1) Update on presentations: Dr. Pall will present in Surrey, Elgin Hall, 14250 Crescent Road in South Surrey. Time for presentation to start is 2 pm on July 7th.
2) Most of you have read many studies about wireless’s radiation exposure and the harm that it does to living things, but many of you might not know much about the area Dr. Schoechle will speak about — completely wireless fiber optic networks that that provide “SafeG” — safe, efficient, secure, and much faster internet access.
Here is one of his reports:
Re-Inventing Wires: The Future of Landlines and Networks
(click on photo to enlarge)

3) The “smart grid” business is thriving and the plan is for it to continue to grow due, in large part, to “supportive government policies and regulations” even though they haven’t figured out how to protect our privacy and security.
“Factors such as rise in concerns regarding environmental protection and growth in adoption of smart grid technology to improve efficiency in energy conservation and consumption drive the market growth. Moreover, supportive government policies & regulations to use smart meters and rise in investments in digital electricity infrastructure supplement the market growth. However, lack of standardization and rise in privacy & security concerns are a few challenges faced by the industry. “
From: “Herb Boshier” (name given with permission)
To: “HLTH Minister” <HLTH.Minister@gov.bc.ca>, “Sharon Noble”
Sent: June 18, 2019
Subject: updated info for b.c health website study
To: “HLTH Minister” <HLTH.Minister@gov.bc.ca>, “Sharon Noble”
Sent: June 18, 2019
Subject: updated info for b.c health website study
Dear Minister of Health,
In past years 2011 your staff BC health officer concluded this study on BC Hydro and risk to human health.
As science and data moves forward in time, new data is being made available all the time about rf radiation and or links to power lines and health risks.
Since your study data looks at smart meters absent of power lines and other BC Hydro equipment and customer equipment devices it’s like looking at one drug, and not considering the interactions.
Examples: smart meters use the same radio frequency range as baby monitors and are licensed by Industry Canada, exactly the same as baby monitors.
One major difference is that in general baby monitors are not part of a muliti unit communications network.
in the attached (linked) file, for your reference. https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/2016-09-27-another-lie-exposed-this-about-rf-levels-of-smeters/
The amount of rf energy a home sees from smart meters varies depending on geographical location to other smart meters and BC Hydro collectors.
Your review does not take into account the interaction between customers’ equally licensed devices using the same frequencies as the smart meter.
Your review does not take into account the variable nature of smart meter transmissions that are part of a multi node communications network.
In the attached file you would find more accurate time data for time and length of transmissions; however that data lacks real world component testing within and near rf devices in home like baby monitors.
The data in general lacks and the major thing ignored is that smart meters are a part of a larger power grid system.
Lack of required repairs to power grid systems and lines can result in very high power rf emissions being transmitted from power lines these can pass thru smart meters as smart meters don’t filter out rf.
In the past, power companies were required by various agencies to clean up their rf transmissions from power lines.
Basically as the agencies moved to bands less prone to power line rf, the power companies said they would look after the emitted radiation problem themselves.
In the historical data from US military on spectrum scan of US power company equipment removed from service, the power levels and frequency range are such to cause significant damages to human health, and are outside of Safety Code 6, by gross margins of error such that BC Hydro is required by the BC Privacy Act to inform customers of health risk in its systems,
Why has this office not read the US gov historical data on US power grid equipment that become high power microwave and x-ray rf generators?
There is also the UK power line study where they found a correlation between childhood lukemia which is mostly fatal at the time of the study, between child’s distance to power lines and number of deaths,
Since smart meters are part of power grid systems they can’t be ruled out as the causative agent in that study although I would lean toward the US military data on the spectrum scans of defective power line equipment that is not repaired for years and years.
So where power levels are 1 watt in a smart meter, and the baby monitor is beside the baby, and the street level defective power line transmits in killowatts there is no increased cancer risk from BC Hydro self regulation of power equipment maintenance, although the WHO said you should study it more, and the UK study said it was positive correlation between childhood leukemia and power lines.
The general lack of up to date science speaks of the bias in BC Health.
One of the more complex components is the mixing of two rf transmissions.
This is one giant experiment.
Perhaps some of the cancer data from power lines can be calculated for BC Hydro employees who repair the defective lines with large power rf transmissions with zero safety concerns regarding Safety Code 6.
When BC Hydro is aware of safety issues ie. rf and microwave radiation from its lines, it should be required by BC Privacy Act to inform the public after the fact.
Herb Boshier
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
The cost of wireless convenience: EHS, infertility, cancer.
Sent from my wired computer, with all wireless functions disabled.