A quick personal note: On Saturday at our Rally in Victoria, I left, on the steps of the Leg., a plastic bag containing a food container and a book that Timothy Schoechle left for me. I do hope that someone in our group picked it up and is wondering to whom it belongs since I never had a chance to do any reading.
See below in Letters a report on the fun Vancouver Rally by organizer Paul LeMay.
1) Words matter and Huawei seems to be trying to connect the idea of fiber optic cable and wireless by calling wireless to the home “Air Fiber”. No digging, no cables, and a “viable alternative to fiber”. Seems as if Huawei is seeing some competition from FTTH (fiber to the home).
(click on photo to enlarge)

Air-Fiber – an innovative WTTx solution leading to vibrant growth and unlimited possibilities
“Huawei WTTx solutions include wireless to the home (WTTH), wireless to the building (WTTB), wireless to the enterprise (WTTE), and wireless to the camera (WTTC). Featuring simple deployment, competitive cost and nomadic access, 4G LTE–based WTTx has been quickly commercialised and popularised by 180 operators around the world. But how can we further innovate the WTTx solutions to make it a viable alternative to fibre, as the 4.5G and 5G era approaches?
This has been answered by Air-Fiber, an enhanced WTTx solution for Ems, launched by Huawei during AfricaCom 2018. The innovative Air-Fiber solution requires no trenching during network deployment, greatly reducing the capital expenditure (CAPEX) and time-to-market (TTM). Cables and on-premise installation are not required in this solution, which can be optimising after-sales maintenance and reducing the operating expenses (OPEX) associated with sales, activation, and maintenance.”
Here is Huawei’s ad for wireless to the home (WTTx) using “air fiber”.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aLygnkAFBNs (4 min.)
2) When speaking about 5G, we need to speak about the safe option. We are not saying no internet. We want safe, secure, and better internet service through fiber optic cable. If we keep demanding, and the number of people demanding grows, the market will respond.
“The definition of SafeG recognizes that consumers will drive innovation through demand for safe and reliable wired technologies—innovation that will make our internet and telecommunications services safer, faster, more secure and more energy-efficient. We expect that demand to incentivize manufacturers and service providers to create ever more innovative and convenient wired services and devices for homes, shops, businesses, and even public spaces.“
An excellent flyer that will help in discussions with local councils, MPs, or friends. Please share either online or by printing off and circulating at markets, churches, schools, etc.
Good info about community-based fiber optic cable (that is entirely wired) networks.
3) Communities getting organized. Here is part of what is going on in Kingston, Ontario.
K4ST – Kingstonians For Safe Technology
“We had a very successful event in Kingston yesterday – a screening of Generation Zapped which attracted media attention. Here is the local news coverage:
Please feel free to share widely. Attached is the flyer we are using to draw people to our event. So far we have delivered 6500 flyers to our community and we are about to repeat that over the month of July for another screening of Generation Zapped in August. We also have a petition going and lawn signs. Check out our modest, soon-to-be-updated website for info. (www.K4ST.ca) Or if you’d like to hear more about our campaign from us, let us know!””
4) A presentation to Council by a mother in Peel, Ontario. A good example of what we should be doing before our Councils, our MLAs and our MPs.
– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3zdHJ764p4&feature=share (5 min.)
5) A member in Alberta is hoping to connect with other Albertans receiving this update who would like to join her in efforts to Stop 5G. She has asked me to give her name and email address:
Lori Curran <loricurran@gmail.com>
She is working on a policy proposal calling for a moratorium on 5G to bring to the Green Party of Alberta in September. Please share this with anyone you know in Alberta who shares our concerns and wants to get involved.
A short report on what happened during Vancouver’s Stop 5G Day of Action. As we might have expected, with only about two weeks notice, and this being our first organized placard carrying intervention, our participant turnout was quite modest: about 20 committed placard carrying folks. We rented a honey bee costume for someone to wear and our volunteer also carried a small placard on the matter specific to honey bees being affected. I walked hand in hand with her because the costume had a restricted visual field. This gave me an opportunity to watch the facial expressions on the people who saw it, and in the vast majority, it caused people to smile, and it certainly attracted children and the parents of young children.
The vast majority of people our crew encountered expressed a complete lack of knowledge about 5G. There is little doubt that seeing all of the placards caused many to ask our folks what it was, which in turn created opportunities for verbal information sharing, including handing them some flyers with explanations of the risks on them.
Joseph Roberts, the editor for Common Ground also showed up and carried one of the more blunt placards about UBC engaging in their “Live Lab” experiment on Point Grey campus, without the informed consent of either the student body or the staff. He opted to wade into the middle of the fairly large natural ally crowd (~1,000+ people) gathered at the Vegan Food Fest, which was being held in the north end of Creekside Park, which was just north of the “Telus World of Science”. This is the area where we chose to apply our focus on this first occasion. Many of our placard carrying protestors were reluctant about moving into the more crowded area, in part, as I later learned, because it was so windy. There was some concern that if a placard caught the wind at the wrong time, someone might lose control of their placard, and it might hit one or more others over the head accidentally.
Nevertheless, Joseph reported some success with his approach, as he wandered through the crowd. He said he engaged many who knew nothing about 5G… and that his walking through the crowd likely paid big dividends.
As our protestors began to make their way back to Olympic Village Plaza, we stopped and stood in front of The Telus World of Science entrance. One of our placards was quite blunt about Telus, which you can see here. Eventually, an insecurity official with World of Science came out to inform us that we were on private property and that we would have to leave. Of course, we were leaving as slow as humanly possible. But I believe we need to go back again on another weekend occasion and have another picket line to call attention to the World of Science not practicing safe or responsible science by having Telus as a sponsor. Science should always be about truth, not about being a schill for corporate sugar-daddies who seek to pervert science for their own material benefit. It is akin to having a “Monsanto World of Science”, or a “Macdonald Tobacco World of Health and Science”. This kind of hypocrisy has to be called out in a repeated fashion, so that every person understands that the World of Science is a “Cell out” in its provision of science knowledge to the public. Perhaps the next time, we should all wear white lab coats as we protest around the entrance of Telus.
Now for a few practical points: About half of our placards were professionally prepared, and we did a banner for our free concert. Eight of the 10 placards we had made measured 3’ X 3’, while two of the placards were 2’ wide by 4’ high. These were mounted next to the vertical stanchions that held the banner at the front of the stage in Olympic Village Plaza.
Our presence in Olympic Village Plaza also elicited some positive responses. One woman who lives in one of the condominia there told me she knew nothing about 5G until our concert, and she said she had just been diagnosed with Atrial Fibrillation, and she asked me IF I thought they were related. I asked her if she had WiFi in her apartment. She said yes. I asked if she had a cordless phone. She said yes. I asked her if she had a cell phone. And she said yes. I then said that if she was anything like me, then yes, this technology would eventually have an impact on her heart function, and that she needed to turn it off. She was so moved by what we did, she said she was going to distribute our information through her entire strata mid-rise building, which likely housed over 100 condo apartment units.
So we made some significant inroads there too.
Paul LeMay
see Videos, Letters & Photos – https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/videos-from-2nd-international-action-day-rallies-to-stop-5g-july-27-2019/
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Activism is the rent I pay for living on this planet.” -Alice Walker