Are rises in Electro-Magnetic Field in the human environment, interacting with multiple environmental pollutions, the tripping point for increases in neurological deaths in the Western World?
“We hypothesise that over the last 25 years increases in background Electro-Magnetic-Fields within the human environment, impacting upon the extant and rising multiple interactive-environmental pollutants is the Tipping Point for the accelerating increases in neurological deaths in the Western world…For example, impacting on rising problems of air pollution, on what has been described as the neuro-inflammation hypothesis … whilst increased background of EMF are increasingly linked to both neurodegenerative disease and leukaemia, both associated with oxidative stress….
Neurological diseases have exploded in the last 25 years, confirmed by epidemiological data. UK epidemiologist Colin Pritchard et al published 2 studies – one in 2015 and one recently in 2019 – that showed that deaths due to neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia were skyrocketing in 21 Western countries, with the increases in the United States being particularly acute. The 2015 study found that people were developing dementia a decade earlier compared to 20 years ago (2010 vs. 1990) and that it was becoming regularly diagnosed in people in their late 40s, with death rates from early onset dementia soaring….
The 2015 study found that deaths caused by neurological disease had risen significantly in adults aged 55 to 74 and more than doubled in the over-75 population overall in 21 countries, with the highest neurological disease death rates in Finland and USA. But the rate of increase for the USA was much worse, where neurological deaths in men aged over 75 have nearly tripled and in women increased more than fivefold in 2010 compared to over 20 years ago in 1989-1991 Back in 1989-1991, USA used to be ranked #17 for neurological deaths in the age 55-74 group and #8 for the age >75 group, but starting in 2010, USA increased to the rank of #2 in both age groups. “The rate of increase in such a short time suggested a silent or even a hidden epidemic, in which environmental factors must play a major part, not just aging.” The environmental factors cited included chemical pollution and increased background electromagnetic fields (which includes wireless radiation).
3) One of the major concerns of many cybersecurity experts is that a wireless grid is extremely vulnerable to hacking or accident. And some of the most notorious hackers have been trying to find their way into the US power grid.When it goes down, again as experts warn, it will be down for months or longer. Canada’s cybersecurity experts have stated that there is little to prevent a major hack to our power grid — security measures are inadequate in the extreme.

“Over the past several months, security analysts at the Electric Information Sharing and Analysis Center (E-ISAC) and the critical-infrastructure security firm Dragos have been tracking a group of sophisticated hackers carrying out broad scans of dozens of US power grid targets, apparently looking for entry points into their networks. Scanning alone hardly represents a serious threat. But these hackers, known as Xenotime—or sometimes as the Triton actor, after their signature malware—have a particularly dark history. The Triton malware was designed to disable the so-called safety-instrument systems at Saudi Arabian oil refinery Petro Rabigh in a 2017 cyberattack, with the apparent aim of crippling equipment that monitors for leaks, explosions, or other catastrophic physical events. Dragos has called Xenotime “easily the most dangerous threat activity publicly known.””
4) Some more information on the FCC in the US relaxing the rules about siting of OTARD (over the air reception devices). The significance of this effort by FCC is explained by Kate Kheel in “Letters“. . We must become familiar with this because it is highly likely Canadian ISED will follow this route, too.
Alert! Oppose FCC 19-71 – send in Reply Comments by 6/17
File “reply comments” by Monday, June 17 on FCC WT Docket 19-7
“In 19-71, the FCC proposes to preempt more local and state authority by exempting certain wireless antennas on private property from permitting and regulation. The FCC wants to expand the current OTARD exemption – Over-the-Air Reception Devices – as a Plan B suggested by Comm. Rosenworcel in case the court overturns last fall’s rules deregulating small cell towers in the public right of way. The FCC says this is to facilitate 5G, smart cities, and broadband deployment.
At the present time, OTARD devices, such as DishTV on private property for the use of people on the private property, are exempt from state and local regulation if they are a certain size. The FCC wants to expand the OTARD definition to include hub and relay 2-way antennas for satellites and other wireless systems for wide public use as long as they are installed on private property. Cities, counties, and the state would no longer be able to regulate these antennas or require permits. These wireless facilities would be exempt.”
Instructions on how to file comments – below.
To read the comments already posted:
Specify Proceeding: 19-71, hit Return, then go to the bottom and hit Search.
The proposed rulemaking is short — 8 pages plus an appendix and FCC commissioner statements.
Proposed Changes (note: final rules could have further changes, eg. eliminating size or height restrictions):
“1. Amend Section 1.4000(a)(1)(i)(A) to read as follows:
(a)(1)(i)(A) An antenna that is used to receive direct broadcast satellite service, including direct to-home satellite service, or to receive or transmit fixed wireless signals via satellite, including a hub or relay antenna, and”
“2. Amend Section 1.4000(a)(1)(ii)(A) to read as follows:
(a)(1)(ii)(A) An antenna that is used to receive video programming services via multipoint distribution services, including multichannel multipoint distribution services, instructional television fixed services, and local multipoint distribution services, or to receive or transmit fixed wireless signals other than via satellite, including a hub or relay antenna, and”
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If these new rules are adopted, a network antenna located on private property would be exempt from local and state regulation (subject to size restrictions). This would include network systems for utility companies, broadband, wireless companies, and satellite, including SpaceX, OneWeb, etc.
The facilities would be exempt from permitting, public notice, public hearings, RF reports, discretionary permits, design guidelines, and all land use regulations, and they could be installed anywhere.
Unregulated and unpermitted co-location of multiple antennas on private property would also be possible.
Antennas would suddenly appear. Because they would be exempt, cities and counties would generally have no information about them – company name, specs, output, equipment, etc.
Property owners would be offered monthly income or free services to host these microwave facilities on their properties. Neighbor would be pitted against neighbor, as people signed contracts without regard for their neighbors. This would be open season.
This commandeering proposal by the FCC prohibits state and local governments from regulating the land within their jurisdiction and seems to violate the U.S. 10th amendment.
Interestingly, p. 16 of the FCC proposed rulemaking says:
“F. Federal Rules that May Duplicate, Overlap, or Conflict with the Proposed Rules
23. None.”
In addition to conflicting with U.S. Constitution protections for due process, privacy, and the rights of citizens, and protecting against search and seizure, the rules also conflict with the Americans with Disabilities Act for those disabled by electromagnetic sensitivity.
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice — it is conformity. ~ Rollo May