1) A great video of concerned citizens at a city council meeting, along with info about the New York Times partnering with Verizon on 5G which explains the irresponsibly dangerous articles telling people 5G, and all microwave radiation, is just fine. No conflicts of interest admitted in the articles.
TO THE NEW YORK TIMES ~ A CALL FOR SCIENCE AND FULL DISCLOSURE by Anne Mayer – Citizens for 5G Awareness – July 18, 2019:
2) A report dated 2012 that identifies so many of the smeter issues. Nina lives in California where they had smeters several years before we did, so she had a lot of experience then. A great report, good reference material. Too bad nothing has improved since then — and that we still live with these dangerous devices on our homes.
Analysis: Smart Meter and Smart Grid Problems – Legislative Proposal
3) Studies have been available for decades, many done by the US military, showing that exposure to even low levels of EMR can cause health effects. This link includes a 4 minute video about the studies done by Frey and the Frey Effect or microwave hearing. Many other studies done by the US military are at https://magdahavas.com/category/from-zorys-archive/ under “historical” –> Zory’s archives. See the list of biological effects from Dr. Glaser’s documents — the US Navy has known about these effects since the 1970s, but the government denies their existence today.
In 1971, U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute Released Studies Indicating Exposure to Wireless Radiation Is Harmful. JustProveIt.Net Offers Link and More.
“Many people don’t know that the U.S. Naval Medical Research Institute paid for research on exposure to the same type of microwave (wireless) radiation frequencies that have been used for many years to operate common wireless devices (i.e. cell phones) and infrastructure (i.e. cell towers)….
Dr. Allan Frey was hired to conduct this research. He gave an interview about it for a 2010 article published in GQ Magazine: “Warning: Your Cell Phone May Be Hazardous to Your Health.”
The Cellular Phone Task Force devoted a website to the work of Dr. Frey. It includes a video which explains “The Frey Effect” and how microwave frequencies can be programmed to beam voices into the auditory cortex.”
This includes a link to a US Naval list of biological effects associated with exposure to low levels of EMR from the 1970s. Click on the pdf at the top of the list to see the very lengthy bibliography re. microwave biological effects.

https://www.magdahavas.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Glaser_1972_shortened.pdf &
https://magdahavas.com/introduction-to-from-zorys-archive/ &
4) Amazon is partnering with home builders and real estate agents to get their wireless products in homes even before the owner moves in. This allows for surreptitiously placed cameras, sensors, and transmitters to be installed in homes as they are being built so the owner has no choice and, perhaps, no awareness that everything is being monitored.
Why the housing industry should fear Amazon
“Now, Amazon (AMZN) is making its foray into residential real estate. Last week, the Alexa Fund, which invests in companies harnessing voice technology, participated in a $6.7 million round of funding to back Plant Prefab, a Southern California-based smart home builder.
There’s an obvious synergy between the future of home building and Amazon’s vision for the world. The behemoth just announced a whole suite of new Alexa-enabled devices, ranging from a microwave to smart plugs. And the Alexa Fund acquired video home security device Ring for $1 billion earlier this year. Given Amazon has 62% of the voice assistant market and most of Alexa usage happens inside the home — whether cooking, listening to music or the news, the e-commerce giant is looking to get involved in the first steps of real estate development.
Home builders are slowly keying into the need to innovate the processes and ways in which the next generation of home buyers want to live. The country’s largest home builder Lennar (LEN) announced in March that all new homes will include Alexa-enabled lights, smart locks, doorbells and thermostats.”
From: “Oona McOuat” (name given with permission)
To: “Peter Grove SSI Local Trustee” <pgrove@islandstrust.bc.ca>, “Peter Luckham, Chair” <pluckham@islandstrust.bc.ca>, “lpatrick” <lpatrick@islandstrust.bc.ca>, “ssiinfo” <ssiinfo@islandstrust.bc.ca>, ssidirector@crd.bc.ca
Sent: July 24, 2019
Subject: CREST, FirstNet & 5G
Hi Laura, Peter, Peter & Gary,
Hope you are enjoying this beautiful July.
This is interesting. A little bit like those Ukrainian nesting dolls…
1. CREST is planning on connecting their emergency services with the Lower Mainland’s E-Comm.
“As E-Comm also contracts with Motorola, this new partnership with CREST will enable the two organizations’ radio systems to be interconnected in the future, providing for significant public safety benefits for both regions.”
2. E-Comm, CREST and all emergency service agencies in Canada will be a part of Canada’s new PSBN – Public Safety Broadband Network – a nationwide wireless communications network. Canada is considering contracting a telecom to build this network for us:
“Through this Request for Information (RFI) process, ISED is seeking ICT/telecom industry perspectives on the following topics to inform the GoC’s approach to a PSBN for Canada:
· A viable business model; · Governance model; and · Ecosystem of applications, services and devices.”
3. This PSBN will have full information sharing with US-based FirstNet:
” Interoperability
Subject to agreement with FirstNet, additional network services and agreements are necessary to ensure PSBN users and FirstNet users can access services and other users necessary for them to perform their duties, from any point within either the PSBN or FirstNet at any time.
As reflected in the CISC’s Action Plan and accompanying Canada/United States (CANUS) Interoperability Working Group (IWG), communications interoperability between a Canadian PSBN authority and FirstNet are integral to sharing strategic and technical information across the border.”
4. AT&T won the US government contract to build the FirstNet network, and is using this dedicated broadband network to gather and sell private info to border patrol and police, allowing them to access personal data without a warrant.
A New Broadband Network Is Pitching Surveillance Enhancements to Cops Across the Country
5. AT&T will be using the $6.5 billion U.S. in federal FirstNet funding to turn every cell site they own into a 5G site.
AT&T says 5G will be a software upgrade to cell towers with FirstNet
I know it reads like a spy thriller. Truth is stranger than fiction!
Happy summer!
Oona McOuat
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“You will observe with concern how long a useful truth may be known, and exist, before it is generally received and acted on.” Ben Franklin
Sent from my safe, secure wired laptop with no Wi-Fi enabled.