1) Kate Kheel has accumulated a lot of info on her website, some of which I’ve already shared but much I haven’t. Some examples are below. The rest are at:
Kudos to the state of Louisiana!! 103 voted in favor of a resolution calling for a study of the effects of 5g on the environment and public health. Zero opposed it!
Louisiana Becomes First State To Call For Study On Health Impacts Of 5G
“On May 29, the Louisiana House unanimously voted to have the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and the Department of Health study the effects of 5G technology on the environment and public health. The Louisiana legislature passed House Resolution 145 with a vote of 103 in favor and zero representatives voting against the measure. The bill calls for the results of the study to be submitted to the Louisiana House Committee on Natural Resources and Environment as well as the House Committee on Health and Welfare no later than sixty days prior to the start of the 2020 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature.”
To Bee, or Not to Bee, That Is the Five “G” Question – Olle Johansson
Dr. Olle Johansson asks, “Will it end with a thousand ‘G’ for a few, but with no bee for the rest of us?”
2) President of Poland signs the Appeal to Stop 5G according to one source, but another says this has not been confirmed. I am sharing both so that I don’t get emails telling me I missed one or the other. I will share anything more definite.
“In what is surely an unprecedented and groundbreaking action, the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, has personally backed an International Appeal to stop the controversial roll-out of 5G electromagnetic microwave telecommunication transmissions.
5G, a new millimetre band frequency range being introduced by the telecommunications industry worldwide has been identified by over 2,000 scientists and 1,400 medical doctors from all over the world, as presenting a direct threat to human health, as well as to animal, insect and plant life.”
https://www.wakingtimes.com/2019/06/10/prime-minister-of-poland-signs-global-appeal-to-stop-5g/ Did!
https://www.globalresearch.ca/prime-minister-poland-signs-global-appeal-stop-5g/5680098 Not confirmed
3) There is a lot of interesting info in this article. For example, there are more than 2 dozen cities, communities, organizations suing the US government and the FCC for forcing them to have 5G with no option or input. A key fact is that the benefits people will realize from 5G are drastically overstated — a hard (and dishonest) sales job to get us to allow microcells outside our homes.
(click on photo to enlarge)

Judge Orders British Man Opposing 5G Released from Jail – Attempts to Silence Him Failed
“4-G has a 50 millisecond latency, which means there can be a 50 millisecond delay in response to a command.
5-G is supposed to have a 1 millionth of a second delay or latency. Do you really think that a person can observe the difference between 1 millionth of a second and 50 millionths of a second?
We are not talking 1 second versus 2 seconds or 1 tenth of a second versus 1 second. We are talking about millionths of seconds.
The only benefit of having a 1 millisecond latency is for machine-to-machine communication such as might be used in driverless cars, 5-G traffic lights, and surveillance equipment – otherwise it is of minimal value to smartphone users. [3]
But, Doesn’t 5-G promise faster Downloads?
Is it really going to change anyone’s life if they can download a movie in 10 seconds versus 2 minutes? How many movies does a person need to download in a day? How many movies can a person watch in a day?
Super-fast downloads and uploads will mainly be beneficial to those using 5-G for surveillance tasks. It will enable inspectors to do real-time monitoring of city streets and to look inside of buildings. It will be needed by driverless cars and for 5-G controlled traffic lights and signage.” [3]
I hope you will do what Jerry has done — tell your local politicians, mayors, councillors, MLAs, MPs, health authorities where the nearest presentation is. [https://stopsmartmetersbc.com/z/bc-contact-e-mail-lists/] [https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/health/about-bc-s-health-care-system/office-of-the-provincial-health-officer/bc-medical-health-officers-and-provinical-health-officer-november-2016.pdf]
From: “Jerry Flynn” (name given with permission)
To: “ian thorpe” <ian.thorpe@nanaimo.ca>, “bob rogers” <bob.rogers@rdn.bc.ca>, “keith wilson” <keith.wilson@rdn.bc.ca>, “vanessa craig” <vanessa.craig@rdn.bc.ca>, “maureen young” <maureen.young@rdn.bc.ca>, “leanne salter” <leanne.salter@rdn.bc.ca>, “stuart mclean” <stuart.mclean@rdn.bc.ca>, mayor@qualicumbeach.com, “erin hemmens” <erin.hemmens@nanaimo.ca>, “sheryl armstrong” <sheryl.armstrong@nanaimo.ca>
Sent: June 10, 2019
Subject: The Dangers of 5G Technology Explained – Dr. Martin Pall, PhD. – Vancouver Island
Dear VIHA Medical Health Officers,
Your own families and all VIHA patients would forever be grateful if they knew you had attended one of Dr. Martin Pall’s public meetings on the dangers of “5G” technology and other hazardous wireless radiation issues, which the world knows are not taught in medical schools.
5G, Wi-Fi Network Radiation Hazards – Talks Scheduled in Southern BC.
Guest Speaker:
Dr. Martin L. Pall, PhD., Professor Emeritus, Washington State University, is a world-class expert on the biological health effects of radio frequency (RF) electro-magnetic field (EMF) radiation. EMFs.
Salt Spring Island – June 24-29
Victoria – July 03
Nanaimo – July 04
Bowen Island – July 05
Vancouver – July 06
Surrey – July 07
For details, consult the Community Empowerment Town Hall Series website: www.CETH.ca
Jerry Flynn, Captain (Retired)
Sharon Noble, Director, Coalition to Stop Smart Meters
“If you see fraud and do not say fraud, you are a fraud.” ~ Nicholas Nassim Taleb