1) Another location for the 2nd International Action Day Rally to Stop 5G. Get your signs ready and let’s make our voices heard. And keep your signs for the next Action Day.
Maple Ridge 5G rally is a go for July 27.
11:00 am at MP Dan Ruimy’s office, 22369 Lougheed Hwy.
2) There are now injuries, apparently caused by 5G, being reported in Switzerland blamed on new 5G transmitters installed in April.
The article, “With 5G We Feel like Guinea Pigs“ is in French but translates well.
“It happened overnight,” he says, “my ears started to make sounds, very loud, even though I did not even know what tinnitus was.” At the same time, he feels pain on the left side of the head and behind the skull. And a heart discomfort so violent that he thinks of a heart attack and that two days later, he goes to the emergency room. There, after a few tests, he is reassured by finding him a “sportsman’s heart”. When he mentions the presence of the antennas, the nurse replies that nobody is trained to inform him about the potential effects of these transmitters.“
The First Report of 5G Injury from Switzerland
The first reported injury of 5G in a news report comes from Switzerland, where 5G has been launched in102 locations. The weekly French-language Swiss magazine L’Illustré interviewed people living in Geneva after the 5G rollout with alarming details of illness. In their article, With 5G, We Feel Like Guinea Pigs, posted July 18, 2019, they report neighbors met to discuss their many common symptoms and many unanswered questions.
3) Washington State AG is suing US Navy about the Growlers associated with war games occurring in the Olympic Peninsula area and is preparing to sue for endangering protected species. Please send this information to your MPs and MLAs [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/contact/] and ask why they have ignored all of the information that has been sent to them. What have they done?
Washington’s Attorney General Sues the Navy
“Taking an extremely politically courageous action, Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson is suing the United States Navy for conducting is Whidbey Island EA-18G Growler operations in violation of the National Environmental Policy Act.…”
4) One of our members recorded Dr. Pall’s presentation in Victoria and has provided a couple of small clips. I’m sure more will be coming.
Dr. Pall — 5G I worry Most About
https://tinyurl.com/DRPallWorryMostAbout (4 min.)
Dr. Pall — 5GRunning as fast as we can in the Wrong direction
https://tinyurl.com/DRPallRunningFast (4 min.)
5) Dr. Mercola continues his efforts to educate his readers on EMR and 5G. Some very interesting suggestions toward the end about helping improve lives for those with autism, but how to escape the 24/7/365 5G emissions outside our home is still unable to be addressed. Too many variables.
Effects of electromagnetic fields on human health
“We’ve had magnetic fields and electric fields for about 100 years. Why didn’t we have autism? What changed in the mid-’80s was we went to DECT digital phones.
We went from these nice, smooth analog signals that our cells are used to dealing with to these pulsed square digital waves that can impact the calcium channels, the vibrational receptors on the outside of the cell. We also switched to power supplies that went from AC to DC … called switching power supplies. They chop up the power in a way that creates little transients … That’s essentially dirty electricity.
Instead of having a nice, smooth sine wave, you’re getting all these little spikes. Those are biologically active. Those are small from a power perspective…I think that’s really the key factor …”
A good card/pamphlet to hand out at rallies, markets, to friends, etc.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“Knowledge is Power.” Sir Francis Bacon, 1597