allowed by FCC and ISED when tested using the Federal guidelines — held 10-15 mm from the head and body. https://www.chicagotribune.com/investigations/ct-cell-phone-radiation-testing-20190821-72qgu4nzlfda5kyuhteiieh4da-story.html
The very same cell phones that failed tests are being used and continue to be sold in Canada yet the Ministry of Health has taken no action. Health Canada has failed to recall these phones or warn the public even though it has known for years that telecoms are not following SAR guidelines and that ISED is not monitoring these consumer products. It is this Ministry’s responsibility to immediately inform Canadians about the excessive radiation levels and the potential harm that could result from using or carrying a cell phone near their bodies.
As is done when other products, like children’s hoodies with strings or Scotchgard that failed to have a bilingual label, are thought to pose dangers, these cell phones should be recalled immediately. 30-40 million people are being put at risk, many of them children.
Yours sincerely,
Sharon Noble
(address omitted)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.” B.F. Skinner